OKay, Dino/jetson is right about this one. You can see how many people have me blocked. I WAS WRONG in this situation. As I promised, I will no longer respond to jetson's posts.
10/25/2021 4:30 PM
not surprisingly, MikeT23 has been blocked by 160 users to be number 1 in most blocked.
10/25/2021 4:33 PM
also, in unsurprising news, DougOut is next.
10/25/2021 4:34 PM
But it is amazing that non controversial you still has 84 blocks.
10/25/2021 5:05 PM
idk why anyone would want to block wylie. He never says anything meaningful, whether good or bad.

Love ya buddy
10/25/2021 7:02 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/25/2021 7:02:00 PM (view original):
idk why anyone would want to block wylie. He never says anything meaningful, whether good or bad.

Love ya buddy
Exactly. Nobody wants their brain numbed to a state of stupification.
10/25/2021 8:08 PM
Posted by tangplay on 10/25/2021 7:02:00 PM (view original):
idk why anyone would want to block wylie. He never says anything meaningful, whether good or bad.

Love ya buddy
gee thanks, tang! I don't know why anyone would want to block me, but i don't really care either.
10/26/2021 2:00 AM

Recent reports indicate that through testimony and subpoenas and ratting out by insurrectionist participants that the select committee is getting deep into the matrix of members of Congress and the insurrectionists and the White House. Basically the behind the scenes machinations and planning of congressional members and the White House and White House associates with key insurrection people.
It was planned and mapped out schematically and logistically like a real battle.


But does this country even have enough smart and patriotic people to even care and vote the fascists out of office and keep new ones from getting in.

I haven’t thought so for a long time and I see nothing but more chaos and violence and destruction of this democratic republic.
I am very very pessimistic for the future.
There is a very very strong possibility that the senate and house will be lost and stays lost by the time another sicko becomes President.

All because of apathy and laziness and stupidity and willful ignorance on the part of the passive democrats and jello for brains independents especially the dummies who say that they can’t see a difference between the 2 parties and nobody in politics cares about anything but themselves.
All can be lost because of such simple minds.
10/26/2021 5:01 PM (edited)

There is an it on this site called - well you know it’s name.
It is the name of hate and fear and bigotry and prejudice and it mocks those who want to end racism and it mocks vaccines and those who take them and it mocks anyone from the lbgtq community and it mocks those who wish to keep religion and government separate and it mocks those who want to eradicate Covid or ease the suffering of poverty or raise awareness of police brutality and unfair prosecutions and in general life and liberty and pursuit of happiness for those he does not like or approve which now represents the majority of the residents of the United States.

Don’t ever forget that the monsters are due on Maple street.
10/27/2021 9:30 AM
And the best way to eradicate it is to let it mire in its swamp alone and unfed and unattended.
And then it just might be eradicated and I would very much like to see that.

Redline that B**lz#bub.
10/27/2021 9:46 AM (edited)

Pioneer comedian Mort Sahl has died at 94.
Many consider him to have been the first modern stand up.
While Lenny Bruce was the Big Bang Elvis of modern stand up comedy, Mort Sahl who was born one year after Lenny Bruce was notable first by a few years.

Sahl was the first comedian to do stand up based on political satire and discussion. He was clean but acerbic but never raw like Lenny Bruce. And he did not drift as deeply into social issues and sex and taboo subjects as did Bruce who formed an alloy of honesty and a more brutal in compromising no holds barred and sometimes profane form of satire which included sketches which Sahl did not do.
Sahl’s focus was much more of an examination of the political institutions and current events. Most importantly he was the first to do this for laughs and he is an icon for what he popularized.

He was a true pioneer and originator of the new form of stand up comedy that avoided the drum roll and rim shot of the vaudevillians and one liners.

A big loss.
10/27/2021 11:32 AM (edited)
Covid Update

1 out of 447.

Merck has produced a covid treatment pill - actually you take it for 5 days if you get Covid at home and you survive and get better.
Merck signed a deal with the United Nations to give it to poor and developing nations for free and I’m sure that Biden will try to fund it for easy consumption here if he can without it being blocked by the grand scold party. It is being called a game changer.

Somehow I doubt whether most of the Evel Kneivals who get their daily high by walking through the jungle and spitting in the eye of death will take it.
se la die.

10/27/2021 11:54 PM

The oil companies are being hauled into congress to explain what they have known for decades about their contribution to climate change.
It is reminiscent of what happened with the tobacco companies and that was followed by crippling lawsuits.

Maybe it is time to add class action law suits to the arsenal of firepower to change the behavior of the oil companies to stop climate change.
10/28/2021 3:44 PM (edited)
In New York the police are defunding themselves by refusing vaccinations. Only 80% are vaccinated and the rest are about to lose their pay.
I hate to say this but I have a theory about non vaxxers wanting to risk their health and life so all the untaxed police officers all over the USA fits that.
In New York City only 65% of firefighters are vaxxer.
Sad for the citizens and sad for them.
Loss of pay for the firefighters as well.
10/29/2021 9:50 AM
The NAACP is urging black athletes not to sign with Texas teams. Of course they have no mandate but they have a platform and I very much agree with them.
And all athletes that oppose the Republican Texas way should follow the advice.
10/29/2021 10:21 AM
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