BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

I still remember Ronald Reagans comment back in the old days, when most folks had at least a measure of integrity

'Government can't solve the problem. Government IS the problem' If you get the meaning of that say YES.

Government is a monster that seeks to conquer everyone, and control everything they do. It also seeks to be worshipped.. Big government is actually run by the devil.. and HE seeks to control, steal, destroy, and be worshipped. . and since he is the god of this world (That is scriptual) he works through big governments to accomplish this.. In Matthew Ch 4 he even tried to get Jesus to worship him.

It goes like this..... "And then he showed Jesus all the Kingdoms of the World, and the glory of them, and then he said, 'All these things I will give to you, if you will just fall down and worship me'

and Jesus told him to hit the road.

So this illustrates that it is the devil who has influence in big governments.. and it is through those entities he seeks to control.. and it is working... because he has most of the world convinced that he doesn't even exist.

It is GOVERNMENTS that oppress the people, It is GoVERNMENTS that behead people and f.y.i in the French Revolution.. the Guillotines were run by the 'Public Safety Committee' It is GOVERNMENTs who torture people for believing in God,. eg is the CCCP. Another example is North Korea's leader who actually had people punished for not grieving enough after his daddy died. and it is governments that create global crisis in order to scare the daylights out of you. If they succeed, then you will do as you are told. Protest and they will censure you, or delete your account as in FB and Trump

We no longer have the freedom of speech we had when I was a kid.. because we gave in to false narratives an gave our freedoms away. We have been conned, seduced and conquered.. and some of the vehicles used were the global warming hoax, and the controls imposed on us by the health officials. It is insane. and the devil oops governments are out of contorl

WE elect THEM and should be telling THEM what to do.. but I think it is too late.

I also call certain religions as though they are governments.. and they are not submitted to the will of God at all, but to their lust for power.. They scare the people with false doctrines, and totally abuse and control the 'sheep' or should I say, 'slaves' This is spiritual wickedness in high places.. and we are brainwashed, and have no clue as to what the real game is.. but it has been playing ever since Lucifer fell from heaven.. and today it is all coming to a head. probably more in the last 60 years and in the previous 600

Enjoy the ride.. because in your lifetime, you will never again see the freedom you had just two short years ago

Their biggest fear is that people will learn the truth, and refuse to worship them.. In the end, God will take those kingdoms down and Jesus will establish a new world.. and we are right at the start of those days.

7/15/2021 7:02 AM
So 2 years ago we had "freedom" we don't have now???

WTH!! NONSENSE. Paranoia. Stupidity, etc!!!

According to this Canadian MORON------------- Freedom is aligned with misinformation.

IF you Don't deal with difficult truths, than you, TOO, can be free.
Don't like the Globe's climate changing for the worse. Ignore it, call it fake news. That way, you're Free (of self responsibility).
Don't like the TRUTH of our Country's past. Don't believe it, call it Fake. That way, you're Free (of self responsibility).
Don't like the TRUTH of Trump's character and indecency? Call if Fake news. That way, You're free (of self responsibility).
And on and on and on.

Blind Christianity. The enabler of evil throughout our time on this Globe, and (apparently) for all time.
God weeps over the ignorance of His (so-called) followers!!

Block the Zealot. Free your brain.
7/15/2021 9:15 AM
I still remember when RONALD REAGAN began the economic downfall of the country with ABSOLUTELY RETARDED "Trickle Down Economics." I still remember when he started an IDIOTIC "War on Drugs" with his pathetic wife and "Just Say No" while his "integrity" was so wonderful his bagmen were ILLEGALLY shuttling weapons off to Iran.

So I'll say an EMPHATIC YES!!!...

To the FACT that REAGAN'S "government" was a MAJOR PROBLEM that set this country back eons in policy, honesty and integrity.

As for the rest of your incoherent, rambling, zealot bullshit....

It's GARBAGE. It's MORE LIES. It's more PROSELYTIZING. It's more of the SAME from you just like we get from allMOUTH. You religious CLOWNS are the ACTUAL pathetic sheep congregated in your flocks waiting for a white zombie to come and save you from the terrors of the REAL WORLD.

You live a MYTH. Your MIND is WEAK. You fell for the OLDEST CON in HISTORY.
7/15/2021 9:46 AM
Way ahead of you bob. Did that months (if not a year) ago, and have never looked back.

Learned my lesson from giving rsp a (very, very short-lived) 2nd chance, after he cried and cried to me in site-mails about how he was a Christian until he watched his mother die a slow, painful death from cancer and how he hated most of the things he posted in this Forum. Obviously he was lying out his butt, and playing me to unblock him, but it showed his true colors even brighter. He, like dino, l+f, and probably tang will never be unblocked again. Of course, unless he changed form greatly, 99% of rsp's posts say the exact thing - He calls people some "cute" name, curses them, calls them a lar and if they've ever posted a single religious thought makes comment of that. I don't need to read the same thing over and over and over from anybody, certainly not that clueless, hate-filled garbage.

While I certainly get frustrated with you and guys like Uofa and wylie, I do appreciate your attempts to mostly keep things somewhat decent. This Country is composed of all types of people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual preference, et. al. We even have different views based on where within the Country we live - what's good for Oregon isn't always going to be good for New York and such. We are never all going to agree. Not even close. Problem is, far, far too many people, including our Politicians, now disregard needed compromise and just keep screaming for their "right" way. It's honestly sad to watch.
7/15/2021 12:33 PM

"While I certainly get frustrated with you and guys like Uofa and wylie, I do appreciate your attempts to mostly keep things somewhat decent. This Country is composed of all types of people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual preference, et. al. We even have different views based on where within the Country we live - what's good for Oregon isn't always going to be good for New York and such. We are never all going to agree. Not even close. Problem is, far, far too many people, including our Politicians, now disregard needed compromise and just keep screaming for their "right" way. It's honestly sad to watch."

