Sin (adultery and fornication) has consequences.. and I dunno why any business thinks they should have to kick in even a dime in such a case
6/26/2022 7:29 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/25/2022 5:40:00 PM (view original):
The NRA is in it for the long game. They are solidly anti abortion. Fewer births means fewer guns sold.
6/26/2022 7:30 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/26/2022 7:29:00 AM (view original):
Sin (adultery and fornication) has consequences.. and I dunno why any business thinks they should have to kick in even a dime in such a case
Spoken like a foreigner.
Perhaps the reason they should is because in the USA most of our health insurance comes through our employers.
Thus Dick's (and other businesses) provide health insurance which COVERS maternity benefits!!
For both birth AND complications. Abortion(s) are medical procedures. so, IF Dick's has to provide insurance and benefits to Mother's then they SHOULD provide access to medical procedures for complications. Their purpose is to create an attractive workplace and retain quality employees.

I suspect they'll pay far more in benefits for the births and increasing family sizes than they will pay to provide coverage for complications such as abortions.
That procedure is relatively simple and far less expensive than the typical birth.
And far less risky to the Mother statistically!
6/26/2022 8:57 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/25/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):

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This is funny. The Garfield cartoon is apt, because there is no such things as conservative “news.” There’s conservative lies, conservative propaganda, conservative bullshit… but news? Nah. Just talking points for idiots who can’t think for themselves.
6/26/2022 9:31 AM
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So the Supreme Court just held that the states hold the ultimate authority on the legality of abortion, and your proposed solutions include that the Federal government should require employers to provide access even where not legal? Legally speaking that's going to be a total non-starter.

So how about your "good one." If states make abortions illegal, hospitals obviously can't provide them. So you think those hospitals should lose their Federal funding? The best solution to a problem of restricted access to women's reproductive health services is to bankrupt a bunch of hospitals in low-income areas so that millions of Americans lose functional access to ALL health services? And this would be an improvement?

I was briefly on a free Federally-subsidized health plan (ACA). The reality is that the access to preventative care was limited. The ACA plans still require a lot to be handled via ERs and other hospital services. If you pull federal funding from hospitals in low-income areas you potentially remove access to the majority of services provided by ACA-supported health plans and totally undermine the whole thing. You think that's what the Democrats want to do?
6/26/2022 11:59 AM
Posted by contrarian23 on 6/26/2022 9:31:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/25/2022 3:48:00 PM (view original):

Conservative news | Most popular Conservative news websites

Top 100 Conservative Websites by Global Alexa Rating
This is funny. The Garfield cartoon is apt, because there is no such things as conservative “news.” There’s conservative lies, conservative propaganda, conservative bullshit… but news? Nah. Just talking points for idiots who can’t think for themselves.
I know that this will sound mean spirited but I think that only about 20% of republican voters are normal people and those are attracted to that party for selfish self interest or some cuban Americans in Florida who think that the democrats are too easy with Cuba and many Vietnamese people who mistakenly are republican voters because it was under a republican administration that they started to come here after the war. Ironically they don’t give credit to the democrats for trying to save them and sacrificing so many for them. I know all this because experience and very close affiliation.
As far as caucasians most of the professional people with money who voted for Trump the last time want nothing to do with him but would certainly vote for a DeSantis. Greed is a powerful engine.
This is not scientific but those I know that vote or shade republican have a bit of racism also and the body of republicans are generally racist. They group together even when it is counter to their best interest
because the Republican party who has the tent of racists to varying degrees.

Fact - about 75-80% of republicans think Trump won the last election.
Fact - in the day about the same amount thought that Obama was born outside the USA. Probably the general figure survives to this day.
Fact - The majority of republicans are faithful to Fox News and lap up proven and verifiable lies and can’t recognize hate from commentary.
Fact - about 100% of the literally millions of white supremacists in this country be they nazis or Kkk or garden variety hate mongers are proud republicans for reasons that have to do with the correct perception of how the Republicans treat the poor especially people of color. Let us not forget that the R tent includes the milllions of Q anon believers and reptilian believers and the gamut of wacko conspiracy theory nut cases and the vast majority of creationists
manx LGBTQ haters. Quite a tent to be in and stand shoulder to shoulder with.

In short if this was an intelligent country the republicans would be a 25-33% party especially now.

I have been saying for about 10 years that this is an exceedingly stupid and dumb country and the vast majority are republicans in the south.

Until people who are true center independents and democrats vote in overwhelming numbers this country is in grave grave peril.
It almost happened here and now they are going for a putsch in every state.

Let me not overlook some stupidity of people on the left whose first thing instinct is to eat their young.
I have seen several people assigning blame to the democratic party for the end of Roe v Wade.
They say the democrats did not do enough oblivious to the obstacles of the fillibuster and about 48 intransitive republicans senators. That too qualifies as stupid.

On the taking away federal money if hospitals don’t give access if on state property wouldn’t state law prevail?

Ps. None of this applies to Strikeout with whome i parry occasionally. I do realize that he is a libertarian and not a republican so I’m not thinking of you at all in this.
6/26/2022 12:34 PM (edited)

6/26/2022 12:18 PM
If you want to hear some hilarious stuff and you are on instagram check out Michael Rappaport.
He is the most hilarious Trump hater there is.
6/26/2022 12:20 PM
Before I sign off get a load of this one.
At a maggot rally with Trump by her side Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois thanked Trump for the victory of White Life in the Supreme Court the day before. She got a roaring ovation and Trump smiled and said thank you.

For real.
6/26/2022 2:29 PM (edited)
mostly peaceful meant one.
The only place in the country that has any amount of antifa to speak about is in the Seattle and Portland area.

And genius - what the F does Antifa have to do with Democrats. They are immature anarchists and are not democrats or considered democrats so give it a rest.

Get it Got it Get it !?
6/26/2022 3:32 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/26/2022 3:33:00 PM (view original):
mostly peaceful meant one.
The only place in the country that has any amount of antifa to speak about is in the Seattle and Portland area.

And genius - what the F does Antifa have to do with Democrats. They are immature anarchists and are not democrats or considered democrats so give it a rest.

Get it Got it Get it !?

Pro-Abortion Rioters Attempt to Storm Arizona Capitol, Disrupt Senate Session

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6/26/2022 3:46 PM
Your kind are maybe 100 million and up and would vote for a totally and obviously evil degenerate dick face like Trump.

Thats why this country is in a mess not doing enough for environment because of fillibuster and handling the pandemic miserably and now disparaging the LBGQ community and burning books and telling teachers to not teach proper honest history because it hurts the snowflake egos of the GOP being what is.
6/26/2022 3:47 PM
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