Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 11:51:00 PM (view original):
I smoked out 2 of the 3.
one refused to comment and one resorted to calling out others in false comparison and still refused to really comment on what she stands for.

ignore these people.
I’ve only been saying that for 3 years about dummy and allMOUTH and yet people continue to interact with them.

I even continue to do so to mock them, so I’m guilty of it too.

It’s time to...

1/31/2021 6:44 AM
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 11:51:00 PM (view original):
I smoked out 2 of the 3.
one refused to comment and one resorted to calling out others in false comparison and still refused to really comment on what she stands for.

ignore these people.
Right on, sadly. You can't debate/interact with folks who have no personal integrity.

Twisting your own principles in an attempt to defend folks who can NOT be sanely defended is personally dishonest.
It is LYING to oneself.

In addition to Green, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, (and any other member of Congress who planned, instigated, or provoked and aided the insurgency) should be expelled from Congress and PROSECUTED FOR SEDITION!!
1/31/2021 7:49 AM
Thank you Rsp and thank you Bob.
thank you buddies. Let’s not take the bait from clowns anymore. It demeans us.
and all 3 of them know full well who she is before I brought it up.
I appreciate both of your words.
this thread will thus carry on.
1/31/2021 9:40 AM
Trump’s Legal Team Has Left

The trial begins on February 8 and the 5 members of the legal team have all quit. None were paid and they all say it was over the legal strategy. Trump insists that they argue that there was massive voter fraud and he won the election and it was stolen from him.
they wanted to argue that the trial was unconstitutional

at this time trump is left with his house managers to defend him.

anyone mentioning dominion could bring great legal peril to themselves. I don’t know what the consequences could be for arguing that the election was in fact stolen.
1/31/2021 10:03 AM
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 11:51:00 PM (view original):
I smoked out 2 of the 3.
one refused to comment and one resorted to calling out others in false comparison and still refused to really comment on what she stands for.

ignore these people.
I've been ignoring Doug for a while now, and I've started to ignore all3
1/31/2021 2:00 PM
Great Wylie. I’m glad you are part of the cloture.
time to ignore them completely.
im tired of any of us and I have been guilty bringing ourselves down to that level.
we can end the circus and hopefully other rational people will join in on our discussions and topics.
I want to exclude the obvious lunatic fringe people.
let’s have good political talk from now on.
1/31/2021 2:29 PM
Major Snow Coming to East Coast

probably 15 to 25 inches over Sunday thru Tuesday depending on location.

Covid Relief Bill

Biden is pushing for immediate resolution.
A group of 10 Republican senators are pushing a 600 billion plan while Biden is at 1.9 trillion. The Republican plan won’t include stimulus which Biden deems essential. Even a split at 1.2 trillion would be a tough sell for either the Dems or the 10.
the plan will be reviewed on Monday and probably a path forward be it compromise or reconciliation will be reached by Thursday at the latest.
1/31/2021 3:06 PM
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Trump has 2 new lawyers

both are legit and very notable and respected and not considered political.
one is Bruce Castor who was the da involved in the alleged deal with Bill Cosby many years ago that fell apart....Castor now has quite the history with famous rapists.
still trump’s picks are very inciteful.
1/31/2021 8:33 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is no a nut-so for sure. It embarrasses me to have her in the house as much as it embarrasses me that we voted in a 14-year old trust fund cry baby that has never worked a day in his life and an open Marxist to the senate.

The difference is that the lefts extremists have become the face of the party (AOC and the squad), while the rights extremists are outliers.

As far as Taylor-Greene being an anti-Semite, you will have to provide some evidence to that claim. That’s a pretty big charge to not support. The right does a good job of purging their anti-semites (see Steve King). The left defends theirs. (see Ilhan Omar).
1/31/2021 8:43 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/31/2021 8:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is no a nut-so for sure. It embarrasses me to have her in the house as much as it embarrasses me that we voted in a 14-year old trust fund cry baby that has never worked a day in his life and an open Marxist to the senate.

The difference is that the lefts extremists have become the face of the party (AOC and the squad), while the rights extremists are outliers.

As far as Taylor-Greene being an anti-Semite, you will have to provide some evidence to that claim. That’s a pretty big charge to not support. The right does a good job of purging their anti-semites (see Steve King). The left defends theirs. (see Ilhan Omar).
He says that aoc is the face of the party and right extremists are the outliers of the party and wants proof that Greene is anti Semitic ( hitler isn’t all bad he liked dogs)and is equally troubled by Greene as much as a so called trust fund recipient and Bernie sanders who he calls an avowed Marxist.
all of these statements are OBVIOUSLY nuts and out there.
we don’t have to pick them apart.....please don’t be a mr obvious and start.

I won’t redline this. I won’t ever do stuff like that. He is entitled to post but this guy deserves zero traction.
and I’m ready to puke at these right wing people who don’t know the difference between democratic socialism and Marxism.I guess they think that China and Sweden and Canada are all the same.
so dumb.
post if you want but don’t expect to get a rise after this welcome.
you don’t have the dignity of a realistic understanding of American politics.
no soap radio.
1/31/2021 10:16 PM (edited)
Well, Dino. Thanks for the welcome back. Your response was one of a person that can’t defend his positions or beliefs. It was a cop-out response. Your next response will probably be “I don’t have to defend my positions to you.” Fortunately for you, I’ve been around long enough to know that you’re a pretty smart fella. Still a bad look for you though.

As far as the redlining. Don’t act like you’re Mr. Innocent. I’m going to guess that the two pinned posts at the top are due to your excessive redlining. You redline more than anyone else on this site.

AOC is axiomatically the face of the Democratic Party.

