Dahs - while I completely agree that judges are biased by a wide variety of factors, more simplistic legal codes aren't always the solution. We tried that with mandatory minimums and it failed completely.

As for retribution vs rehabilitation, I'm all in on the latter. In the case of the capitol idiots, that probably involves some "re-education."

I'm genuinely unsure of how democracy can function when 30% of the country is like this. It's an existential risk to our country.
1/12/2021 8:21 AM
Repeatedly it's been shown that harsher sentences aren't a deterrent to would-be criminals; the deterrent effect usually comes from increasing the perceived risk of being caught.

Just throwing that out there.

I don't think just locking them up solves anything, although the fact that they are being arrested is undoubtedly a good thing (and so is facial recognition when used properly, IMO). I think we need a large amount of cultural pressure to make it completely socially untenable to be a fascist. I don't want the government involved in that process.
1/12/2021 8:24 AM
Locking folks up DOES solve something Tang!! It gets a miscreant OFF the streets. That solves a problem for sure. That's WHY we have prisons.
The issue is what then? Feed and care for them until they die? Or get rehabilitated? Is that possible for many of them??

We need to find a new Island. Australia is already taken.
1/12/2021 8:38 AM
fyi; rehabilitation can also get people off the streets.
1/12/2021 8:39 AM
If you are going to talk about crime and punishment you have to talk about what crime and what punishment.
1/12/2021 10:19 AM
193 hours
1/12/2021 10:20 AM
The criminal case against trump might hinge upon whether or not he had specific information ann by out the mob’s intent to violently riot.
fbi and dhs briefing info - was it given to him or not might come into play.
by words alone the criminal case against Ghouliani might be easier. He actually exhorted them on with trial by combat.
1/12/2021 10:38 AM
The United States may finally be getting strict with hate speech and hate groups like Europe and Canada has done.
first we have to label the hate groups as terrorist groups under the law.
and their ability to meet and disseminate their hate must be dismantled.
we all live in a movie theater.
1/12/2021 11:41 AM
The 33% is still there for sure but the Republican donors are starting to dry up and look out in 2022 when the republicans can’t fund their races as well and Dems out raise them everywhere.
and the great and heroic Lincoln project will still be here to fund and run their viciously Successful ads which were a tremendous contribution in the 2020 election presidential and otherwise.
The times they are a changing.
1/12/2021 11:47 AM
The Lincoln Project should never be used in the same sentence as "great and heroic" and "viciously successful." **** the people who run the Lincoln Project. IMO, they actually helped Trump in the 2020 election by doing jack **** with the millions sent to them instead of grassroots organizations.

But yeah, they got Trump to get mad on Twitter. Woo ******* hoo.
1/12/2021 12:25 PM
Odd take Tangy. I don't see much TV and even I thought the TV ads were quite impactful. They appealed to the middle, us Independents. You don't think they worked?
1/12/2021 12:28 PM
Posted by tangplay on 1/12/2021 12:25:00 PM (view original):
The Lincoln Project should never be used in the same sentence as "great and heroic" and "viciously successful." **** the people who run the Lincoln Project. IMO, they actually helped Trump in the 2020 election by doing jack **** with the millions sent to them instead of grassroots organizations.

But yeah, they got Trump to get mad on Twitter. Woo ******* hoo.
I strongly strongly strongly disagree and I have the utmost respect for that group and their members and when history is written they will be part of the righteous republicans and they are patriots.
1/12/2021 1:22 PM
It was announced today that McDonalds is putting Trump on the no fries list.
trump has threatened Marshall law.
1/12/2021 1:24 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/12/2021 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Odd take Tangy. I don't see much TV and even I thought the TV ads were quite impactful. They appealed to the middle, us Independents. You don't think they worked?
Absolutely correct. They had a powerful effect on several levels.
First as you say they did pound away at right to center independents and right to center republicans and peeled away LOTS of these voters to Biden AND down ballot candidates.
they also got stay at home above off their ***** to vote for Biden instead of staying home.

second they also helped energize lazy dem voters. their commercials were only unbelievably biting and sarcastic and thoroughly enjoyable and discussed and replayed everywhere. They were the thing.

third and underrated by doing all of the above they allowed the dem donors to spread the money around more and that was a big help in local races and some senate races.

fourth it shamed some voters into voting democratic.
it appealed to the conscience of some voters that if republicans can change we can and must all change and act.

they are the Oscar Schindlers in the fall of the trump reich.
1/12/2021 2:00 PM (edited)
And I remain extremely apprehensive about the inauguration.

several members of congress caught Covid during the trump riot because evil pos republicans refused to wear a mask.

I would love to analyze the trump web surfing to see just how tuned in he was to planned and discussed violence leading up to the minion man March.
1/12/2021 2:07 PM
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