Who is Marjorie Green?
1/30/2021 5:40 PM
I'm with Doug; I don't know anything about her. What exactly did she do that dino thinks is worthy of all of us knowing and commenting on her?

I really wish he'd stop asking me questions and directing comments toward me, since he knows I don't read a word he posts unless somebody reposts it.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, rsp777.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.
1/30/2021 7:53 PM
Posted by all3 on 1/30/2021 7:53:00 PM (view original):
I'm with Doug; I don't know anything about her. What exactly did she do that dino thinks is worthy of all of us knowing and commenting on her?

I really wish he'd stop asking me questions and directing comments toward me, since he knows I don't read a word he posts unless somebody reposts it.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, rsp777.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.
This from the HYPOCRITE who thinks CENSORSHIP is wrong.
1/30/2021 7:56 PM
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
1/30/2021 8:10 PM
Posted by all3 on 1/30/2021 7:53:00 PM (view original):
I'm with Doug; I don't know anything about her. What exactly did she do that dino thinks is worthy of all of us knowing and commenting on her?

I really wish he'd stop asking me questions and directing comments toward me, since he knows I don't read a word he posts unless somebody reposts it.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, rsp777.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.
I did a quick search on Greene. I went through the first 2 pages of listed sources. I ignored wikipedia or her personal political or government sites. (ex:gov.track) There were 3 highlighted boxes on the top of page one - I only remember CNN...I suspect the others were MSNBC-NY TIMES-WASH POST? Doesn't matter.

As you know, google directs traffic away, buries, makes difficult to find for conservatives while promoting and highlighting liberal sites. An example would be Rumble vs You Tube. Also keep in mind there are many more liberal sites than conservative to begin with. With that said...I found in order:
1. CNN
4. Ind. UK
8. NPR

Sources 1-2-3-5-8-9 are liberal to the extreme. They all mimicked each other. There is some truth mixed with liberal (pun intended) amounts of speculation, innuendo, gossip and unfounded conclusions based on the flimsiest of accounts.

Sources 4-7 are foreign, specifically British. They simply copy/reprint/regurgitate a story about an incident in the hallway between Greene and a democrat member of the House, I believe, involving the wearing of a mask. Simply stated, a she said-she said affair.

I consider source 6, THE HILL, a middle of the road and usually fair representer of the news, although not always. There's was the most balanced account which included the hallway incident and mentioned a few of the other charges made by democrats but in no way pronouncing guilt or innocence.

The liberal sources, on the other hand, call for her resignation and have already constructed the site where she is to be pilloried and burnt as a witch.

Noticeably absent were any account from FOX or WASH TIMES.

Just a typical day surfing the net for news.

1/30/2021 8:39 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
They know that Tangplay.
1/30/2021 9:05 PM (edited)
I think my point has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I invite my fellow rational people to ignore them from now on.
that’s what I will do.
my beliefs about them I won’t say because they would like to see me suspended.

ignore them and let us discuss the issues among ourselves.
1/30/2021 9:03 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
They know that Tangplay.
Um, tang posted that, not me. I'm pretty sure both all3 and doug know who she is.
1/30/2021 9:06 PM
It is about time to take control over these threads and keep it real.
1/30/2021 9:08 PM
Posted by DougOut on 1/30/2021 8:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/30/2021 7:53:00 PM (view original):
I'm with Doug; I don't know anything about her. What exactly did she do that dino thinks is worthy of all of us knowing and commenting on her?

I really wish he'd stop asking me questions and directing comments toward me, since he knows I don't read a word he posts unless somebody reposts it.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, rsp777.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.

You are blocking the author of this post, dino27.
I did a quick search on Greene. I went through the first 2 pages of listed sources. I ignored wikipedia or her personal political or government sites. (ex:gov.track) There were 3 highlighted boxes on the top of page one - I only remember CNN...I suspect the others were MSNBC-NY TIMES-WASH POST? Doesn't matter.

