1-6-21 commision

McCouligh demonstrating again there are 2 sets of rules. One for Benghazi and one for Trump’s armed insurrection.

I would like to see a 911 type of Commision.
some good people would be Mark Udall.......John Kasich......Barbara Boxer........David Jolly.......Doug Jones.......and how about the ironical Hillary Clinton.

Dick Cheney would also be a great choice. Just imagine the payback.
5/24/2021 11:50 AM (edited)
Embryo Research

very important development that could be a huge boon to research and humankind.

Britian is going to extend the length of time that an embryo can develop for research purposes. New guidelines have been proposed by the international stem cell research organization that is the worlds most influential group ...the first in several years are being set.
currently the international standard is 14 days.
the new length of time is not yet announced.
many countries will revise their time window in accordance with the new ethics guidelines.

this could make a big difference because most developmental problems show up between 14-28 days.
5/26/2021 1:23 PM (edited)
Imitation of Life

i heard an excellent point on television today regarding the legal action being taken in NY against Crumbp.
he said yesterday or today that any action against him was an attack on his 75 million followers or something to that effect.

the point was made that the comment was very similar to the same things he said which did incite the Jan 6 armed insurrection of which he was the master of the parade that day.

the point is well taken. He could be starting another incitement to violence among his 75 million minions.
do not put it past that thugster.
5/26/2021 8:38 PM
Depravity Noose - AKA - What’s New in the Republican Potty

1. Matt Gaetz is running for President
2. Greene could be his running mate
3. Gaetz told followers they had an obligation to use the second amendment against tech companies.
4. Republican senators block a commission to study the attempt to overturn the United States government and possible attempted murder of Pence and others.
4. Grim Reaper called in personal favors to stop the commission.
5. Trump still being investigated by DC atty general for lining his pockets in an amount possibly 100 million dollar from inaugural money. This could go criminal just like NY probe of Trump business went criminal.
6. Republican senator says that if Dems use reconciliation for infrastructure that could effect future bipartisanship- enter laugh track. See #4.
5/28/2021 12:52 PM (edited)
1. Matt Gaetz belongs in jail, not a presidential election.
2. Greene belongs in a home for the mentally unstable
3.See #1
4. Did you expect anything else?
5/28/2021 2:17 PM
From the Party of Lincoln and Norman Rockwell to the Party of George Lincoln Rockwell

I think that the political fate of Arlen Spector was a signpost of the breakdown of the Republican Party into a cesspool of the dregs of political society.

Arlen Spector may have been the last great moderate Republican of substance and integrity.
When he ran for President in the Republican primary and could not get more then 2% of the vote that signaled the end of sanity and the rise of the mutants.

I know that the majority of white republicans are a dumbed down group of people....based on every way to measure common sense and dedication to democratic ideals and respect or disrespect for science and immunity from conspiracy theories not to mention attraction to authoritarian ideals and leaders and xenophobic tendency.

it was happening with the Gingrich contract on America and the erosion of respect for science under Bush 2 ie the federal defunding of stem cell research and the mockery of climate science because smarter people were spreading awareness.
it became a full fledged culture war during Obama personified by the Birther movement and the continued rise of less education makes you smarter and wiser and distrust people that believe in science instead of the Bible.

In the Trump era he bragged about his followers being the greatly uneducated and statistically he was right.
however he also endorsed the ideology that their lack of education made them possess superior qualities.
For the first time White power groups became empowered namely kkk and nazi groups.....various other White power hate groups and insurrectionist groups.....from the pizza gate to the rise of Qanon which Trump refused to condemn but endorsed as having good goals gained prominence and converts among millions of white conservative voters.

The dumbing down of white Americans within the Republican Party affiliation is getting worse month by month.
I am very worried about the worsening future.
the obstructionism as a goal for the Republican Party is likely to force a major change to the fillibuster.
this would be fine if democrats remain a moderate sane party in power.
but the American electorate cannot be trusted and I fear the day when republicans ever regain power without the fillibuster to protect the nation from their goals.

now we have Gaetz running for president and son of ghouliani running for governor Why - because they want to raise money for legal fees and hope that a victory could prevent jail and lead to pardons.Gaetz has spoken out for second amendment remedies against leaders and government.

They both bank on the fact that the trump movement acolytes are a staggering 75 million and the core of that is the anti social anti democratic authoritarian loving people that would support them.
this is the horror of our society and the horror grows worse for an entire so called party month by month.

In June or July the government to some extent is going to start to come clean about UFO sightings and one would think other governments will follow suit.
I am concerned that this will unleash a further rise of q’anon and other depraved groups and new such groups.

I have a very cynical view of this countries future.
5/29/2021 4:30 PM (edited)
Posted by dino27 on 5/29/2021 3:48:00 PM (view original):
From the Party of Lincoln and Norman Rockwell to the Party of George Lincoln Rockwell

I think that the political fate of Arlen Spector was a signpost of the breakdown of the Republican Party into a cesspool of the dregs of political society.