I never mentioned anything about Bernie. I was referring to Raphael Warnock. And yes, I clearly know the difference between democratic socialism and Marxism. Democratic socialism is government cram-down of wealth redistribution. Marxism is a natural progression towards communal living that has no government. Calling Warnock a Marxist was actually a misspeak. He is more of a Stalinist or a Maoist.

Also, the policies that AOC and the rest of the “democratic socialists” advocate for is NOT the Swedish model. A large plurality of Sweden’s social welfare is privatized. They are heavy advocates for school choice. Nothing about the lefts proposed policy is Sweden. Sweden attempted to have their government run their social welfare programs and it nearly destroyed them. Now we are trying the exact same things despite their history of failure.

As far as Taylor-Greene, she may be an anti-Semite. I don’t know. She is not in my district. I haven’t really followed her. She is nuts. That is a fact. But, if you (or Tang) are going to make such a claim about a person you better be able to back it up. (The “Jewish laser beam” thing definitely doesn’t help her case.) Also, you may want to rid your own party of the racism before calling out the other side. Linda Sarsour came to GA to campaign for Warnock and Ossoff and the left acted like it was perfectly normal.
1/31/2021 10:42 PM
Wow.. uhh... what a return, I guess. Has strikeout moved to the right in the past couple of months... jeez...


The difference is that the lefts extremists have become the face of the party (AOC and the squad), while the rights extremists are outliers.

Right now, the face of the Democratic Party is Joe Biden. Secondary to Joe Biden, the face of the Democratic Party is Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. We know this to be true because the Democratic voters elected Joe Biden, and Democratic congresspeople elected Pelosi and Schumer. As much as I would love AOC to be the face of her party, the progressive caucus is a minority in the House (and it isn't close). Let's compare that to the Republicans. Trump is the ONLY real face of the Republican Party right now, or at least the only person their base seems to support. Even if you don't believe that Trump is a fascist, he is absolutely the closest we have ever come to it. And Trump wholeheartedly endorsed MTG. So no, let's not equivocate here.

As far as Taylor-Greene being an anti-Semite, you will have to provide some evidence to that claim. That’s a pretty big charge to not support.

The Jewish Space Laser thing should automatically make anyone skeptical. Her talking about the Rothschilds? Cmon. Beyond that, she rags on George Soros constantly (something that, while not anti-semitic on its own, is often based in antisemitism), and she said that "Zionist supremacists" were causing the refugee crisis. With these pieces of evidence plus the other conspiracism she's engaged in, yeah, I'm comfortable calling her an anti-semite.

The right does a good job of purging their anti-semites (see Steve King). The left defends theirs. (see Ilhan Omar).

Cmon. You don't believe this. Are we seriously going to argue that there are more anti-semites on the left than on the right? David Duke got 40% of the vote in Louisiana in the 90's, as a Republican. Steve King was elected and rose up the party. If you took a random sample of anti-semites, more are going to be down with Trump than Biden, by a significant amount. As for Ilhan Omar, I would love to see the anti-semitic things she's said. Most of the time when that claim is made, it's usually anti Israel stuff, which is not nessesarily anti-semitic.

I’m going to guess that the two pinned posts at the top are due to your excessive redlining.

You would be correct.

Democratic socialism is government cram-down of wealth redistribution. Marxism is a natural progression towards communal living that has no government. Calling Warnock a Marxist was actually a misspeak. He is more of a Stalinist or a Maoist.

I actually disagree with you about Democratic Socialism. Democratic Socialism, I think, was a term made up by Bernie in order to make socialism sound better and distinguish himself from Stalin (which is fair), even though Bernie isn't a socialist (as far as we know). Marxism.. I don't know. Socialists have so many understandings of what Marxism and socialism actually mean that I don't really care anymore. I do appreciate that you at least try to understand terms (and don't try the "socialism is when the government does stuff). As for Warnock being a Stalinist.... umm... evidence appreciated. Seems like he's going to govern as a moderate/slightly progressive Dem. He's not even pro M4A.

Also, the policies that AOC and the rest of the “democratic socialists” advocate for is NOT the Swedish model. A large plurality of Sweden’s social welfare is privatized. They are heavy advocates for school choice. Nothing about the lefts proposed policy is Sweden.

This is kind of true but exaggerated. Bernie and AOC do push more top-down broad policies that I don't support (I don't support free college or 15 dollar minimum wage, I'm skeptical about M4A and any form of student debt cancellation). However, to claim that "nothing about the lefts proposed policy is Sweden" is just not true. Bernie and AOC would push us further toward a Nordic model than anyone else in American politics today.

Also, you may want to rid your own party of the racism before calling out the other side. Linda Sarsour came to GA to campaign for Warnock and Ossoff and the left acted like it was perfectly normal.

I agree that we should all focus on racism within our own parties. That said, I'm not sure what relevance Linda Sarsour has to this discussion. As far as I can tell, she canvassed for the two, but they never had a connection. Do we really want to go down the path of blaming candidates for having radical supporters? Because if so.... maybe you don't want that discussion.

1/31/2021 11:06 PM
Stop writing such long posts. I have limited time to respond. And no, I haven’t moved further to the right. Same ole me that thinks Trump is a scumbag that the republicans need to leave by the waste side.

I started to respond to you, but I just don’t have time right now. My responses were vague and weak, so I deleted them. You deserve a more in-depth argument, so I’ll try to get back to you later.

1/31/2021 11:19 PM
Tangplay - you are nothing but a horses *** for your remark about my redlines. I warned Doug to stop posting pictures of Hitler and remove them or I would redline them.
he refused so I did my duty.
something you would not do.

and hey bub - look up Marxist humanism
1/31/2021 11:29 PM (edited)
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