Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

Donald Trump:
1. Increased arms sales to the middle east, including Yemen, and supported the military industrial complex
2. Refused to pull troops out of Afghanistan as promised
3. Directed the US to "run oil fields" in Syria... very anti imperialism
4. When he did pull some troops out of Syria, it was done in an extremely poor and irresponsible way that allowed a ton of innocent Kurds to be massacred.
5. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, doing great harm to our relationship with that country, and nearly got us into a full-on war with Iran.
6. Considered attempting a regime change in Venezuela, said that Guido was the leader of Venezuela

"wow he's so anti war what a hero"

Not sure what freedom of speech I lost by voting for Biden.
1/29/2021 11:40 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:44:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/28/2021 11:17:00 AM (view original):
The affordable care market place is being opened in February through May via new executive action by a real President who does good things.

trump remains at home praying that the Supreme Court will destroy Obamacare especially right now during the pandemic.
You actually think those guys love the people more than Donald trump does? Not a chance. They don't care about you at all.
Trump, the man who grifted his own supporters into donating millions into a legal campaign that everyone knew he was going to lose (much of that money actually went to paying off debt... hmmmm), loves his supporters very much. lmao

And that's just the people who voted for him. I'm sure Trump thinks positively of Biden voters. He did refuse to send aid to blue states, which is a very normal thing to do.
1/29/2021 11:42 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

I'm truly baffled why you think we care what you think? You don't even live in this country. That doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion about this country, but why do you think we should care what you think? I don't care what most Americans think, let alone Canadians.
1/29/2021 12:04 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:44:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/28/2021 11:17:00 AM (view original):
The affordable care market place is being opened in February through May via new executive action by a real President who does good things.

trump remains at home praying that the Supreme Court will destroy Obamacare especially right now during the pandemic.
You actually think those guys love the people more than Donald trump does? Not a chance. They don't care about you at all.
well, they may not love the people more than Trump (but that would not be a very high threshold to meet) but they certainly don't love the people any less than Trump. You can't go lower than not at all. Donald Trump does not care about any American other than himself, and possibly his family.
1/29/2021 12:07 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/29/2021 12:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

I'm truly baffled why you think we care what you think? You don't even live in this country. That doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion about this country, but why do you think we should care what you think? I don't care what most Americans think, let alone Canadians.
The problem isn't so much that Lostnfound is a Canadian who doesn't understand US politics. It can be valuable to get an outside perspective, and the policies of the United States do affect Canada. The problem is that this person is an insane lunatic.
1/29/2021 12:18 PM
I fear that has become the truth about 99% of ALL politicians, 99% of the time.
I don't believe anybody in DC is part of the outstanding 1%.
1/29/2021 12:19 PM
I agree, all3...the vast majority of politicians don't care about you, me, tang, doug or anyone else. There may be a few rare exceptions, but for the most part all politicians care about is keeping or increasing what ever power they have.
1/29/2021 12:30 PM
It really is time to double mask.
you have to watch out for the mutants and the geeks and the variants and the single dosers.

is it just my imagination run amok but are some of the women’s masks designed to look like panties.

everyone is talking about killing the filibuster but it can’t be done now. But reconciliation will get a lot of the agenda done soon.

And let us not forget that in 2022 there is an excellent chance that the Dems will capture anywhere from a one to three net gain in the senate. Afterwards most likely and most probably enough to kill the filibuster no matter how Joe Manchin votes.

so let’s get cracking on Covid and infrastructure now.
and try after on immigration and voting rights and force republicans to filibuster motivating more voters to go out and vote blue in 22.
1/29/2021 2:12 PM (edited)
On the senate trial it would seem to me to be wise to try and get as much info on briefings trump got on potential problems at the capitol for Jan 6 from fbi and dhs.
1/29/2021 2:30 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/29/2021 11:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

Donald Trump:
1. Increased arms sales to the middle east, including Yemen, and supported the military industrial complex
2. Refused to pull troops out of Afghanistan as promised
3. Directed the US to "run oil fields" in Syria... very anti imperialism
4. When he did pull some troops out of Syria, it was done in an extremely poor and irresponsible way that allowed a ton of innocent Kurds to be massacred.
5. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, doing great harm to our relationship with that country, and nearly got us into a full-on war with Iran.
6. Considered attempting a regime change in Venezuela, said that Guido was the leader of Venezuela

"wow he's so anti war what a hero"

Not sure what freedom of speech I lost by voting for Biden.
He is the only one I can remember who did NOT start a war. Argue all you want. Is he good or is he evil? Depends what website you go to.

