Posted by Fregoe on 3/21/2022 12:29:00 PM (view original):
Just seeing this for the first time. I feel like this is cheating. But I need to get an understanding of this soon.
It's an incredibly helpful tool. Especially when you're taking over a new team or reviewing someone else's team. I've used it a lot when helping others review their lineups, distro, etc. It doesn't tell you
everything and it does have limitations in some regards (I don't know how accurate the defense is for zone, 8-9 man lineups aren't able to get win% and offensive/defensive matchups, every team needs to be running pg1/pg2/sg1/sg2/etc., small stuff like that) but, even with that being said, it's a seriously beneficial tool.
I was trying to help a coach a few months back who couldn't get into it because they coach from their phone which is another fair critique but like.. it provides SO much information in a neat and orderly fashion. I told them it's still absolutely worth getting Google Sheets or whatever since you're spending just as much time/frustration opening up all of the tabs and stuff on a normal team gameplan. It really only takes 2-5 minutes to set up and you just get a lot of information lined up nicely.