Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

Posted by laramiebob on 2/15/2022 7:56:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 2/15/2022 7:21:00 AM (view original):
I hope Trump runs for Pres again and I believe if he does, he will be ELECTED

BUT maybe you like the idea of your tax dollars going to Medicare for the Illegals. Maybe you like your freedoms being take from you. If so Vote left
SAVED (for evidentiary purposes) to demonstrate the complete and total delusion, thorough lack of ANY self awareness regarding internal bias this Poster possesses. And (of course) as a reminder to NOT post political CRAP and meddle into another COUNTRY's business and political affairs!!

Trump will NEVER be elected to ANY office again!! (Not even Dog Catcher!).
1st--- He won't run because he won't risk losing AGAIN!!!!
2nd---He'll be ineligible and MAY be in Prison (where HE Belongs!!!)

And 3rd. IF he does get elected again, this Country will erupt into chaos and internal civil war.
Not what ANY Canuck should want!

Fortunately, I think you're completely daft and are so wrong it isn't an issue.
BUT, IF I'm wrong................my time as an American LIVING within it's borders are finished!!
This (over 70 year old citizen at that time!) proud American and His family will become ex-Pats............somewhere!
Working on my ex-pat plan now. Puerto Vallarta is gorgeous this time of year!
2/15/2022 10:38 AM
Feller can live pretty cheaply in Mexico, too. It don't take many pesos for a taco.
2/15/2022 10:50 AM
hope you can hang onto your head

although to be truthful 80 bullets were expended kinda catty corner from the Spot 79 a couple days ago

2/15/2022 11:58 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 2/15/2022 7:23:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 2/14/2022 1:17:00 PM (view original):
An intelligent post and a post that does not resort to name calling are not always the same thing.
You seem to think of only what fits your own narrative as being intelligent. The left is 100% Intolerant, and most chatrooms prove this. The slurs on Dougout are a perfect example. You are an upgrade on many of them though
2/15/2022 11:59 AM
you know, when you called him the meme king

wait maybe that was me

i have so many intolerantly fresh ideas

2/15/2022 12:03 PM
Posted by bagchucker on 2/15/2022 12:03:00 PM (view original):
you know, when you called him the meme king

wait maybe that was me

i have so many intolerantly fresh ideas

Dougout gets it 24-7 in here and all you kids know it.

2/16/2022 1:16 AM
LOL!!! Dougout??? Gets what????

LOL. He's been wrong on EVERY issue he posts on..............when he bothers to actually post something.........instead of a dumb and un-original meme.
2/16/2022 7:57 AM
I know 13 police were wounded in 24 hours earlier this week and the perps weren't Right-wing reactionaries.
2/16/2022 11:21 AM
"I know 13 police were wounded in 24 hours earlier this week and the perps weren't Right-wing reactionaries."

Are you sure??
Has anyone been convicted?
or are you relying on those same news reports you right wing nutjobs think lie to you all the time.............??

What's the PROOF that one (or more) of the "perps" weren't "right-wing reactionaries"?
I've seen plenty of violence perpetrated by right wing nutjobs thru-out my 68 years on earth.
Haven't you? .......... or does Fox and the like NOT report violence committed by the likes of the swastika wearers, CSA Flag bearers, etc. who parade around the cities and pretty near all over the south.
Funny thing is........instead of helping drive the illegals back home (or reporting them as illegal) they hire them to mow their yards and clean their pools.
Such is the reality of the right wingers nowadays.............. since Trump, of course.
The old guard at least held some principles.........even if many of them were backwards, fearful and WRONG!
They at least held some real Patriotic intent.
Not so nowadays.
One Party is the province of scoundrels, liars, LOSERS, and dunces.
2/16/2022 11:36 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 2/16/2022 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Are you sure??
Has anyone been convicted?
or are you relying on those same news reports you right wing nutjobs think lie to you all the time.............??

What's the PROOF that one (or more) of the "perps" weren't "right-wing reactionaries"?
I've seen plenty of violence perpetrated by right wing nutjobs thru-out my 68 years on earth.
Haven't you? .......... or does Fox and the like NOT report violence committed by the likes of the swastika wearers, CSA Flag bearers, etc. who parade around the cities and pretty near all over the south.
Funny thing is........instead of helping drive the illegals back home (or reporting them as illegal) they hire them to mow their yards and clean their pools.
Such is the reality of the right wingers nowadays.............. since Trump, of course.
The old guard at least held some principles.........even if many of them were backwards, fearful and WRONG!
They at least held some real Patriotic intent.
Not so nowadays.
One Party is the province of scoundrels, liars, LOSERS, and dunces.
Well, the story is a few days old. Let's see what I can find.
2/16/2022 11:37 AM

13 officers who were shot on Friday, February 11 serve four different states, including Arizona, Maryland, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.

