NPR - polling 3000 major counties
In counties that went at least 60% for Trump the death rate is 2.7 times as that in counties that went for Biden.
The higher the vote for Trump the higher goes the death rate difference.
Obviously not surprising but the data is starting to roll in.
Hey Now.

Because of all the whiners USA the American death rate for entire population is now 1 in 419.
12/5/2021 8:37 PM
News That Makes Me Happy

200 people have been fired from a Massachusetts hospital for failing to be fully vaccinated by the deadline set in June.

They are out the door, canned, terminated, s.o.l, up the creek, severed, out of work, out of options, removed from the premises, personas not grata.
Stay home and have a shot of expresso.

There is nothing wrong or immoral or antisocial then medical staff at hospitals and facilities and doctor offices unvaccinated.
They are too incompetent and stupid and arrogant and selfish and destructive to be privileged to be in the medical industry and must not be serving and caring for the public.

Kudos and thanks to the hospital for doing the right thing.
12/6/2021 11:44 AM (edited)
International Watch

1. China vs Taiwan - with the winter olympics being in Beijing next year one could assume no invasion over next 15 months.

2. Russia vs Ukraine - forces are mounting at the border but many analysts believe it is being done as a bargaining tactic to extract concessions from the west.
Biden set to meet Putin by video tomorrow.

3. Iran Nuclear Ambitions - they are once again four months away. Every time they get close Israel bombs a reactor or breaks their computer systems. The last time was this April setting the program back 9 months.
Look for full scale press for agreement or sabotage again.

4. Afghanistan - it is being predicted that because of increasing lack of food and a major drought and economic disaster under the Taliban the winter will be a catastrophe. The assessment is that between one million and two million people will die. Maybe 5% of the population. It will take a massive international plan to stave off disaster there. At least 1 million of the deaths will be children.
12/6/2021 12:21 PM (edited)
My Opinion So Dont Sue Me

I think in terms of importance and magnitude of crimes
I do believe that since the end of the Civil War DJ Trump is the greatest or worst criminal the United States has seen. Booth and Oswald killed great and beloved presidents but Trump tried to steal an election by both a political and armed coup and after that by a campaign of fraud through surrogates and by requesting directly to state officials a false counting of votes. Im not even mentioning the attempt to fraudulently frame Biden by scheming with agents and people in another country. And destroying the post office to kill some mailed ballot votes trying to delay delivery. That almost worked.

And during the entire 4 years and post presidency has purposely subverted democratic institutions and hypnotized millions of soft minded and or virulent racists and other miscellaneous anti social people and coalesced them into a loyal rabid cult blinded to rational thinking. And let us not forget how he used the office of the presidency to minimize covid and discourage masks. That killed hundreds of thousands mostly his followers. Maybe not a crime in a court but a crime nonetheless.

So he has committed real crimes and crimes against the democracy itself and he has laid to waste for decades to come the myth that America survives because of the wisdom of the people.

He has damaged the country so severely that it could be a mortal injury. The next 3 years will be critical.

His Nazi or Soviet efforts to create an authoritarian presidency under his control continues.i

If he succeeds to have his pick for governor installed it could end fair and honest elections in that state as his plot is to change voting laws throughout the country in plain sight.

Watch everything very closely.
12/6/2021 7:14 PM (edited)
Final News Today

Obituary - Medina Spirit has passed on.
He died of a heart attack after a workout.
No word on whether he had a will.

Today 14 members - Republicans - offered a bill for house consideration banning all mandates for children and adults. Everything from measles to rubella to small pox or polio if they were around. Anything no matter what.
Trump and his people want to make the entire country stupid. Misery loves company but so does ignorant and stupid and throw in Dangerous loves company.
12/7/2021 12:35 AM
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Posted by Jetson21 on 12/6/2021 7:14:00 PM (view original):
My Opinion So Dont Sue Me

I think in terms of importance and magnitude of crimes
I do believe that since the end of the Civil War DJ Trump is the greatest or worst criminal the United States has seen. Booth and Oswald killed great and beloved presidents but Trump tried to steal an election by both a political and armed coup and after that by a campaign of fraud through surrogates and by requesting directly to state officials a false counting of votes. Im not even mentioning the attempt to fraudulently frame Biden by scheming with agents and people in another country. And destroying the post office to kill some mailed ballot votes trying to delay delivery. That almost worked.

And during the entire 4 years and post presidency has purposely subverted democratic institutions and hypnotized millions of soft minded and or virulent racists and other miscellaneous anti social people and coalesced them into a loyal rabid cult blinded to rational thinking. And let us not forget how he used the office of the presidency to minimize covid and discourage masks. That killed hundreds of thousands mostly his followers. Maybe not a crime in a court but a crime nonetheless.

So he has committed real crimes and crimes against the democracy itself and he has laid to waste for decades to come the myth that America survives because of the wisdom of the people.

He has damaged the country so severely that it could be a mortal injury. The next 3 years will be critical.

His Nazi or Soviet efforts to create an authoritarian presidency under his control continues.i

If he succeeds to have his pick for governor installed it could end fair and honest elections in that state as his plot is to change voting laws throughout the country in plain sight.

Watch everything very closely.
Totally disagree.