Buddy. I couldn't have stated it better myself. Well done. We have complete agreement.

What frustrates me about your posts (many of them) is how it is you don't seem to SEE that Trump (and his deceitful allies) are USING this approach that you so decry to a level NEVER attempted before by any Pol, MUCH LESS a sitting POTUS. Purposefully dividing us further (even using the most incredulous LIES) to attempt to get/hold power without a SINGLE FRICKIN' thought about our Country and what was good for the people or the Country's future. To me, it (in dishonor terms!!) approaches treason. At least on an ethical/moral (if NOT Law) basis. Yet I've seen you post defenses of these evil purveyors of treachery time after time after time.

How do you not SEE that that is how I must observe your comments.
The statement I quoted is perfect-------------- Yet you have backed the folks who have used that tactic and escalated it's place in our politics to a millionth degree. The dichotomy is just glaring.

I had issues with "W", BUT I NEVER doubted his HEART. I KNEW He wanted the best for our Country and would NEVER purposefully harm our future for control. Your man DID!!!

7/15/2021 12:46 PM
Tolerance gets more overrated by the HOUR. **** that guy.
7/15/2021 12:56 PM
Ronald Reagan did talk about how horrible the government was.

So I did a bit of looking into the guy.

Imagine my shock when I found out that Reagan not only failed to reduce the size of the government, but actually increased the debt more than any President before him. Reagan exploded government spending!!! Talk about big government. And for a guy who talked all the time about the government reducing freedom and government tyranny, he sure did spend a lot of money on wasteful military projects.

Not only that, Reagan exploded big government without even helping people! He cut social spending while increasing the debt!!!! What an achievement!

Reagan also naturalized thousands of illegal immigrants, who surely went on to commit millions of crimes in the US. He might be a traitor!

This Reagan guy is very interesting!
7/15/2021 1:15 PM
Also, there will be no bipartisanship with all3. What does that even look like?

He has bad ideas, we have good ones. I don't want to make my ideas less good by finding a middle ground with him.

He claims that Biden is responsible for raising gas prices. He's wrong. I'm not going to pretend that Biden is partially responsible just to make him feel better.
7/15/2021 1:17 PM
The fact that Reagan is the guy that CLOWNSHOES is quoting is HILARIOUSLY TELLING...

Reagan was TFG V:1 and led us, through a circuitous route, to TFG V:2. BAD policy. LIES. Blowing out the $ like it was cocaine in an NYC niteclub. ILLEGAL deals involving WEAPONS to IRAN. The EPIC FAIL of his "War on Drugs" and Tax breaks for RICH BUDDIES. Cuts to social programs across the board. Deregulation. Sound like anyone you know?

Reagan was the FIRST "Tv Idiot" elected to the Presidency and screwed this country in the *** so hard that it took until 8 years of Slick Wille Clinton to make the country worth a flying **** again.
7/15/2021 1:49 PM
Don't forget completely ignoring the AIDs epidemic until a family member got it, and then finally taking action.

Reagan's religious inaction likely led to thousands of deaths.
7/15/2021 2:04 PM
Bob, can't defend much, if anything, that Trump has done or said in the last 1.5 years. I agree he is now outright divisive. However, I don't at all believe that's a one-way street. I think there are just as many Libs/Dems speaking and acting for division. Heck, I bet there are two such individuals who have posted on this very Forum page.
7/15/2021 11:42 PM
And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least.
7/16/2021 8:36 AM
Posted by DougOut on 7/16/2021 8:36:00 AM (view original):
And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least.
Nobody reputable accused Kavanaugh of rape so good work on lying more in one sentence than you accuse others of.
7/16/2021 9:07 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 7/16/2021 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 7/16/2021 8:36:00 AM (view original):
And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least.
Nobody reputable accused Kavanaugh of rape so good work on lying more in one sentence than you accuse others of.
THIS is the kind of comment from people here that drives me crazy. So full of Partican BS. Ms. Ford was reputable enough for you all when you were claiming what an evil person Kavanaugh was, and that he shouldn't be confirmed.
At least you didn't try to say nobody falsely (thus far) accused Trump of Russian collusion, although I expect that to come down the road, as people (on both sides) continue to rewrite History to suit their own agendas.
7/16/2021 9:44 AM
Posted by DougOut on 7/16/2021 9:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 7/16/2021 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 7/16/2021 8:36:00 AM (view original):
And on the other hand.....who can ever forget the fake Russian collusion/spy hoax that went on for years or the out and out lies and allegation of rape against Justice Kavanaugh. And who among us believed and promoted those lies? say the very least.
Nobody reputable accused Kavanaugh of rape so good work on lying more in one sentence than you accuse others of.
Do you have any memory left? ANY? What was the daily Kavanaugh TV show about every day? Remember the hearings? Remember Senator Dianne Feinstein? She's the one for TWENTY YEARS with the Chinese Communist Spy chauffeur? Remember? Is she reputable? REMEMBER ANYTHING? Remember DEMOCRAT AFTER DEMOCRAT ... DAY AFTER DAY ... WEEK AFTER WEEK in your living room? Are they reputable? Remember the FAKE NEWS tools on CNN and MSNBC? Were they reputable? How about all the experts they paraded out day after day? Were they reputable? Remember? REMEMBER ANYTHING?
Blassy Ford didn’t accuse him of rape. Idiot.
7/16/2021 9:53 AM
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