As you know, google directs traffic away, buries, makes difficult to find for conservatives while promoting and highlighting liberal sites. An example would be Rumble vs You Tube. Also keep in mind there are many more liberal sites than conservative to begin with. With that said...I found in order:
1. CNN
4. Ind. UK
8. NPR

Sources 1-2-3-5-8-9 are liberal to the extreme. They all mimicked each other. There is some truth mixed with liberal (pun intended) amounts of speculation, innuendo, gossip and unfounded conclusions based on the flimsiest of accounts.

Sources 4-7 are foreign, specifically British. They simply copy/reprint/regurgitate a story about an incident in the hallway between Greene and a democrat member of the House, I believe, involving the wearing of a mask. Simply stated, a she said-she said affair.

I consider source 6, THE HILL, a middle of the road and usually fair representer of the news, although not always. There's was the most balanced account which included the hallway incident and mentioned a few of the other charges made by democrats but in no way pronouncing guilt or innocence.

The liberal sources, on the other hand, call for her resignation and have already constructed the site where she is to be pilloried and burnt as a witch.

Noticeably absent were any account from FOX or WASH TIMES.

Just a typical day surfing the net for news.

Why is everything a conspiracy to you?

You would love Marjorie Taylor Greene.

FYI; every accusation I made of her you can either hear her say herself or see through her posts on social media.

For example, we have numerous videos (posted by Greene herself) of the Congresswoman walking around the Capitol maskless and getting yelled at by other Congresspeople.
1/30/2021 10:07 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/30/2021 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
They know that Tangplay.
Um, tang posted that, not me. I'm pretty sure both all3 and doug know who she is.
All3 three hours ago: "I'm with Doug; I don't know anything about her."

Be best, wylie.
1/30/2021 10:09 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/30/2021 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
They know that Tangplay.
Um, tang posted that, not me. I'm pretty sure both all3 and doug know who she is.
Had zero idea until a few hours ago. Still don't really care: as I've said, there are lunatic extremists on BOTH sides of the Political isle. Several of the Liberal ones and a couple of the conservative ones show that as FACT with their posts here.
1/30/2021 11:46 PM
I smoked out 2 of the 3.
one refused to comment and one resorted to calling out others in false comparison and still refused to really comment on what she stands for.

ignore these people.
1/30/2021 11:51 PM
Posted by all3 on 1/30/2021 11:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 1/30/2021 9:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 9:05:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/30/2021 8:10:00 PM (view original):
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes in QAnon and Pizzagate, is a 9/11 truther, said that California wildfires were caused by space lasers from the Rothschilds, she's an anti-semite, she believes that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a false flag, and she has openly advocated for the murder/death of Democratic politicians.

She got 75% of the vote to become a US Represenative from Georgia.

The Republican Party is totally fine, y'all.
They know that Tangplay.
Um, tang posted that, not me. I'm pretty sure both all3 and doug know who she is.
Had zero idea until a few hours ago. Still don't really care: as I've said, there are lunatic extremists on BOTH sides of the Political isle. Several of the Liberal ones and a couple of the conservative ones show that as FACT with their posts here.
Lmao AOC takes the words out of my mouth

Imagine thinking that ‘healthcare is a human right’ vs white supremacist conspiracy theories are two views “just as extreme” as the other

Would love to hear what beliefs AOC or others have that are equivalent to 9/11 conspiracism, QAnon, and Jewish space lasers.

1/31/2021 12:08 AM (edited)
I believe that MTG (and maybe Boebert as well) should be expelled. Not because of their political beliefs, but because they are an active threat to other Congresspeople. I truly believe that there is a non-zero chance that they attempt to murder another Representative. MTG is just batshit insane, kind of like Doug and LostnFound.

Genuinely, I don't see how these people can be members of a functioning society. If you believe that Democrats in Congress are members of a pedophile ring (as MTG does), what would stop you from taking drastic action to stop them?
1/31/2021 12:07 AM
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