I am still working on my desert island album collection
drawing upon just about everything minus classical and opera. Ive decided upon doing my alternative to the Rolling Stone 500. I think those who really love music and have a love of more then one genre will find it interesting and surprising.

I think I will be able to roll it out right before the new year.
12/10/2021 7:06 PM
Southern Civilization On The Skids

The toronado devastation which has mainly leveled Mayfield Kentucky but has hit several states is not necessarily caused by climate change.

But one thing that can be seen is that wood and siding and stucco homes and buildings were leveled but it was the brick structures that did sometimes remain amongst complete rubble.
Some had their roofs blown off but otherwise was left standing.

This might be a major takeaway to acknowlege when they rebuild.
12/12/2021 1:16 PM

Meadow will get cited for criminal contempt tonight.
What is remarkable about recent revelations is that Meadow is in the cross hairs of criminal charges for planning the coup or letting it continue.
And Trump is in the cross hairs.
Meadow is in a lose lose situation. If he tells the truth or provides more info he creates more exposure.
If he cops a plea it means he helps nail trump.

If he does not cooperate then it is extremely probable that he will fo jail time.
Bannon will do jail time.

Even if the house turns the DOJ will continue its prosecutions unimpeded.

It is high time that we stop saying insurrection and say attempted coup instead.

January 6 is so much like the beer hall putsch that it is harrowing.

God save the Queen.
12/14/2021 1:13 PM
Covid News Update

Now 800,000 Americans have died from Covid.
That is about 1 of 412.

1 out of 100 Americanos 65 or older have left.
75% of the 800,000 deaths are 65 and up.
200,000 are under 65 but as we know in Non Sports forums survivors at any age can have terrible permanent life altering injuries.

And those young people intentionally unvaccinsted and not wearing masks may very well have killed people.

The numbers by February 1 will be getting much much worse.

Lostandfound please check in periodically to let us know that you have still miraculously survived.
12/14/2021 1:23 PM
December 8 was the 95th birthday of Sammy Davis Jr.
And December 12 was the 106th birthday of Frank Sinatra.
Dino was the king of cool.
Frank was the chairman of the board.
Sammy was maybe the coolest and hippest guy ever.

Frank and Sammy met in 1941 when Frank was singing with Tommy Dorsey. Sammy was 16 but Frank saw the prodigious talent of Sammy and they became friends. Frank mentored Sammy and Sammy idolized Frank.
And the rest is history.
Sammy was a singer and dancer and actor and consummate entertainer and if he wanted to be he could have been one of the greatest and hippest stand up.

They are missed but they live forever
That was a time of music that will never be seen again.

12/15/2021 12:39 AM
If you are paying attention to Liz Cheney she is now going THERE.
She is already quoting criminal statutes regarding what Trump did and did not do regarding the obstruction of the work of congress when they were certifying the election.

This is technically different from proving an attempted coup although that may be coming too.

It is looking more and more evident that a lot of people are facing criminal action that carries significant jail time for carrying out Jan 6 and refusing to carry out the oath of office to stop it.

Spring time for Trump and Maga Land.
12/15/2021 1:58 PM
Big Movies are in Big Trouble

James Bond lost money and West Side Story will lose big money.

Maybe the studios will have to make films like they did in the 40s and Fifties.
Lower budget with strong plots and character driven and minimal special effects and on a budget so either major talent takes a covid salary or new or less costly talent gets the roles.
12/15/2021 2:08 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/10/2021 2:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/9/2021 11:32:00 PM (view original):
With Cuomo leaving CNN and the great Brian Williams leaving MSNBC might Brian Williams be taking over Cuomo’s show.
If he is going to CNN that would make a lot of sense.
A top possibility to replace Brian Williams is Tom Llamas. He is an award winning correspondent who was an anchor at ABC and is currently with NBC.
He is 42 and looks like a young Brian Williams.
Looks like a perfect fit.
Can't STAND Brian Williams.. not matter what network. lol
12/15/2021 10:38 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/15/2021 2:08:00 PM (view original):
Big Movies are in Big Trouble

James Bond lost money and West Side Story will lose big money.

