Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 9:35:00 PM (view original):
you make no sense. how do you know he would have had the wherewithal to get that good n illegally.
Just because you wishful think that does not make it true.
Yeah - just give up and play dead.
I actually make a lot of sense. I’m a very smart and logical person. And we have tons of evidence that proves criminals will get guns illegally. Laws do not stop them. See Chicago. The majority of murders there are committed with illegally owned guns.

And you are an evil person for saying that I “wishful think” that he would acquire it illegally. That is a terrible and untrue thing to say.
5/27/2022 9:42 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 9:40:00 PM (view original):
thank you for calling me smart.
I am smart and you are wasting your smartness when you choose to be a contrarian who would rather be generally on the republican side of the issue.
You do realize that the “Republican” side is sometimes right and your side is sometimes right. I’m not playing contrarian on this issue. Honestly, no one is right on this issue. One side has terrible ideas and one side has no ideas. I’m guilty. I’m not proposing solutions either because I don’t have any. But I do know a bad solution when I hear one.
5/27/2022 9:45 PM
again, these shooters are maniac criminals not bank robbing criminals who don’t have a death wish.
Again, police are not afraid of handguns and regular rifles.
If the assault weapons are illegal and access is very very very limited maybe some people would have been killed but the murderer would have been killed much much sooner.
5/27/2022 10:07 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 9:01:00 PM (view original):
Name a “common sense” policy that would have prevented this tragedy.

Before you say it, raising the age wouldn’t have stopped this lunatic. He clearly showed he didn’t care about gun laws.

Background checks didn’t stop this guy. He got one and passed it.

Banning AR-15’s wouldn’t have stopped this guy. You can add a high capacity magazine to most guns. And yes, most handguns are semi-automatic just like AR-15’s are.

So, I have not heard a “common sense” solution yet from anyone except Ted Cruz and people laughed at him for it.

Just because someone disagrees with bad solutions, doesn’t make them “nutz”.
  1. abolish the 2nd amendment
  2. let the states work it out

for example, if texas loves guns, let texans pack

if cali hates guns, let cali jail the packers
5/27/2022 10:58 PM
no that would not have prevented the tragedy

but it would allow calis to stop everyone at the border and make foreigners declare, like they must fruit, what they are packing in

and texans to say That aint no tragedy, we sorta like seein the kid exercise his freedoms

5/27/2022 11:05 PM (edited)
I believe this was a case of demon possession. He started by shooting his grandmother. How sick is that?

OK if not demon possession, how do we explain this? This guy's mind was evil

Banning guns will not solve this problem. It is next to impossible for ANY Government to solve this problem. Mass shootings are a weekly ocurrance now.

When I was a teenager, this was all but unheard of.. 1962 to 2022. How we have 'evoloved'

"In the last days, evil men will become worse and worse." Yep. and we are watching it happen

5/28/2022 1:55 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 9:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 9:35:00 PM (view original):
you make no sense. how do you know he would have had the wherewithal to get that good n illegally.
Just because you wishful think that does not make it true.
Yeah - just give up and play dead.
I actually make a lot of sense. I’m a very smart and logical person. And we have tons of evidence that proves criminals will get guns illegally. Laws do not stop them. See Chicago. The majority of murders there are committed with illegally owned guns.

And you are an evil person for saying that I “wishful think” that he would acquire it illegally. That is a terrible and untrue thing to say.
Yep. Canada implemented a Gun Registration program about 20 years ago. it has not reduced the number of deaths by bullets. The bad guys laugh at this, and will always be able to get a gun

We do not punish our murderers, and for eg the Surrey six killings? The perps are still walking around today.. Hanging works much better than our so called Justice system

Call me a fanatic, but I will insist that the ONLY solution to stop this is that the whole nation turns to God, and with a repentent heart..This means everyone who has an ounce of faith. . My reference for this is found in 2 Chor 7:14. and nothing else will work.. I know because we have tried everything else

If I lived in California, I could rob a store at gunpoint, and would be charged with a misdemeanor.
The left calls that a survival crime' and no proof is needed to call that as rubbish

The 'left' also runs California. Is the right any better? Looking at Texas, I think not. They are all corrupt.. and despite their good intentions, they know not at what they stumble
5/28/2022 2:04 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 5/28/2022 1:55:00 AM (view original):
I believe this was a case of demon possession. He started by shooting his grandmother. How sick is that?

OK if not demon possession, how do we explain this? This guy's mind was evil

Banning guns will not solve this problem. It is next to impossible for ANY Government to solve this problem. Mass shootings are a weekly ocurrance now.

When I was a teenager, this was all but unheard of.. 1962 to 2022. How we have 'evoloved'

"In the last days, evil men will become worse and worse." Yep. and we are watching it happen

why is him killing his grandmother any sicker then him killing a bunch of young kids in a school?
And how does that show it was demon possession? I'm doubtful such a thing exists. Some people are just evil.
5/31/2022 4:31 PM
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no problem. You believe demonic possession exists I really have no problem with that except it seems you are saying the guy bears no responsibility as he was possessed at the time.. I can't agree with that.. the Bible also tells you that Abraham lived to 175. Do you believe that too? How about Methuselah being 969 years old?
5/31/2022 8:20 PM (edited)
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I know a guy whose car was possessed.
5/31/2022 9:35 PM
Posted by Mwett on 5/31/2022 8:32:00 PM (view original):
This is part of what I meant. I'm not going down a rabbit hole with this. Cherry picking verses to justify it all must be hogwash. I don't know why what happened happened. Apples. I'll give some slack to your offering of 'doubting' demon possession exists rather than definitively stomping your foot about it. Oranges.
I'm not gonna say demonic possession doesn't exist because I don't know. Just because I've never seen something, that does not mean it doesn't exist. I've never seen a live dinosaur, but I'm pretty sure they existed. I'm also not going to say Abraham didn't live to 175. I wasn't around at the time (I may be old but not that old). I also won't say the Bible is not true. I don't know. It may be true, but I do know there are parts of it I find hard to believe.
6/1/2022 12:32 AM
Wylie. I THINK you need a reason to believe.

Without a reason to suspend logic, there are illogical events represented as fact.
For example. The Immaculate conception.
To believe that REQUIRES a reason to suspend your logical understanding.

Thus, is why,the phrase religion is the opiate of the masses has relevance.

Blind Faith is difficult for thinking humans.
Easier for those with less critical reasoning.

That's why the evangelicals vote for Trump/Republicans even though they vote for evil incarnate as they cast their ballot.
It's termed ignorance IMO.
6/1/2022 1:02 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 9:42:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 9:35:00 PM (view original):
you make no sense. how do you know he would have had the wherewithal to get that good n illegally.
Just because you wishful think that does not make it true.
Yeah - just give up and play dead.
I actually make a lot of sense. I’m a very smart and logical person. And we have tons of evidence that proves criminals will get guns illegally. Laws do not stop them. See Chicago. The majority of murders there are committed with illegally owned guns.

And you are an evil person for saying that I “wishful think” that he would acquire it illegally. That is a terrible and untrue thing to say.
He is mild mannered, Like Clark Kent.. That's how we talk in here.. Kinda sad, aint it? Canada has a gun registration program.. It cost the taxyers MONEY, but did NOT reduce the number of murders.. although our RATE is about a tenth of that of the US..

Wanna know one phrase you never hear from the mouth of a leftie? 'Taxpayers Money' They think it is their money

6/1/2022 8:59 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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