Some commentators attribute the surge in crime, and in officer-targeted shootings, to rhetoric from Democratic leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

Congresswoman AOC was accused of anti-cop sentiment for criticizing the New York Police Department's annual budget, saying a proposed $1billion budget cut in 2020 was "not enough."

Representative Omar also voiced support for decreased police budgets, saying that the "current infrastructure" of American policing is harmful to marginalized communities, and "we can't go about creating a different process with the same infrastructure in place."

However, some believe the "Defund The Police" and its reforms lead to an uptick in "entitlement" among violent criminals who no longer fear repercussions for attacking cops directly.

In Frederick, Maryland, two officers were responding to a call of a suspicious person near Boscov's department store.

Officers Bryan Snyder, 43, and Kristen Kowalsky, 32, were shot in the upper body; the suspect, 25-year-old Dominique Lamarr Lewis, was shot as well.

A helicopter airlifted both officers and the suspect to the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. All three are expected to recover.

In New Mexico, an officer was shot following a chase down State Road 333.

When approached by the officer at a gas station, the suspect slammed his Cadillac into the patrol car, then crashed into a guardrail after a pursuit.

Both suspects left the car to flee on foot, and the male suspect shot the officer. The officer was treated and released at a hospital.

A Pennsylvania SWAT officer was saved by his bulletproof vest when serving a drug warrant on West Lehigh Avenue in Philadelphia.

The suspect inside reportedly shot through the wall, striking the SWAT officer.

The officer was treated and released and the suspect was arrested at the scene.

"Thank God, our brave SWAT officer will physically recover from this cowardly attack," tweeted Philadelphia Police Department Commissioner Danielle Outlaw.

"Emboldened, violent criminals seemingly think it's open season on our communities and our officers. It's sickening, and it has to stop! I'm proud of our officers; we will not back down!"

The highest casualty total came from a brutal shootout in Arizona that injured nine officers.

The altercation happened as officers responded to a call in South Phoenix, where a woman had reportedly been shot inside a home.

According to police, the suspected gunman allegedly invited the responding officers inside before he opened fire.

"The suspect ambushed him with a gun and shot him several times," Sgt. Andy Williams told reporters at the scene.

At some point during the standoff, an unidentified man stepped out of the home with a baby girl and placed her in a carrier outside the house before raising his hands to surrender to police.

"An adult male came to the door holding a baby, an infant," Sgt Williams recounted.

After the man surrendered the baby and himself, the suspect opened fire on officers from inside the home.

Officers were seen running for their lives as they returned fire.

"Those officers were all able to get back to safety, while two other officers returned fire at the suspect," Sgt. Williams said.

Police do not immediately believe the baby was brought out in an attempt to lure other officers. The child was uninjured.

When officers made entry into the home, the suspect was deceased inside. A female victim, believed to be the baby's mother, died at the hospital.

All injured officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries. Some officers remained on the scene despite having been injured.

2/16/2022 11:44 AM

Thirteen police officers were wounded in shootings over a 24-hour period across four states Friday.

“This is what we call the war on cops,” Betsy Brantner Smith, spokeswoman for the National Police Association and a 29-year police veteran who trains officers, told Fox News Digital.

“[W]e are constantly attacked, and we are either attacked doing very simple things — traffic stop, responding to a 911 call, a domestic. All of that.”

The incidents happened in Arizona, Maryland, New Mexico and Pennsylvania. Here are some details:

Arizona: 9 officers shot

Nine police officers were wounded during a Friday morning shootout in Phoenix while responding to a domestic dispute that resulted in the deaths of a suspect and a female victim. Police initially responded to a report of a woman shot at a home in the area of 51st Avenue and Elwood Street. The suspect had initially invited the officers inside before allegedly opening fire and striking one of the officers multiple times, police officials said.

Photos from the scene show the suspect bringing out a baby during the standoff. Four officers were shot while moving to rescue the baby.

Maryland: 2 police officers shot

Later Friday afternoon, two police officers were shot and wounded in Frederick, Maryland, while responding to calls of a suspicious person. The suspect was also shot during the incident, and Maryland officials transported him to a nearby hospital.


New Mexico: 1 state trooper shot

A New Mexico State Police officer was also shot and wounded Friday afternoon while pursuing a vehicle that rammed into his police vehicle.

Pennsylvania: 1 SWAT officer shot

On Friday evening, a Philadelphia SWAT officer was shot while serving a drug warrant at an apartment building. A suspect inside the apartment allegedly fired two shots through the wall, striking the lead officer in his body armor, FOX 29 Philadelphia reported.

