Harry Reid has passed on.
John Madden has passed on.

1 out of every 402 people in USA has passed on from covid.
12/29/2021 11:55 AM
Dishing The Dirt

Maxwell was convicted and it is being said that she has a card to play to reduce her sentence.
Dish what she knows about Prince Andrew and other unnamed famous men.

Alex Jones is saying that he will dish the dirt on Trump because he gave his opinion on the vaccine and expressed the opinion that people should take it.
12/30/2021 10:47 AM
If i don't get a chance tomorrow i want to wish everyone reading this a happy new year and a wish for a continued experience of greater peace, tranquility and quietude and live and let live attitude into next year.
12/30/2021 2:41 PM
His Aim Ain’t True

Leaving out the mumbo jumbo, in a recent interview
Ted Nugent says that Patti Smith is not worthy of being in the rock and roll hall of fame but Styx should be there instead.

no comment.
12/31/2021 10:42 AM
Ted Nugent is an idiot. Who cares what he says or thinks?
12/31/2021 12:39 PM
New Year’s Day Anniversary

January 1 1863 was the day Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

After Lincoln was elected he told the southern states he would not try to end slavery there and that it would be unconstitutional for him or the federal government to do so. The Republicans said they wanted to keep slavery out of the new western states - mainly because slave labor would hurt poor whites.

The south was not happy with that and then came Fort Sumter after Lincoln said the southern states could not secede and troops would remain in South Carolina at Fort Sumter.

In 1862 after slaves fled and joined the union army pressure from abolitionists and black leaders started to move Lincoln to further compromise to end the war and slavery.
He offered to allow slavery to remain as an institution until 1900. It was rejected.
After more pressure and his own desire to end slavery he kept his promise and signed the proclamation on January 1 1863. It was then that he said he was empowered under the constitution.

Lincoln first tried to save the union even if it meant keeping slavery legal in the south but after that failed his mind on slavery began to fully evolve and he joined the black leaders and abolitionists culminating in the proclamation of emancipation.
1/3/2022 10:35 AM (edited)
Covid News

The omicron might indeed be the savior.
It is swamping and displacing Delta and although cases are up deaths are down so far.

1 of 400 Americans have died from Covid.
1/3/2022 10:40 AM
The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

From Reuter’s recent polling:

Approximately 62% of Republicans think that Biden is not the legitimate president.....the election was stolen from Trump.

Approximately 75% of Republicans believe that Trump had zero or very little responsibilty for the violence on January 6.

Other polling also reinforces the numbers.
1/3/2022 2:33 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 12/31/2021 12:39:00 PM (view original):
Ted Nugent is an idiot. Who cares what he says or thinks?
Never met the dude. RRHOF.. lots of people who should be there aren't.
1/3/2022 11:16 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 1/3/2022 2:33:00 PM (view original):
The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

From Reuter’s recent polling:

Approximately 62% of Republicans think that Biden is not the legitimate president.....the election was stolen from Trump.

Approximately 75% of Republicans believe that Trump had zero or very little responsibilty for the violence on January 6.

Other polling also reinforces the numbers.
l really don't give a damn, Scarlet

The violence on Jan 6 gets front page news, but NOTHING whatever on the crap that happened on the West Coast in cities like Seattle, Portland, SF , SJ, and more. THAT crap was a thousand times as bad as Jan6 and I don't believe for one second, that Trump had anything whatsoever to do with it. I hope you are also smart enough to see that.

Those people are A holes.. and both parties have their share of them. The whole thing is a pile of crap.. and your media buddies are commie as hell itself. and they print what they can to manipulate your minds..

DEMOCRATS, = the party that OPPOSED the Emancipation proclamation that FREED the slaves in the Deep South.. You took history, right??

Cheers all
1/3/2022 11:22 PM
Biden got elected. Was the thing Hijacked??? Who knows?? I think the people lost their marbles when they voted him in. BTW how are y'all doing under him???

Trump is Pro Life.. That should count for a lot, unless you are in favor of butchering unborns and in almost every case, it is a form of birth Control. Meanwhile, go serve your master

You have the government you deserve. Sadly, so do we

1/3/2022 11:26 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 1/3/2022 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Covid News

The omicron might indeed be the savior.
It is swamping and displacing Delta and although cases are up deaths are down so far.

1 of 400 Americans have died from Covid.
I don't believe that number, but that would make it approx 850 thousand. I DO believe that a lot who died were declared dead from Covid.. buyt I also believe that a big portion of them had other things that would kill them, Eg: Pneumonia, emphysema (sp) Pleuresy, to name a few.

Scary thought: What if a real bad one, like the Black Plague hit you?? That would kill about 35 million in the US alone, This is a cold on 'roids

1/3/2022 11:32 PM
On what basis do you believe that? Any evidence, or does it just fit your views?
1/4/2022 12:20 AM
"This is a cold on 'roids"

It IS!
But it's a cold that can kill you.
Or damage your internal organs permanently.

The common cold doesn't do that.
The FACT is that folks who won't get the "jab" are endangering the entire global population as their refusal allows the virus to replicate itself and morph into something that COULD be far far more deadly.

The FACT is that there are all sorts of moronic individuals who won't get vaccinated but are gung-ho for experimental treatments to ease the virus' effects.
IF folks had been such skeptics of science (and such moronic numbskulls!!) we'd NEVER have withstood the polio outbreak all those years ago without losing millions of our children to polio!

Con men like Trump have nearly succeeded in convincing the gullible that freedom begins with ignorance. While it is true that ignorance is bliss, the problem this time is that your ignorance is allowing for the takeover of our Republic by evil fools who ONLY want personal power to avoid paying that terrible price a lifetime of evil has produced.

Traitors need to be hanged............not coddled.
In THIS case, I'm for hanging him HIGH!! As publicly as possible.
1/4/2022 8:32 AM
The wait is on for the Supreme Court to decide what to do on Trump’s appeal on the archives matter.
Will the Court decline the case? Or swiftly deny the appeal?
Will they take the case up?
There could be an answer any time now.
The Committee has asked for an answer as soon as is practicable and before mid January.


NY Atty General’s Office civil case is ramping up subpoenas on Ivanka and Jr.
Could take a few months for their obstruction to play out. Then they can choose to sit and answer or take the 5th in the civil case. If they answer it could be used against them in spin off criminal action.
If they take the 5th it can be used against them in civil case for presumptions against them and be used against them in grand jury process.

Good times.
1/4/2022 8:56 AM
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