Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Posted by wylie715 on 5/27/2022 4:52:00 PM (view original):
as I have said before, I have no problem with someone having a handgun for personal protection or a rifle for hunting. But there should be more training before you can get any kind of gun, more background checking, and no one has ever given me a reason why any average citizen needs an automatic rifle.I have had people tell me they are fun to shoot. Fine, if you want to have that kind of fun, go to a gun range and shoot one there. No reason anyone needs to own one.
agreed. you should have to be 21 to get a gun and then there should be training and pass a test just like getting a car license.
Anyone complaining about that as an infringement on the second amendment is a loser.
Every single gun should not be able to be sold without a universal background check after acquiring the permit to own.
5/27/2022 6:20 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 6:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 6:01:00 PM (view original):
I’m definitely not a huge gun person, but you’re suggestion does next to nothing to curb gun violence. The vast, vast, vast majority of gun violence is with handguns. Banning AR’s would do very little to prevent gun death.

Also AR’s are not “assault weapons” or “automatic weapons”, unless they’ve been altered illegally.
drinking some cool aid?
and who cares about guns that evryone calls assault weapons.
Where are the mass shootings where a handgun is used.
The mass murderers do not use handguns.
Nah, anyone who has been around here an extended amount of time knows that I’m not a “cool aid” drinker.

But you are arguing on the edge and I’m going to guess that’s because you don’t have a coherent argument for the center. Mass shootings are statistically very rare. I’m not sure why your focus would be there other than they get massive media coverage and the bulk of shootings do not.

The terminology with the guns does matter and no, not everyone calls AR-15’s “assault weapons”. Everyone that doesn’t know much about guns calls them assault weapons. An AR-15 is a semiautomatic weapon which means that you pull the trigger once and you get one bullet.

I’m not a gun apologist, but the solutions being presented by politicians and the media would do nothing to curb gun violence and they especially wouldn’t stop mass shootings. For one thing, these demonic creatures don’t care about laws. The guy in Uvalde and the guy in Buffalo broke a bunch of different gun laws. Also, both guns were legally purchased and both shooters passed background checks. I’m all for coming up with good solutions, but I’m not a fan of doing something just so we can say we did something as Chris Murphy suggested we do.

You have to remember, we have 390M guns in circulation in the US. If a demented person wants one, he will get it. The solution doesn’t seem to lie in more gun control. It seems that more security is the answer.

And as far as a handgun being used in a mass shooting, I point you to VA Tech.
5/27/2022 6:38 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 6:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/27/2022 4:52:00 PM (view original):
as I have said before, I have no problem with someone having a handgun for personal protection or a rifle for hunting. But there should be more training before you can get any kind of gun, more background checking, and no one has ever given me a reason why any average citizen needs an automatic rifle.I have had people tell me they are fun to shoot. Fine, if you want to have that kind of fun, go to a gun range and shoot one there. No reason anyone needs to own one.
agreed. you should have to be 21 to get a gun and then there should be training and pass a test just like getting a car license.
Anyone complaining about that as an infringement on the second amendment is a loser.
Every single gun should not be able to be sold without a universal background check after acquiring the permit to own.
I disagree with the age requirement, but I do agree that you should have to pass a gun safety course. I’m pretty sure you can’t operate a forklift without a permit. Not sure why you should be able to operate a gun without one.

Don’t go down the road of thinking that anyone who disagrees with you is a bad person or a “loser” in your words. It makes you look unintelligent and it’s bad for the future of the country.

I’m cool with universal background checks, but it wouldn’t save as many lives as you think. As I stated above, most of the guns used in the high profile shootings were purchased legally with a background check.
5/27/2022 6:44 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 6:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 6:01:00 PM (view original):
I’m definitely not a huge gun person, but you’re suggestion does next to nothing to curb gun violence. The vast, vast, vast majority of gun violence is with handguns. Banning AR’s would do very little to prevent gun death.

Also AR’s are not “assault weapons” or “automatic weapons”, unless they’ve been altered illegally.
drinking some cool aid?
and who cares about guns that evryone calls assault weapons.
Where are the mass shootings where a handgun is used.
The mass murderers do not use handguns.
Nah, anyone who has been around here an extended amount of time knows that I’m not a “cool aid” drinker.

But you are arguing on the edge and I’m going to guess that’s because you don’t have a coherent argument for the center. Mass shootings are statistically very rare. I’m not sure why your focus would be there other than they get massive media coverage and the bulk of shootings do not.

The terminology with the guns does matter and no, not everyone calls AR-15’s “assault weapons”. Everyone that doesn’t know much about guns calls them assault weapons. An AR-15 is a semiautomatic weapon which means that you pull the trigger once and you get one bullet.

