Thursday is January 6 and the Trump has plans to glorify the criminals that stormed the capitol killing and
maiming and injuring police officers and damaging the capitol AND trying to kill Pence and Pelosi and other members of Congress.

Jan 6 - Trump’s annual day of fascism.
When you have a dumb country like these United Shaites anything id possible.
They walk among us.
1/4/2022 9:23 AM
For those that love jazz or want to try it and see what might be in it for them there are 2 fabulous terrestrial radio stations that you can listen to on all devices at all times.

The first is WRTI - the Temple University radio station hailing out of the town Ben Franklin built.
The station alternates classical during the day and early evening and jazz rules the night and early morning.
WRTI could easily be the best station for classical and Jazz anywhere.

The other station WGBO is full time jazz and is out of Newark NJ.

Both of these stations play very healthy amounts of the early waves of jazz from the days of Charlie Parker to the present but lots and lots from the fifties and sixties and early 70s.
They dont play new for the sake of playing new releases.
Only really high quality new albums that can fit the criteria of excellence and don’t expect any smooth jazz.
WRTI has a show and countdown on new releases each week.

They have Djs hosting and discussing what they play.

If you want to educate yourself about truly great jazz these 2 stations are the place to go!
1/4/2022 10:47 AM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2022 8:32:00 AM (view original):
"This is a cold on 'roids"

It IS!
But it's a cold that can kill you.
Or damage your internal organs permanently.

The common cold doesn't do that.
The FACT is that folks who won't get the "jab" are endangering the entire global population as their refusal allows the virus to replicate itself and morph into something that COULD be far far more deadly.

The FACT is that there are all sorts of moronic individuals who won't get vaccinated but are gung-ho for experimental treatments to ease the virus' effects.
IF folks had been such skeptics of science (and such moronic numbskulls!!) we'd NEVER have withstood the polio outbreak all those years ago without losing millions of our children to polio!

Con men like Trump have nearly succeeded in convincing the gullible that freedom begins with ignorance. While it is true that ignorance is bliss, the problem this time is that your ignorance is allowing for the takeover of our Republic by evil fools who ONLY want personal power to avoid paying that terrible price a lifetime of evil has produced.

Traitors need to be hanged............not coddled.
In THIS case, I'm for hanging him HIGH!! As publicly as possible.
Lar Bob.. really? You would put me in jail for not getting the needle. Did I get this right??

I have heard that version of no vax.. and I do NOT buy it. Even if I got the jab..

Suppose I call everyone who takes this jab a moron for being so naiive? Or for believing big Pharma? You need to respect the freedoms of people. . . . whether you like their decisions or not. Make sense?

Well, I tried and for the record, IF you are vaxxed then you are supposed to be protected, right? So if I am not jabbed, just what's your problem?? Unless the Vaccine doesn't work all that well
1/6/2022 10:51 PM (edited)
Posted by Jetson21 on 1/4/2022 10:47:00 AM (view original):
For those that love jazz or want to try it and see what might be in it for them there are 2 fabulous terrestrial radio stations that you can listen to on all devices at all times.

The first is WRTI - the Temple University radio station hailing out of the town Ben Franklin built.
The station alternates classical during the day and early evening and jazz rules the night and early morning.
WRTI could easily be the best station for classical and Jazz anywhere.

The other station WGBO is full time jazz and is out of Newark NJ.

Both of these stations play very healthy amounts of the early waves of jazz from the days of Charlie Parker to the present but lots and lots from the fifties and sixties and early 70s.
They dont play new for the sake of playing new releases.
Only really high quality new albums that can fit the criteria of excellence and don’t expect any smooth jazz.
WRTI has a show and countdown on new releases each week.

They have Djs hosting and discussing what they play.

If you want to educate yourself about truly great jazz these 2 stations are the place to go!
Totally into good music. T'ks
1/4/2022 11:00 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/4/2022 10:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2022 8:32:00 AM (view original):
"This is a cold on 'roids"

It IS!
But it's a cold that can kill you.
Or damage your internal organs permanently.

The common cold doesn't do that.
The FACT is that folks who won't get the "jab" are endangering the entire global population as their refusal allows the virus to replicate itself and morph into something that COULD be far far more deadly.

The FACT is that there are all sorts of moronic individuals who won't get vaccinated but are gung-ho for experimental treatments to ease the virus' effects.
IF folks had been such skeptics of science (and such moronic numbskulls!!) we'd NEVER have withstood the polio outbreak all those years ago without losing millions of our children to polio!

Con men like Trump have nearly succeeded in convincing the gullible that freedom begins with ignorance. While it is true that ignorance is bliss, the problem this time is that your ignorance is allowing for the takeover of our Republic by evil fools who ONLY want personal power to avoid paying that terrible price a lifetime of evil has produced.

Traitors need to be hanged............not coddled.
In THIS case, I'm for hanging him HIGH!! As publicly as possible.
Lar Bob.. really? You would put me in jail for not getting the needle. Did I get this right??

I have heard that version of no vax.. and I do NOT buy it. Even if I got the jab..

Suppose I call everyone who takes this jab a moron for being so naiive? Or for believing big Pharma? You need to respect the freedoms of people. . . . whether you like their decisions or not. Make sense?

Well, I tried
Okay,I respect your decision not to get the vaccination, although I don't really understand it. You need to respect the freedom of places that refuse to serve people or allow people in their establishments due to lack of mask or vaccine.
1/4/2022 11:03 PM
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Posted by Jetson21 on 1/4/2022 10:47:00 AM (view original):
For those that love jazz or want to try it and see what might be in it for them there are 2 fabulous terrestrial radio stations that you can listen to on all devices at all times.

