The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

9/6/2021 10:43 PM
I saw it and know people who said it.
9/7/2021 1:53 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 9/6/2021 2:05:00 PM (view original):
I don't know of a single person outside of Hollywood or on social media that tried the "not my president" bit. Other than on Facebook or Twitter tell me of ONE time in real life that you saw a house, a van, a camper, an rv or an idiot-filled boat flotilla with a single flag or sign that said "**** Trump?" I never saw a single ONE. Not on a car, not on a house, etc, ad nauseum. Partly because sensible progressive human beings aren't the kind to do that sort of thing in the first place, but mostly because, after four years of the LIAR, we knew what kind of people we were dealing with in the GQP voting populace. Filled with the kind of people that would smash windows, set fires, destroy private property and generally harass and try to intimidate any one who didn't align with their cult. And everyone can just spare me the tired "what about antifa" projection and rhetoric. Republicans need to wake up and rid themselves of the extremism, racism, misogyny and outright ignorance that the LIAR brought to your party. You have been infiltrated and taken over by the least informed, least honest and most malicious block of supposed "leaders" and voters in the history of this country. The Republican party is filled with the likes of MTG, Lauren Boebert, Rand Paul, Paul Gosar, Madison Cawthorn, Devin Nunes, Greg Abbott, Ron DeathSantis and the bloated LOSER and LIAR himself. Don't defend these people with more gaslighting and projection.
I bet Trump could beat you on the wrestling mat

and he is no more a liar than Clinton or Obama or Biden. What you are doing is repeating the lie over and over so some will believe it. How do you like the Taliban's new air force??
9/7/2021 4:19 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/6/2021 1:40:00 PM (view original):
I will admit that I did see many people saying the same about Trump. **** Trump - Not my president. Both were wrong. Both Trump and Biden were fairly elected and both were our presidents. You may not like one or the other, but they were/are still the POTUS, and if you are a citizen of the U.S., they were/are your president.
Good comment
9/7/2021 4:20 AM
Agreed! But in my neck of the woods, there were NO anti-Trump flags, etc.
9/7/2021 9:29 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/7/2021 4:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/6/2021 2:05:00 PM (view original):
I don't know of a single person outside of Hollywood or on social media that tried the "not my president" bit. Other than on Facebook or Twitter tell me of ONE time in real life that you saw a house, a van, a camper, an rv or an idiot-filled boat flotilla with a single flag or sign that said "**** Trump?" I never saw a single ONE. Not on a car, not on a house, etc, ad nauseum. Partly because sensible progressive human beings aren't the kind to do that sort of thing in the first place, but mostly because, after four years of the LIAR, we knew what kind of people we were dealing with in the GQP voting populace. Filled with the kind of people that would smash windows, set fires, destroy private property and generally harass and try to intimidate any one who didn't align with their cult. And everyone can just spare me the tired "what about antifa" projection and rhetoric. Republicans need to wake up and rid themselves of the extremism, racism, misogyny and outright ignorance that the LIAR brought to your party. You have been infiltrated and taken over by the least informed, least honest and most malicious block of supposed "leaders" and voters in the history of this country. The Republican party is filled with the likes of MTG, Lauren Boebert, Rand Paul, Paul Gosar, Madison Cawthorn, Devin Nunes, Greg Abbott, Ron DeathSantis and the bloated LOSER and LIAR himself. Don't defend these people with more gaslighting and projection.
I bet Trump could beat you on the wrestling mat

and he is no more a liar than Clinton or Obama or Biden. What you are doing is repeating the lie over and over so some will believe it. How do you like the Taliban's new air force??
what does whether Trump could beat someone on a wrestling match have to do with anything??

Also, yes, all politicians lie. It comes with the territory, but Donald Trump lied more tan any politician I ever remember.
9/7/2021 10:52 AM
Lol Trump could beat you on the wrestling mat! Oh man

Maybe the Sumo wrestling mat
9/7/2021 1:01 PM
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9/7/2021 2:26 PM
Posted by cctigerfan on 9/7/2021 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Partisan politics is ruining our country. All you idiots claiming anyone who didn't like Trump still respected him are either naive, stupid or in denial, possibly all three. The tolerant and inclusive left is probably the most intolerant and non-inclusive cult since the Nazis.

Then we go the right wing nuts with the f**k biden flags. Calling Kamala a super spreader and Biden creepy uncle joe.

It is all disrespect. The 60 percent or so of Americans who are not political nut jobs hope you all shoot each other and put you out of our misery.