Maybe the studios will have to make films like they did in the 40s and Fifties.
Lower budget with strong plots and character driven and minimal special effects and on a budget so either major talent takes a covid salary or new or less costly talent gets the roles.
We can only wish for the kind of films they did in the fifties. Some of the best ever. Today we get dung..
12/15/2021 10:39 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/14/2021 1:23:00 PM (view original):
Covid News Update

Now 800,000 Americans have died from Covid.
That is about 1 of 412.

1 out of 100 Americanos 65 or older have left.
75% of the 800,000 deaths are 65 and up.
200,000 are under 65 but as we know in Non Sports forums survivors at any age can have terrible permanent life altering injuries.

And those young people intentionally unvaccinsted and not wearing masks may very well have killed people.

The numbers by February 1 will be getting much much worse.

Lostandfound please check in periodically to let us know that you have still miraculously survived.
I am not following the fear mongering stories on this. Sorry.. btw I do sleep pretty good

and my health is Super..I am 76. Do I have 5 more years? Ten? FIFTEEN??

Like most healthier guys my age, if I get this thing, it will not kill me. If it does, then I am with the Lord forever.. that is far better.. however

I still see this whole thing as yes, a virus, but also a huge indoctrination plan, and that plan is working so well, the people don't even know what is being done to them

Hugged your kids lately? How many smiles have you seen in the last.. oh 30 days? Are people friendlier today than ten years ago? They aren't. They are SCARED..Especially younger people. . and I hate seeing this. We are being chilled to the bone, and are becoming like robots.

Mark of 666 beast is not far off. It WILL be mandated. Like the Vaccine Passport, you won't be able to do stuff without it. Or buy anything either. ,The vaccine passport is a precursor to this. Part of the indoctrination process. Laugh if you want to, but think carefully about it.. I think I even know who will be pushing it, but won't say here. It will be a very easy 'sell' except to us who believe. We would rather die

The Mark: Don't take it Thank me later
12/15/2021 10:51 PM
What is important is that you are healthy and i am very glad for that.
12/15/2021 11:27 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/15/2021 11:27:00 PM (view original):
What is important is that you are healthy and i am very glad for that.
ME TOO. but u need to remember people also die from the flu. you cannot damn those who gave it to them.. it is part and parcel of being in a world with 7 billion other people. Some government types would charge them with MURDER.. .. and the 'lemmings' march to the beat and say YA YEAH

12/16/2021 3:54 AM
Yea, well, St. Joseph's Hospital is now FULL. 1000's of rooms, all filled. No rooms available for folks like George E. who has to wait 2 weeks (HOPEFULLY!!) for a hospital bed to open up so's HE can have his triple bypass open heart surgery...........IF he lives long enough to GET the surgery.

FACTS are tough nuts to crack. The FACT is that in Arizona our Hospitals are FULL of folks with the Covid -19 (Delta variety) so much so that NO ONE can get any other necessary medical treatment. (requiring Hospitalization)

Covid - 19 is NOT a hoax. It is NOT some political campaign to prepare you for the mark of the beast.
What exactly the "mark" of the beast not known to us.
It MIGHT be your Gov't ID ## (Soc. Sec. # in the US) but I doubt it.
If so, we's ALL in trouble.

I tell you this BC pal. I won't knowingly take ANY mark of the beast.
In fact, I'll join you on the world's streets battling that 1 world Gov't over trying to make me take it.
I'll carry my pistol. Think it'll be enough?
12/16/2021 8:34 AM
I think mark of the beast is something like george of the jungle.
12/16/2021 10:47 AM
Covid News Update

Mature Reader Discretion Advised

In the past 60 days the rate in the USA has gone from 1 out of 500 to 1 out of 412.

There is currently a daily average of 1,327 deaths each day and that number is about to explode again.
12/16/2021 1:16 PM
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