Just a general note: I'm doing a lot of organizing of sitemails, lists, numbers, and names.
While I'm not going to require it, it would be very helpful if the following could happen in ballots:
1. List the full first name and last name. I think I know who you mean by "S Curry," but there are two possibilities, and in Scat it's not a given.
2. Don't list numbers. I copy and paste straight from your ballot to the alpha list, which means I'm removing the numbers on your list. I can do that, but it's just more work and means a slightly higher possibility of omission or error.
3. Check your spelling at least once. Often, I'll Ctrl+F across all ballots to find duplicates. A lot of the time I go by the last name or the most recognizable part of the name (like "Hardaw" for Penny or "Michael" for Jordan) but if there's a misspelling, there's a greater chance I'll miss it. I do a manual proofread of the master sheet for each round, but it's a bit harder that way.
I don't mean to make excuses, and I certainly hope this is the most mistake-free Round 1 yet. If there are any other issues, please bring them to my attention before submitting your Round 2. We've got closer to three days to sort out any issues before moving on. Thanks for your patience, and I'm excited for another Scat odyssey.