Arlen Spector may have been the last great moderate Republican of substance and integrity.
When he ran for President in the Republican primary and could not get more then 2% of the vote that signaled the end of sanity and the rise of the mutants.

I know that the majority of white republicans are a dumbed down group of people....based on every
Ummmm............did you fall over or something? Oh well, don't bother finishing. I'll do it for you.

Did Arlen Specter ever apologize to Anita Hill? |

What Joe Biden Hasn't Owned Up to About Anita Hill | The ...


5/29/2021 3:53 PM
Yes Doug, let's hold people accountable for their treatment of Anita Hill. This will surely go well for the Republican Party.
5/29/2021 4:05 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/29/2021 4:05:00 PM (view original):
Yes Doug, let's hold people accountable for their treatment of Anita Hill. This will surely go well for the Republican Party.
I see you have an agenda
5/29/2021 4:07 PM
Posted by dino27 on 5/29/2021 4:32:00 PM (view original):
My post is now finished

5/29/2021 4:40 PM
Posted by dino27 on 5/29/2021 4:30:00 PM (view original):
From the Party of Lincoln and Norman Rockwell to the Party of George Lincoln Rockwell

I think that the political fate of Arlen Spector was a signpost of the breakdown of the Republican Party into a cesspool of the dregs of political society.

Arlen Spector may have been the last great moderate Republican of substance and integrity.
When he ran for President in the Republican primary and could not get more then 2% of the vote that signaled the end of sanity and the rise of the mutants.

I know that the majority of white republicans are a dumbed down group of people....based on every way to measure common sense and dedication to democratic ideals and respect or disrespect for science and immunity from conspiracy theories not to mention attraction to authoritarian ideals and leaders and xenophobic tendency.

it was happening with the Gingrich contract on America and the erosion of respect for science under Bush 2 ie the federal defunding of stem cell research and the mockery of climate science because smarter people were spreading awareness.
it became a full fledged culture war during Obama personified by the Birther movement and the continued rise of less education makes you smarter and wiser and distrust people that believe in science instead of the Bible.

In the Trump era he bragged about his followers being the greatly uneducated and statistically he was right.
however he also endorsed the ideology that their lack of education made them possess superior qualities.
For the first time White power groups became empowered namely kkk and nazi groups.....various other White power hate groups and insurrectionist groups.....from the pizza gate to the rise of Qanon which Trump refused to condemn but endorsed as having good goals gained prominence and converts among millions of white conservative voters.

The dumbing down of white Americans within the Republican Party affiliation is getting worse month by month.
I am very worried about the worsening future.
the obstructionism as a goal for the Republican Party is likely to force a major change to the fillibuster.
this would be fine if democrats remain a moderate sane party in power.
but the American electorate cannot be trusted and I fear the day when republicans ever regain power without the fillibuster to protect the nation from their goals.

now we have Gaetz running for president and son of ghouliani running for governor Why - because they want to raise money for legal fees and hope that a victory could prevent jail and lead to pardons.Gaetz has spoken out for second amendment remedies against leaders and government.

They both bank on the fact that the trump movement acolytes are a staggering 75 million and the core of that is the anti social anti democratic authoritarian loving people that would support them.
this is the horror of our society and the horror grows worse for an entire so called party month by month.

In June or July the government to some extent is going to start to come clean about UFO sightings and one would think other governments will follow suit.
I am concerned that this will unleash a further rise of q’anon and other depraved groups and new such groups.

I have a very cynical view of this countries future.
Now is finished.
5/29/2021 4:42 PM
5/29/2021 4:46 PM

The Court is handing down a slew of rulings over next few weeks.
Most importantly will be the Obamacare case where the Trump administration went to Court to annihilate Obamacare. I see a 7-2 ruling keeping Obamacare in my crystal ball.

case came down today protecting the right of Native American authorities to stop and detain non native Americans on their lands. preserving that aspect of Native American sovereignty on their land. 9-0.
6/1/2021 1:16 PM (edited)

Are the great white dopes on the ropes.
Shelly Moore Capito R senator of the not so
great state of West Virginia meets with Champion Biden this week as lead negotiator on the infrastructure bill.
Notice she is the other senator with Joe Manchin from W. Va.
This is the last ditch effort to give the republicans a chance to make a good faith offer.
Pete Budajudge is pressing for a start date of June 7 on the bill.
6/1/2021 10:24 PM (edited)
Cyber Attack on Meat Supply

JBS - global meat producer hacked!
1/5 of USA meat supply affected.

This is good for Kosher and Halal markets.

first rule - the laws of germany
second rule - be nice to mommy
third rule - don’t talk to commies
fourth rule - eat kosher Salomies
6/1/2021 3:18 PM
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