Big governments are nazi like and commie like when they support cancel culture, and also FORCE us to take a vaccine that is not even proven to be successful. When government forces it's will on a nation like this, it is taking away four freedoms. it is also known as a dictatorship. If you support that, then so be it. I don't

I don't buy all the hate narratives against Trump, either, although he is not the best the US has ever had. I thought about who the smartest presidents in my life time were. I come up with Eisenhower, JFK, and Bill Clinton.. and I was not liking Billy Bob.. but he was no dummy
12/7/2021 4:33 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/6/2021 11:44:00 AM (view original):
News That Makes Me Happy

200 people have been fired from a Massachusetts hospital for failing to be fully vaccinated by the deadline set in June.

They are out the door, canned, terminated, s.o.l, up the creek, severed, out of work, out of options, removed from the premises, personas not grata.
Stay home and have a shot of expresso.

There is nothing wrong or immoral or antisocial then medical staff at hospitals and facilities and doctor offices unvaccinated.
They are too incompetent and stupid and arrogant and selfish and destructive to be privileged to be in the medical industry and must not be serving and caring for the public.

Kudos and thanks to the hospital for doing the right thing.
Totally disagree. Give me liberty or give me death..

The vaccines don;t even work that well. Children don't need them, and if you have already had the Co 19, you don't need it either. You have been sold a lie. I will say it again, the big winners are Pfizer, Merck, and J and J. and truth: They don't WANT you to be healthy. their sole ambition is to get you using as many of their drugs for the rest of your life. Even if you don;t need them. you guys think the alcohol and tobacco industries were bad. They were choir boys next to these people. Over a trillion bux a year are spent on legal drugs every year in North America. There about 360 million people DO THE MATH, and tell me this makes sense. Truth is, most of us over 50 are fat and out of shape and UN healthy. I blame Trump.. k? I know, makes no sense.. U got it.

All the above is imho.

Fact. One healthy person I know got the jab. His arm has been real sore for 5 months. Another guy got sick, about 3 times.. and he didn't need the stuff in the first place. So I, a healthy 70 something active male, who hasn't had a sick day in almost 20 years. I should put that crap into my body? To hell with them

What really pi ss es me off is when I read your comment. If everyone follows that ideology, jetson. it divides the whole damned country.. I am sad you cannot see this .. because it is happening as we speak.

Stay healthy. and have a good laugh.. that is far better than any drug
12/7/2021 4:44 AM
Hey doofuss! I just had to spend 22 hours (straight) lying on a stretcher in the E-Room at St. Joseph's Hospital (Dignity Health) in Phoenix WAITING to get into the cath lab. St. Joseph's is a VERY large Hospital. Lots of rooms. They had NONE available for me. There were scores of folks lying around on beds in the hallways, in front of the Nurses station, and anywhere they could find to locate these "stretchers" even in the Emergency room. There was friction between patients resulting in "visits" from the security team on several occasions!!

This is ALL because of over-crowding resulting from Covid infections BEFORE the new variant even gets here!
But to some folks (YOU) with bias and an agenda to deny truth because YOU don't want to accept it it's just a hoax.
A worldwide hoax??

Your continued words of dismissal about this worldwide health threat is absolutely dispicable.
It puts you in league with Tucker Carlson and others purposely trying to do damage to OUR Republic!
Stop it, or face public wrath and condemnation on these forums.
We DO have the right to object to dangerous lies being posted here that may harm others!!
12/7/2021 8:22 AM
If anyone objects to someone saying Fox news is a bunch of hateful lies and propaganda and dangerous false rhetoric from a mostly bunch of weirdo evil lying sacks of shiit then Tucker Carlson and Hannity.

They keep them on the air.
And this country has too many dumb idiots to say No to it.
12/7/2021 10:41 AM
12/7/2021 10:43 AM
Nunes has quit congress to work for the trump putsch machine trying to launch.
It is separate federal investingations.
Nunes could have been new Wilbur Mills if republicans get house.

will gaetz follow?
It will surely be a who’s who of sleaze.
12/7/2021 11:03 AM
The really big news today - Pence’s chief of staff is fully ( 101% ) with the house Committee. He is gung ho. He is a major source for many recent books like the Woodward/Costa book and others.

He will be one of the major witnesses.
He was excommunicated from the white house on Jan 7. Too patriotic and too trumped out.
12/7/2021 11:09 AM

Why are the majority of very pronounced christian faith people who vocally exclaim pro life allegiance so willing to risk their health and lives as they refuse the vaccines.

On the surface it makes no sense.
How can a believer of any faith that there is on this planet believe that their God would be ok with not safeguarding one’s life if God does think that life is truly precious.

Benjamin Franklin said this. It is not from a bible. He said God helps those that help themselves.
Technically it was an English chap named Algernon Sidney who first said it and Franklin popularized it.

Every enlightened religion believes that you should not depend upon God for something completely in your control.

So what has happened. Why are these people acting like penguins jumping off a cliff.
And what does this say about religious leadership in several major denominations.
What does it say about a significant swath of American society.

I look for the big picture as I see a country where rational people are losing ground and a country that does not have the collective grey matter or will to keep a democracy.
12/7/2021 8:59 PM (edited)
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