More police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2021 than any previous year since 1995. While officer line-of-duty deaths reached record highs beginning in 2020 due to COVID-19, killings of officers are also up, according to the FBI’s law enforcement officers killed in action (LEOKA) data.

59% increase

In 2021, the FBI counted 73 officers intentionally killed in the line of duty. That’s a nearly 59% increase compared to the 46 intentionally killed in 2020.


The last time more than 72 officers were killed was in 1995, when 74 officers were intentionally killed on the job, according to LEOKA data. The next highest number of officers intentionally killed on duty was 72 in 2011, according to LEOKA data analyzed in a report by the Heartland Institute.

That number was 55 in 2012; 27 in 2013; 51 in 2014; 41 in 2015; 66 in 2016; 46 in 2017; 56 in 2018; and 48 in 2019.

Family members of NYPD Officer Wilbert Mora react after receiving a flag from the honor guard following Mora’s funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Feb. 2, 2022, in New York City.
(Associated Press)

While American law enforcement officers “have always known” the risk of putting on a badge, nearly two years of anti-police rhetoric is not helping police or criminals, Brantner Smith said.


“When you constantly tell people that this one entity — somebody in a blue or a bright green uniform — is dangerous to you and that you should resist them, of course we’re going to have increased attacks on law enforcement,” she explained. “And, unfortunately, not only has it become a big media issue, but it’s become a huge political issue.”

Progressive policies to blame?

Branter Smith and former New York City Police Commissioner Howard Safir pointed to progressive bail reform and prosecution policies that have allowed repeat offenders to be released from prison and back into their communities without vetting.


“The message that politicians and district attorneys have been sending to criminals is you can commit crimes with impunity,” Safir said. “And since they’re not doing stop, question and frisk anymore, criminals are emboldened to carry guns now that they would not have before. And it’s just a downward cycle into chaos.”

Then-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, right, speaks as New York City Police Commissioner Howard Safir looks on during a news conference in an undated photo. Safir served as commissioner from 1996 to 2000.

Violent crime in general across major U.S. cities has increased over the past two years.

Murders up 44%

Murders across 22 major U.S. cities increased 44% in 2021 compared to 2019 and 5% compared to 2020. There were 218 more murders in the 22 cities in 2021, according to updated findings from the Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ), a nonpartisan criminal justice policy organization.

As for other forms of violent crime, CCJ reported an 8% increase in gun assaults, a 4% rise in aggravated assaults and a 1% surge in robbery rates after robberies dropped in 2020. The organization noted reports of carjackings and train robberies that became more prevalent in 2021. Domestic violence also increased 4% since 2020 in 11 cities.

The violent crime on top of anti-police rhetoric is making officers in those cities want to move to smaller departments or leave law enforcement entirely, Branter Smith said. As a result, some of the largest departments in the country are experiencing staffing shortages, which, in turn, makes it more difficult for officers to respond to calls and combat crime.

2/16/2022 11:48 AM
“13 officers who were shot on Friday, February 11 serve four different states, including Arizona, Maryland, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania.

Some commentators attribute the surge in crime, and in officer-targeted shootings, to rhetoric from Democratic leaders like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.

Congresswoman AOC was accused of anti-cop sentiment for criticizing the New York Police Department's annual budget, saying a proposed $1billion budget cut in 2020 was "not enough."

Representative Omar also voiced support for decreased police budgets, saying that the "current infrastructure" of American policing is harmful to marginalized communities, and "we can't go about creating a different process with the same infrastructure in place."

you’ve got to be ******* kidding me

2/16/2022 12:11 PM
These are the people who don’t think Trump incited a riot on 1/6 by telling a large crowd to take back their country and fight like hell to stop the certification, but AOC and Omar talking about budgets - which they’re in the very small minority of democrats who support that - led to shootings. It’s ******* Candyland on that side.
2/16/2022 12:14 PM
Posted by DougOut on 2/16/2022 12:25:00 PM (view original):
Here's something I don't know. Where's the $1.9 trillion that was spent back in March, the package Biden said was for COVID relief? I know less than nine percent actually went towards COVID spending and COVID relief, but that other 91%. Some of It went to crazy items, $2 million to plant trees in Syracuse or $4 million for a parking lot in South Carolina, $1,400 to Japanese citizens in Japan, checks to prisoners, $16 million for a golf course in Palm Beach....but really...where's the rest of it? It's ridiculous. What did Biden do with $1.9 TRILLION DOLLARS?

Here's something I do know. Biden just asked for 30 Billion more.
The info is public, buddy. One google search and you can find it!

Joe Biden turned budget deficits in dozens of cities to budget surpluses. It's actually really cool
2/16/2022 12:34 PM
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Right-wing reactionaries - fight the real enemy Topic

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