Melania Schlump has not offered a tour of White House living quarters to First Lady and her daughter.
not very classy.

look for unity at inauguration between the Clinton’s and Obama’s and Biden’s and at ceremonies.
The Carter’s can’t attend because of health.
Michele Obama is very close to George and Laura Bush.
Schlump will be the first president excommunicated from the president’s club.
1/18/2021 12:28 PM
The monster insurrectionists who desecrated the capiitol and murdered and got 4 other people dead and scores of police officers badly injured and one took his life are not only mentally ill but are racists and virulent anti semites and hitler worshippers along with trump their new leader.
the following ditty acknowledging a classic by The Who is about all the American nazis and people who just can’t stop posting pictures of hitler and nazis.

apologies to The Who

I used to wake up in the morning
i used to feel so bad
i got so sick of having sleepless nights
i went and told my dad

He says son now here is some little something
and stuck them on my wall
and now my nights are quite lovely
in fact I don’t feel bad at all
i don’t feel bad at all

Pictures of Hitler made my life so wonderful
pictures of Hitler made me sleep at night
pictures of Hitler solved my childhood problems
pictures of Hitler made me feel alright

pictures of Hitler
Hitler oh Hitler
pictures of Hitler
Hitler oh Hitler

And then one day things weren’t quite so fine
i fell in love with Hitler
i asked my dad where Hitler I could find
he said son now don’t be bitter

he’s been dead since 1945
oh how I cried that night
if only I had been born in Hitler’s time
it would have been alright.

Pictures of Hitler make my life so wonderful
pictures of Hitler make me sleep at night

For me and Hitler are together in my dreams
and I ask you hey mister have you seen pictures of Hitler

that was about American white supremacists
and people who take delight in the depiction
of Hitler.
1/18/2021 7:28 PM (edited)
I know that not everyone has the warm and fuzzies that I do for the Lincoln Project but I wanted to point out that they are still in - all in - for the long game.
they now have commercials scorching the ***** of the treasonous republicans fanning the flames of the insurrection and Orwellian lies about the election.
they are not letting go and I think it is safe to say that they are going to be an unrelenting hammer onto the ambitions of people like Hawley and Cruz.
the Lincoln Project is going to keep the sleazy low light on these individuals and keep dem voters pumped up and motivated never amnesiac about the evil in our midst.
anf these constant and timely commercials and truth framings are expensive but they are raising the money from a lot of reformed and Edward munch like shocked donors to do this.
never forget what those Republican officials tried to do and still try to do because those traitors think they are entitled to do it.
1/18/2021 11:31 PM
And btw 37 hours
1/18/2021 11:34 PM
This is only place where constant intelligent posting occurs and news and information is provided that isn’t photocopies of some articles not that there is anything wrong with that.

so here is some information that isn’t widely known yet but will effect a lot of people and exemplifies why dem reps matter.

there is a bill in the house passed in December 2019.
it is HR3.... it has languished there because the son of a Mitch refused to allow a vote on it and schlump threatened a veto.

it is gonna get a vote in the senate now.

HR3 is the bill that caps drug prices significantly which is going to help a lot of seniors but even further it greatly expands Medicare coverage for Dental and vision and hearing care.
these are major major benefits in all 3 categories and will elevate American healthcare.
some of these benefits won’t kick in until 2024 or 2025.
this is a big deal for the future.

only because of the Democratic Party.
here is your future dental benefits Bob.
1/19/2021 12:01 AM
Following up on the above an Israeli company is the first to successfully transplant a synthetic cornea to restore sight to a person whose cornea was diseased and sight was lost.
cornea transplants are rare because tissue is hard to come by and transplant windows are brief.
the synthetic cornea has a 2 year shelf life.

some 30 million people have lost sight because the corneas of one or both eyes have been injured or suffered a corrosive or deteriorating condition.

this is a great breakthrough.
1/19/2021 12:15 AM
One more good one to marvel over.

dat bum today lifted the restrictions on entry from Europe and Brazil effective January 26. Such great judgement. Moron and killing machine he is.
Joe says NO. He will rescind mucho pronto and will strengthen the restrictions.
giid to have a president now with a brain and a heart and a care.
1/19/2021 12:24 AM
28 more hours

trump has signed an executive order to establish a park of 250 statues of exceptional people - a statue park. The people range from Johnny cash to Elvis Presley to Whitney Houston to Alfred Hitchcock to woody Guthrie to frank Sinatra.

no word about a wax museum.
1/19/2021 7:50 AM (edited)
The cabinet confirmation hearings started today.
24 more hours.
1/19/2021 11:17 AM
Posted by dino27 on 1/19/2021 7:50:00 AM (view original):
28 more hours

trump has signed an executive order to establish a park of 250 statues of exceptional people - a statue park. The people range from Johnny cash to Elvis Presley to Whitney Houston to Alfred Hitchcock to woody Guthrie to frank Sinatra.

no word about a wax museum.
As long as this is funded by PRIVATE $$$ and located on TRUMP Property........(I suggest mira Lago!) then I have no problem with it.
Make it a Dog park, too. They'll have something to pee on!
1/19/2021 11:29 AM
The Republican Party needs a new name post trump
taking solicitations for recommendations.
under construction.

1. neorepublican party
2. new Whig party
3. authoritarian party
4. white supremacy party
5. deconstruction party
6. truther party
7. America first party
8. Christian party
9. flat earth party
10. hammer and sickle party
11. confederate party
12. ritz party
13. trumpublican party
14. redpublican party
1/19/2021 12:45 PM (edited)
I like the Ritz party. But then, even they've been downsized lately. Wait, that's likely appropriate.
1/19/2021 11:57 AM
lets not overlook the surreal irony of a new president getting sworn in and the outgoing president in a senate impeachment trial at the same time.
lindsey graham might be the worst person in the United States.
1/19/2021 12:01 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/19/2021 11:57:00 AM (view original):
I like the Ritz party. But then, even they've been downsized lately. Wait, that's likely appropriate.
Putin on the ritz
1/19/2021 12:02 PM
Their symbol would have to change though. No more elephant.

Instead a caricature of a toothless white guy, in a wife beater shirt, with a backwards ball cap and a blank stare.
The Party of crackers.......... The Ritz party.
1/19/2021 12:37 PM
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