The air has become become more rarified and I like it.
1/5/2022 5:24 PM

Nazi Germany was birthed by Hitler and he and the nazis spread big lies and the worst of that country willfully embraced and strengthened it.

Make no mistake about it. Trump is a proven fascist
and he has birthed the big lie about the election voting integrity and he used his people who are the worst of our country to soldier his coup and organized a political coup with his fascist coterie. He asked Pence to be his Himmler but arrogant Pence refused.

That 62% of republicans think that Biden is not the legitimate president and that the election was illegally stolen from Trump proves that we have a horribly dumb and gullible gigantic core of millions of people here who
are ready willing and desirous to follow a racist and fascist leader.
Just as in Germany another advanced nation is having the veneer of a wise people violently stripped away.

In Germany the good people tried to leave and the rest were either taken to camps or had to cower in fear for 14 years.
Most of the germans were willing executioners of their democracy and willing to empower the nazi party in their goals.

That the 62% and the majority of republican politicians on local and state and federal levels work for and with Maga which is the Anerican nazi party means it is happening here and it is getting worse.

The next 4 years is the crucible.
1/6/2022 1:20 PM (edited)
Posted by wylie715 on 1/4/2022 11:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/4/2022 10:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2022 8:32:00 AM (view original):
"This is a cold on 'roids"

It IS!
But it's a cold that can kill you.
Or damage your internal organs permanently.

The common cold doesn't do that.
The FACT is that folks who won't get the "jab" are endangering the entire global population as their refusal allows the virus to replicate itself and morph into something that COULD be far far more deadly.

The FACT is that there are all sorts of moronic individuals who won't get vaccinated but are gung-ho for experimental treatments to ease the virus' effects.
IF folks had been such skeptics of science (and such moronic numbskulls!!) we'd NEVER have withstood the polio outbreak all those years ago without losing millions of our children to polio!

Con men like Trump have nearly succeeded in convincing the gullible that freedom begins with ignorance. While it is true that ignorance is bliss, the problem this time is that your ignorance is allowing for the takeover of our Republic by evil fools who ONLY want personal power to avoid paying that terrible price a lifetime of evil has produced.

Traitors need to be hanged............not coddled.
In THIS case, I'm for hanging him HIGH!! As publicly as possible.
Lar Bob.. really? You would put me in jail for not getting the needle. Did I get this right??

I have heard that version of no vax.. and I do NOT buy it. Even if I got the jab..

Suppose I call everyone who takes this jab a moron for being so naiive? Or for believing big Pharma? You need to respect the freedoms of people. . . . whether you like their decisions or not. Make sense?

Well, I tried
Okay,I respect your decision not to get the vaccination, although I don't really understand it. You need to respect the freedom of places that refuse to serve people or allow people in their establishments due to lack of mask or vaccine.
* You need to respect the freedom of places that refuse to serve people or ...*

and I do

I have no problem with the mask ,,,except I find them uncomfortable,,
1/6/2022 10:53 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 1/5/2022 12:54:00 PM (view original):

There is another worry out there.
It is called Flurona and is the co-infection
of flu and covid. It is having both flu and covid at the same time.
Experts say kids will be highly susceptible due to lack of immunity and experts are not sure if it will be a dangerous disease like early covid and delta yet but they do say that outcomes will be better for young children.

I think common sense would say two is not better then one.
Ahh more boogiemen.

Let's all go get that MSc in Covid.
1/6/2022 10:57 PM
Im starting to imagine RICO charges against Trump and his group that tried to overthrow the government by lies and fraud about the election integrity and the result and trying to get officials including Pence to commit illegal acts and through acts of intimidation and coercion and defamation to accomplish their goals.

RICO would be a perfect vehicle.

There could be a separate RICO for the specific actions and plot to stop the certification on January 6 by use of a stoked and dangerous mob of fanatics.

Two coup attempts - political and armed attempt to stop the congressional process to overturn the election. RICO is perfect.
1/6/2022 11:45 PM (edited)
Happy New Year

Kamala Harris makes George W. Bush look articulate. Your Diversity Hire is not looking like a good fit for the position...But hey, good luck with that.
1/7/2022 6:26 AM (edited)
A very Happy New Year to you Doc.
I dont think she is inarticulate but I definitely feel that she lacks the it quality necessary to be an accepted top tier leader at that level.
There have been far far worse at lacking the authoritative manner and the capacity needed to be perceived as effective to the masses.
Athough I praise her policies and goals I Dont think she has the outward personna that will inspire enough people to win.

To become president sometimes style can outweigh substance.
1/7/2022 9:17 AM

Very easily more police could have been killed and Pence and Pelosi captured and killed and many other members of Congress also killed.
As Trump refused to stop the attack pipe bombs could have been detonated.

Trump would stop it too late.
He would declare martial law and perhaps congress would be in disarray or even decapitated.
He would seize greater power. Bring the military under tight control and fire anyone standing in his way.
He would use loyal national guard to control states.

He would refuse to cede power citing election fraud and non certification and national emergency.
Courts would be powerless without existing democratic institutions to support them.
There would be chaos and militias and disorder.

The country would erupt with violence.
The American military has 1.3 million people.
The Trump army of heavily armed to the teeth volunteers would be several million and there would be police and military and national guard loyal to Trump.

This did almost happen. It was the plan.
1/7/2022 3:22 PM (edited)
Posted by DoctorKz on 1/7/2022 6:26:00 AM (view original):
Happy New Year

Kamala Harris makes George W. Bush look articulate. Your Diversity Hire is not looking like a good fit for the position...But hey, good luck with that.
Doc - even if she was not the most qualified choice she was the best choice.
Vice Presidents are almost always chosen for geography and demographics. Winning against Trump was a matter of national security as proven in the subsequent events.
1/7/2022 3:27 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 1/7/2022 9:17:00 AM (view original):
A very Happy New Year to you Doc.
I dont think she is inarticulate but I definitely feel that she lacks the it quality necessary to be an accepted top tier leader at that level.
There have been far far worse at lacking the authoritative manner and the capacity needed to be perceived as effective to the masses.
Athough I praise her policies and goals I Dont think she has the outward personna that will inspire enough people to win.

To become president sometimes style can outweigh substance.
sometimes?? Most of the time, if not all the time.
1/7/2022 8:03 PM
The Ahmaud Arbery murderers were sentenced in Georgia yesterday. Two were sentenced to life in prison without the right to parole and one can apply for parole after 30 years in prison.
1/8/2022 1:23 PM
Clyde Phillips where are you?

It was promised that there would be an exciting announcement this morning about Dexter following the finale episode last night.

There is great expectation that Showtime will green light a Harrison spin off.
1/10/2022 2:35 PM
Turns out the big announcement was from some guy from Showtime talking about Dvd and blu ray and special limited edition of the series.
1/11/2022 9:01 AM
For an honest and unstupifed perspective the current death rate in the USA is 1 per 392 people.
1/11/2022 6:49 PM (edited)
Whatever happened to TP.
pod casts have killed the radio star.
1/11/2022 6:50 PM
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