BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

5/1/2021 1:22 AM
Posted by kermit on 11/6/2020 8:21:00 AM (view original):
Are we talking about the Joe Biden who has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his near-50 years of service, or the Joe Biden who is now going to rouse himself to achieve the far-left's most fantastic socialist dreams in the span of a few months?
I don't think he has anything left between his ears. = puppet

Funny how the media (mostly commie nerds) always present their guy with a smile, for eg that 40 yr old pic of Biden, but yet they always show Trump with a scowl. Of curse, this is NOT by design. and.. MSM has no agenda
5/1/2021 8:03 AM
Biden made a speech?

btw nice imoge of Ed O'Neill
5/1/2021 8:04 AM
5/1/2021 8:06 AM
5/1/2021 8:11 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 5/1/2021 8:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kermit on 11/6/2020 8:21:00 AM (view original):
Are we talking about the Joe Biden who has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his near-50 years of service, or the Joe Biden who is now going to rouse himself to achieve the far-left's most fantastic socialist dreams in the span of a few months?
I don't think he has anything left between his ears. = puppet

Funny how the media (mostly commie nerds) always present their guy with a smile, for eg that 40 yr old pic of Biden, but yet they always show Trump with a scowl. Of curse, this is NOT by design. and.. MSM has no agenda
Trumps picture was smiling and years old on like 90% of broadcasts
5/1/2021 10:29 AM
Posted by Uofa2 on 5/1/2021 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 5/1/2021 8:03:00 AM (view original):
Posted by kermit on 11/6/2020 8:21:00 AM (view original):
Are we talking about the Joe Biden who has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his near-50 years of service, or the Joe Biden who is now going to rouse himself to achieve the far-left's most fantastic socialist dreams in the span of a few months?
I don't think he has anything left between his ears. = puppet

Funny how the media (mostly commie nerds) always present their guy with a smile, for eg that 40 yr old pic of Biden, but yet they always show Trump with a scowl. Of curse, this is NOT by design. and.. MSM has no agenda
Trumps picture was smiling and years old on like 90% of broadcasts
That's because they are LIARS. That's all they do. They LIE, they LIE again and then they LIE some more to try to cover up the fact that they LIED. Every one of the cons on this site LOVE to LIE. It's the entire repuke base. They LIE. It's their "thing" and it's a "thing" that's going to see rupukes get shitstomped in EVERY future election. Boebert, Paul, Taylor-Green, Kennedy, McConnell, Graham. All of them are LUNATICS and LIARS. Just like all of them here. Completely stuffed full of **** and spewing it everywhere they can to soil the country with poisonous, traitorous BULLSHIT. All of it done with no shame. Look at dummy...WRONG about EVERYTHING for 5 years now and he's still here posting his same old, tired and played memes and pictures. Because he's a HYPOCRITE and a LIAR and loves to be shamelessly stupid in a pathetic attempt at some kind of social relevance that he obviously can't find in a world that is throwing shovels of dirt on those of his ilk. They are neck deep in quicksand and they're fighting it and sinking deeper with every passing day. It's gonna be SO joyous to watch the likes of Ghouliani and the orange ******** burn in courts of LAW. It's just a matter of time and every stupid little photo or meme isn't going to change the inevitability of the glorious funeral pyre that will burn these reprobates and deplorables back into the history books as a lesson to the future. I hope idiots like dummy stick around here so every sane human on this site can have a sip of their wonderful tears when the bill comes due for their LIES and their support and defense of the most corrupt and disgusting politicians in history.
5/1/2021 12:02 PM
Some people seem to have a problem grasping that Trump is no longer our President. This thread is supposed to be about President Biden, but instead it's turned into just another "But Trump . . . " marathon, even from the commenting Repubs. Let's get current people, or maybe we could talk about Clinton, Nixon and Kennedy too.
5/1/2021 12:51 PM
Aaaaaaand SCENE!


5/1/2021 2:25 PM

5/1/2021 4:23 PM
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Posted by all3 on 5/5/2021 1:08:00 PM (view original):
I give Biden credit for acknowledging Republicans had a large roll in getting so many vaccines available so quickly.
That's the type on non-Partisan talk this Country needs a lot more of.
The republicans helped get some created but stopped there and did precious little on roll out
and won’t take them.

So bottom line is trump admin did something to get a vaccine ostensibly for Dems to take but did not get them available and the majority of them are so unpatriotic that they will not help country get to herd immunity.

now based on his body of work if Biden was president when the virus hit he would have used the defense production act - from day one - to create vaccines faster with huge govt input and money billions not millions would have been spent on vaccine creation and masks and ventilators and the USA would have led the charge like the greatest cavalry the world ever saw.

and you better believe that tons more vaccine would be ordered and there would have been more international teamwork and roll out plans would have been developing way before the vaccines would be ready.

trump did a poor job.
his effort was somewhere between a D and C-.
he did not meet the challenge.
5/5/2021 1:34 PM (edited)
To be fair, Trump's time was largely consumed by drafting his big beyootiful health care plan that we should expect to see unveiled any day now.
5/5/2021 1:53 PM
good one, frog!
5/5/2021 1:56 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/5/2021 1:56:00 PM (view original):
good one, frog!

5/5/2021 2:56 PM
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BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

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