The first is WRTI - the Temple University radio station hailing out of the town Ben Franklin built.
The station alternates classical during the day and early evening and jazz rules the night and early morning.
WRTI could easily be the best station for classical and Jazz anywhere.

The other station WGBO is full time jazz and is out of Newark NJ.

Both of these stations play very healthy amounts of the early waves of jazz from the days of Charlie Parker to the present but lots and lots from the fifties and sixties and early 70s.
They dont play new for the sake of playing new releases.
Only really high quality new albums that can fit the criteria of excellence and don’t expect any smooth jazz.
WRTI has a show and countdown on new releases each week.

They have Djs hosting and discussing what they play.

If you want to educate yourself about truly great jazz these 2 stations are the place to go!
WRTI has HD and HD2 stations.
Sometimes Jazz is on terrestrial but if you want to hear on google home or Alexa you can throughout most if not all of the time.
For Google you say - hey Google play WRTI Jazz 90.1 on Tunein.
And the corresponding request for Alexa.

WGBO is full time terrestrial radio - just ask to play WGBO in the regular customary way.

If you want classical it is automatic on the google home assistant - just say hey google play wrti and most of the hours it will play classical.

I kid you not that WRTI is both the best jazz and best classical stations in the United States.
1/5/2022 12:52 AM (edited)
Today at 2:30 Merritt Garland gives an update on the prosecutions for the coup attempt to DOJ staff.
Televised. Hopefully it will be enlightening.
1/5/2022 9:41 AM

The number of deaths each day continues to track January 2021 numbers. On most days the numbers are even up. Omnicron has been dominant for almost 3 weeks.
The fat lady cant sing.

Approximately 1 of 397 Americans have died from Covid.

There are over 1 million new cases per day now.
Even though the vast majority are mild not all are particularly for the brainless unvaccinated adults and by the sheer numbers deaths have not declined yet.

Get a true a 5 barrier N-45. You can get the gokd standard surgical/ respiratory from 3M model by 1860.
They cost about 8 dollars each.
A small price to pay for maximum protection.
I got mine at my local pharmacy.
They are available on anazon.
Not a time to save a few dollars by getting a cheap one. Save the money somewhere else.
1/5/2022 10:19 AM
Der Trump has cancelled his press conference tomorrow. Blames the partisan witchhunt.
Actually anything he said could and would be used against him in a court of law.
His rally to celebrate the putsch will go on tomorrow.
A large group of some of the worst of the deplorables will be there ready wiling and able to attempt another violent attack to take over the government and they are as stupid as they are dangerous.
1/5/2022 8:02 PM (edited)

There is another worry out there.
It is called Flurona and is the co-infection
of flu and covid. It is having both flu and covid at the same time.
Experts say kids will be highly susceptible due to lack of immunity and experts are not sure if it will be a dangerous disease like early covid and delta yet but they do say that outcomes will be better for young children.

I think common sense would say two is not better then one.
1/5/2022 12:54 PM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/4/2022 11:07:00 PM (view original):
How come I am the only one who talks about the criminals who trashed the streets of LA and Portland, et al? How come?

Far more serious than a RIGHT WING march on the W House, and yes, I call those guys idiots.. meaning them who got out or order.. Just as I call BLM idiots for name calling innocents and harassing just about everyone in sight... but I get that that isn't a problem for the Left. so it is downplayed ..

What we see in the US of A and Canada, is a total breakdown of law and order, among certain groups.. and this can easily mean 15% of the population.. Not a comfortable feeling.. when anarchists are out to destroy this country.. meaning both of them/us
the fact that you call it a "right wing march" is pretty telling. It wasn't a march. It was an insurrection.
1/5/2022 1:00 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/5/2022 1:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/4/2022 11:07:00 PM (view original):
How come I am the only one who talks about the criminals who trashed the streets of LA and Portland, et al? How come?

Far more serious than a RIGHT WING march on the W House, and yes, I call those guys idiots.. meaning them who got out or order.. Just as I call BLM idiots for name calling innocents and harassing just about everyone in sight... but I get that that isn't a problem for the Left. so it is downplayed ..

What we see in the US of A and Canada, is a total breakdown of law and order, among certain groups.. and this can easily mean 15% of the population.. Not a comfortable feeling.. when anarchists are out to destroy this country.. meaning both of them/us
the fact that you call it a "right wing march" is pretty telling. It wasn't a march. It was an insurrection.
Could have been referring to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyreis.

We all know that a right wing march is a parade of confederate flags and swastikas and guns and hate mongering mongoloids and people yelling at the top of their lungs to destroy something or someone in authority or giving advice.

When they have a march that is what happens.
Get a lot of extreme trump supporters and it is combustible and a riot waiting to happen.

Thats what happens when right wing becomes reich wing.
Today it is the Reich Wing.
1/5/2022 1:33 PM (edited)
Baseball Hall of Fame Tracker

Please indulge me on this. The Baseball Hall of Fame results go beyond daily sports and captures the public imagination even for casual sports fans.

Results will be announced on January 25.
All votes had to be in by December 31.

Based on past trends Bonds and Clemens will fall short. Bonds has a better chance.

Rolen will probably get in.
Schilling doing worse then last time.
1/5/2022 3:07 PM (edited)
Merrick Garland gave a speech earlier today.
Sure he said everything you would expect but he very strongly and emphatically said that the smaller prosecutions were first and the more serious ones were coming.
He also very strongly emphasized twice that he would go after the very highest levels if the evidence went there. He said that included people higher then the perps at the capitol and that they were following the money which plainly means that they are really looking at planning and conspiracy and criminal culpability at those levels.

He also invoked watergate.

They are doing their job and want to get it right.
1/5/2022 4:07 PM
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