Not saying Tr*mp is me hero. but Biden and harris are scary
1/30/2021 7:50 AM
Posted by tangplay on 1/29/2021 12:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 1/29/2021 12:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

I'm truly baffled why you think we care what you think? You don't even live in this country. That doesn't mean you can't voice your opinion about this country, but why do you think we should care what you think? I don't care what most Americans think, let alone Canadians.
The problem isn't so much that Lostnfound is a Canadian who doesn't understand US politics. It can be valuable to get an outside perspective, and the policies of the United States do affect Canada. The problem is that this person is an insane lunatic.
ROFL yeah. We are so dumb up here in igloo land. There is a reason Americans get put BACK a year in school, when they move here

and fyi US politics affects the whole globe, or don'cha know?

Meanwhile, keep practicing the name calling. Who knows, you might even get a sub or two

Watch what happens now that your hero is in office. You have fallen into the hands of your enemies and don't even know it.

Or maybe you are here working for them. I really don't care
1/30/2021 7:54 AM
Posted by Aldershot on 1/30/2021 7:50:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 1/29/2021 11:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 1/29/2021 9:42:00 AM (view original):
I have only been here since WW2. The he only President I can remember who did NOT start a war, or send troops off to fight a meaningless one
is Donald Trump

I am totally baffled that so many are 'with' Pelosi, AOC, Biden. Kiss your freedom of speech good bye. Your choice, and you will live with the fallout

Donald Trump:
1. Increased arms sales to the middle east, including Yemen, and supported the military industrial complex
2. Refused to pull troops out of Afghanistan as promised
3. Directed the US to "run oil fields" in Syria... very anti imperialism
4. When he did pull some troops out of Syria, it was done in an extremely poor and irresponsible way that allowed a ton of innocent Kurds to be massacred.
5. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, doing great harm to our relationship with that country, and nearly got us into a full-on war with Iran.
6. Considered attempting a regime change in Venezuela, said that Guido was the leader of Venezuela

"wow he's so anti war what a hero"

Not sure what freedom of speech I lost by voting for Biden.
He is the only one I can remember who did NOT start a war. Argue all you want. Is he good or is he evil? Depends what website you go to.

Not saying Tr*mp is me hero. but Biden and harris are scary
So if Biden and Harris don't start a war in four years, you'll give them massive credit, right? Because everything else Trump did in terms of foreign policy was a disaster, yet dumbfucks like you still argue that he's great because "no new war."

Also, Biden and Harris are not "my heroes." I supported Bernie in the primary. However, Biden is light years better than Trump.
1/30/2021 11:32 AM
I would like to get a non meme answer from dog and aldersnot on whether that Marjorie green q’anon representative in congress should or should not be expelled. All3 too. I’ll be surprised to hear them say unequivocally without compare and contrast state their stance on her.
let’s see what all that religion means they always push means in practice.

I want them to say whether or not she should be expelled.
1/30/2021 1:05 PM (edited)
Posted by dino27 on 1/30/2021 1:05:00 PM (view original):
I would like to get a non meme answer from dog and aldersnot on whether that Marjorie green q’anon representative in congress should or should not be expelled. All3 too. I’ll be surprised to hear them say unequivocally without compare and contrast state their stance on her.
let’s see what all that religion means they always push means in practice.

I want them to say whether or not she should be expelled.
good luck getting any answers
1/30/2021 2:23 PM
They won’t do it because they are on the same wavelength that she is on.
make no mistake about that and all that it means.
1/30/2021 5:37 PM
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