BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

Posted by DougOut on 7/20/2021 7:12:00 PM (view original):


Democrats Are the Party of Corporate Oligarchs

The average American is being crushed by leftist Big Government and Big Business.

You know Doug, I was curious, so I actually read this article.

It's very interesting that an article about Democrats abandoning the working class and being buddy-buddy with big business would completely fail to mention the stimulus checks, American Families Plan, the PRO act, the infrastructure bill, or taxation a single time.

Very strange! I feel like policy should probably be the number one indicator of how pro "big business" or pro worker a party is. But hey, what do I know?
7/20/2021 8:11 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/20/2021 8:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 7/20/2021 7:12:00 PM (view original):


Democrats Are the Party of Corporate Oligarchs

The average American is being crushed by leftist Big Government and Big Business.

You know Doug, I was curious, so I actually read this article.

It's very interesting that an article about Democrats abandoning the working class and being buddy-buddy with big business would completely fail to mention the stimulus checks, American Families Plan, the PRO act, the infrastructure bill, or taxation a single time.

Very strange! I feel like policy should probably be the number one indicator of how pro "big business" or pro worker a party is. But hey, what do I know?
7/21/2021 12:31 AM
Posted by rsp777 on 7/20/2021 7:10:00 PM (view original):
7/21/2021 12:34 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/17/2021 6:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 7/17/2021 12:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/16/2021 10:28:00 PM (view original):
I think lostnfound just gets off to murdering people.

Kill all BLM and antifa, invade Mexico(?) and bomb the **** out of the cartels, and death penalty for false accusations of rape.

What a great guy. Glad we all recognize the canuck as a loon.
I was thinking that too. For somebody who spends a lot of time talking about Christianity, he seems terribly bloodthirsty.

Then again, I've found that the average right-wing evangelical has never actually read the entire Bible even once. Often not even the entire New Testament. Much less multiple translations, or made any kind of effort to understand the content in context.
So you are able to tell me what I have read ! U be psychic.. or Psycho

Not bloodthirsty, just sick and tired of gangsters going scott free to do as they please, and this includes child trafficking, extortion, and murdering tough judges and prosecutors that they are going to face if and when they are tried

Yes, I am all for executing the lot of those scumbags
So basically what you're saying is that you HAVE read the Bible, you just choose to ignore it when it disagrees with what feels right to you. And then talk about it nearly exclusively when you think it agrees with what feels right to you.

7/21/2021 12:49 PM
Spot on..........but then isn't that MOST "self declared" Christians?
7/21/2021 2:11 PM
Sadly that's true of Christians, and Muslims, and Buddhists, and those of any religion.
7/21/2021 2:46 PM
A new POLE shows what TFG is going to look like by the time the courts get done with him and his criminal enterprise.
7/21/2021 2:59 PM
Catholic Monsignor who wanted to deny Biden communion resigns after cellphone links him to gay dating app.

lol unreal
7/21/2021 7:03 PM
7/21/2021 7:47 PM
7/23/2021 11:28 AM
7/23/2021 11:28 AM
7/23/2021 11:29 AM


Biden to Struggling Employers: Just Pay More

He says some businesses will remain “in a bind” until they raise wages for workers.

7/23/2021 6:43 PM
A nice explanation of why dummy is so completely full of ****.

7/23/2021 8:43 PM


China Hacks, Russia Expands, Biden Dithers

The American president’s foreign policy can be summed up in two words: America Last.

7/24/2021 8:29 AM
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BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

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