I’m not a gun apologist, but the solutions being presented by politicians and the media would do nothing to curb gun violence and they especially wouldn’t stop mass shootings. For one thing, these demonic creatures don’t care about laws. The guy in Uvalde and the guy in Buffalo broke a bunch of different gun laws. Also, both guns were legally purchased and both shooters passed background checks. I’m all for coming up with good solutions, but I’m not a fan of doing something just so we can say we did something as Chris Murphy suggested we do.

You have to remember, we have 390M guns in circulation in the US. If a demented person wants one, he will get it. The solution doesn’t seem to lie in more gun control. It seems that more security is the answer.

And as far as a handgun being used in a mass shooting, I point you to VA Tech.
you said nothing of value.
5/27/2022 7:17 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 6:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 5/27/2022 6:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/27/2022 4:52:00 PM (view original):
as I have said before, I have no problem with someone having a handgun for personal protection or a rifle for hunting. But there should be more training before you can get any kind of gun, more background checking, and no one has ever given me a reason why any average citizen needs an automatic rifle.I have had people tell me they are fun to shoot. Fine, if you want to have that kind of fun, go to a gun range and shoot one there. No reason anyone needs to own one.
agreed. you should have to be 21 to get a gun and then there should be training and pass a test just like getting a car license.
Anyone complaining about that as an infringement on the second amendment is a loser.
Every single gun should not be able to be sold without a universal background check after acquiring the permit to own.
I disagree with the age requirement, but I do agree that you should have to pass a gun safety course. I’m pretty sure you can’t operate a forklift without a permit. Not sure why you should be able to operate a gun without one.

Don’t go down the road of thinking that anyone who disagrees with you is a bad person or a “loser” in your words. It makes you look unintelligent and it’s bad for the future of the country.

I’m cool with universal background checks, but it wouldn’t save as many lives as you think. As I stated above, most of the guns used in the high profile shootings were purchased legally with a background check.
sorry - i don’t throw the word loser around but sometimes the word is accurate.

It is so comforting that you are cool with background checks and there have been too many rampages and other gun deaths by people 18-19.

what is bad for the future of this country are the Republicans.
5/27/2022 7:20 PM
why is drinking only for 21 and older.
Recognized maturity level.

How in this stinkin republican obstructionist government is it do horrific to change the age to 21.
By 2022 I will call them losers and I hope that some republican voters start to see actual reality.
5/27/2022 7:25 PM
BTW - i’m not on tv.
Im going to use the descriptions that I think are appropriate and I don’t really care if it bothers you
or any other Republicans.
If someone said it about democrats it would just make me laugh derisively but it would not bother me one iota.
5/27/2022 7:29 PM
it is about time that good decent republicans start up get angry too and if they don’t it means that the country is rotting at its core.
These despicable people in Congress doing the complete bidding of the NRA are disgusting and downright evil or extremely deluded.
5/27/2022 7:32 PM
I don’t mean this offensively, although it’s going to come across that way; but have you ever had an original thought or do you only parrot mainstream talking points?
5/27/2022 7:35 PM
I’m starting to see now why this forum has died. We used to have some really great debates. Guess those days are gone.
5/27/2022 7:37 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 7:35:00 PM (view original):
I don’t mean this offensively, although it’s going to come across that way; but have you ever had an original thought or do you only parrot mainstream talking points?
that is a dumb and stupid comment.
Shows an idiotic point of view.
I think it might be the stupidest thing you ever posted.
5/27/2022 7:46 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 7:37:00 PM (view original):
I’m starting to see now why this forum has died. We used to have some really great debates. Guess those days are gone.
you started with me not be allowed to use descriptions of certain people that i consider either evil or deluded.
so it is on people like you.

If i was conversing with people who agree with me it could be interesting.
I don’t consider debating right wing people a worthwhile endeavor.

You have doug and lnf who are the the worst of the worst conspiracy theorists bible pushing morons that there could be,.. Another guy is intelligent but has to be on top of the hill or he attacks.
We have a guy who is only capable of printing a column you can get every day in your email.
There was another guy who participated in one sentence posts.

I don’t question your right to your opinion but i don’t have to respect it.
5/27/2022 7:53 PM
and by the way - not you but there were 3 anti jewish people 1 of which is dead and another who thinks Israel is a racist country that should not be a jewish state.

So do I respect the people in these forums? .A giant NO.

One guy actually said he never met a jewish person but in his opinion they act like nazis.
5/27/2022 8:01 PM (edited)
So in other words, you don’t have an argument for anything so you resort to attacks. Gotcha.
5/27/2022 8:03 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/27/2022 8:03:00 PM (view original):
So in other words, you don’t have an argument for anything so you resort to attacks. Gotcha.
Damned right I am on the attack on Republican congress and their base.
Yes on the attack and proud of it.
5/27/2022 8:12 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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