If any of you dipsh!ts want to know what is wrong with the country, look in the mirror. And, if you want to do something about it, crawl back in your holes and STFU.

I mean he’s not 100% wrong.
9/7/2021 2:34 PM
He's also not 100% right though
9/7/2021 3:21 PM
Posted by tangplay on 9/7/2021 3:21:00 PM (view original):
He's also not 100% right though
Also true.
9/7/2021 3:43 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/7/2021 10:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 9/7/2021 4:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 9/6/2021 2:05:00 PM (view original):
I don't know of a single person outside of Hollywood or on social media that tried the "not my president" bit. Other than on Facebook or Twitter tell me of ONE time in real life that you saw a house, a van, a camper, an rv or an idiot-filled boat flotilla with a single flag or sign that said "**** Trump?" I never saw a single ONE. Not on a car, not on a house, etc, ad nauseum. Partly because sensible progressive human beings aren't the kind to do that sort of thing in the first place, but mostly because, after four years of the LIAR, we knew what kind of people we were dealing with in the GQP voting populace. Filled with the kind of people that would smash windows, set fires, destroy private property and generally harass and try to intimidate any one who didn't align with their cult. And everyone can just spare me the tired "what about antifa" projection and rhetoric. Republicans need to wake up and rid themselves of the extremism, racism, misogyny and outright ignorance that the LIAR brought to your party. You have been infiltrated and taken over by the least informed, least honest and most malicious block of supposed "leaders" and voters in the history of this country. The Republican party is filled with the likes of MTG, Lauren Boebert, Rand Paul, Paul Gosar, Madison Cawthorn, Devin Nunes, Greg Abbott, Ron DeathSantis and the bloated LOSER and LIAR himself. Don't defend these people with more gaslighting and projection.
I bet Trump could beat you on the wrestling mat

and he is no more a liar than Clinton or Obama or Biden. What you are doing is repeating the lie over and over so some will believe it. How do you like the Taliban's new air force??
what does whether Trump could beat someone on a wrestling match have to do with anything??

Also, yes, all politicians lie. It comes with the territory, but Donald Trump lied more tan any politician I ever remember.
You called him a fatso, or words to that effect. I say he could kick your butt
9/7/2021 7:58 PM
Posted by Uofa2 on 9/7/2021 1:01:00 PM (view original):
Lol Trump could beat you on the wrestling mat! Oh man

Maybe the Sumo wrestling mat
AOCortez is a LIAR. "If we don't take drastic measures to change how we live, this planet will be doomed within 12 years' or words to that effect. More rhetoric about Global Warming. She is a lying commie ..and I have been hearing this doom crap for fifty years already. They all LIE, and the truth is not in them. They do a good job of fooling the foolish though. Al Gore, John Kerry, David Suzuki: LIARS!

You guys call Trump a liar, but AOC lies to deceive you all..
9/7/2021 8:15 PM (edited)
Posted by Uofa2 on 9/7/2021 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cctigerfan on 9/7/2021 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Partisan politics is ruining our country. All you idiots claiming anyone who didn't like Trump still respected him are either naive, stupid or in denial, possibly all three. The tolerant and inclusive left is probably the most intolerant and non-inclusive cult since the Nazis.

Then we go the right wing nuts with the f**k biden flags. Calling Kamala a super spreader and Biden creepy uncle joe.

It is all disrespect. The 60 percent or so of Americans who are not political nut jobs hope you all shoot each other and put you out of our misery.

If any of you dipsh!ts want to know what is wrong with the country, look in the mirror. And, if you want to do something about it, crawl back in your holes and STFU.

I mean he’s not 100% wrong.
The devil is behind it. all. His goal is to be worshipped, and to do that he has to scare you with fear mongering narratives, He does this through big government and it's agencies. Then he can scare you, sow division among you (that part is easy) and then you fall into his hands. That Mark of the Beast is in the near future. He actually has some believing Trump was Hitler re incarnated. How stupid. This fear mongering attack is now in it's 6th year. So far, the lemmings are marching just as they should

The irony is that believers can see this so easily, but unbelievers are totally blinded to it.

This is NOT hard to figure out

What you wanna bet that the next worldwide lockdown will be under the banner of GLOBAL WARMING ?? (Many of those here will think this is a great idea)

Terrorism? The biggest terrorist is Big Government. and I don't think there is one government on this planet that is God fearing and God centered. Not one
9/7/2021 8:16 PM (edited)
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The Whitey Bulger Effect Topic

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