C’mon. They arrested the Pope today. The “Italian Job” has been exposed. drumpf is in the “doomsday plane,” Mass blackouts are coming. Trust the plan.

1/10/2021 6:03 PM (edited)
drumpfy-bear is also gonna declare MARSHALL HOLMAN and force everyone to go bowling or something like that.
1/10/2021 6:03 PM
I think he is looking for melania who has disappeared.
meanwhile militia are gathering in KY. and in other states.
4 years of burying the white supremacy trumpism nazi threat is catching up.
1/10/2021 6:19 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/10/2021 5:42:00 PM (view original):
234 more hours left.
my step son has been brought up for national guard in dc and has been there since the attack doing his patriotic duty.
I am still concerned about the inauguration.
My best wishes for your stepson's safety. He and his fellow guardsmen are true patriots. Hopefully they are authorized to use lethal force if necessary against these reprehensible traitors.
1/10/2021 7:05 PM
Thank you. I’m sure they are.
I think that because there were not more people killed and no lawmakers were killed a lot of people downplay the attack and the magnitude of it and the true ambitions of it. And they do not take seriously the continuity of the threat around the nation for the foreseeable future.
1/10/2021 7:12 PM
If trump had attended the inauguration he would have been assigned to special security detail. He had the assignment last time and got a medal of recognition.
1/10/2021 7:15 PM
"Hopefully they are authorized to use lethal force if necessary against these reprehensible traitors."

Particularly anyone else caught taking a dump in or on OUR Capitol!! These miscreants are vermin. They call themselves patriots and chant "1776" and yet have absolutely NO RESPECT for Our Government nor our Democracy. The organizers of this "insurrection" (and their WERE Organizers--2 of them are AZ Congressmen!!) need to be arrested and prosecuted for seditious conspiracy and sentenced to the fullest extent of OUR Laws.

It's time to put the racists/supremacists, and other assorted vermin on notice that in THIS Country we will no longer tolerate folks who act on their hatred for America and OUR Republic of Laws! They will end up rotting in some Federal Prison for a long long time.

Start with Rep. Paul Gosar and Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona!! Make EXAMPLES of them!
1/10/2021 7:21 PM
The good thing thank God is that the overall intelligence of the electorate is ever so slightly expanding and it seems to be a trend.
and the inclusiveness of the Biden cabinet and administration will keep that trend moving forward.

there is nothing wrong with despising and yes hating murderous democracy destroying people.
there is a right from wrong and a sane from insane and intelligent from dumb and free from blinded.
1/10/2021 7:34 PM
And those morons are the ones that scream about flag burning and patriotism and law and order and family values and religion and pro life and there are millions and millions of these dangerous trumpers.
1/10/2021 7:37 PM
Oh I hope there's no end to the punishments - legal and civic and economic - that these wretched individuals face. Legal: full prosecution. If convicted of felony, take away all gun rights. Fired from any private employer (especially any publicly traded companies). Oh and good luck finding a job after that. And then good luck getting the health insurance that you so desperately want to deny to others. If they own businesses, boycott them. Lather, rinse, repeat.

In other news, it appears Colin Powell is leaving the GOP. And the PGA may be permanently banning events on any Trump property.

The chickens are coming home to roost. The traitors are finally learning that actions have consequences.
1/10/2021 7:37 PM
Absolutely yes but what is so exasperating is the razors edge that the civilization of this democracy teeters on because of the mindset of almost half of this nation.
1/10/2021 7:41 PM
They have to prosecute these people for riot and insurrection not just breaking and entering and some for murder and attempted murder.
1/10/2021 7:42 PM
Posted by contrarian23 on 1/10/2021 7:37:00 PM (view original):
Oh I hope there's no end to the punishments - legal and civic and economic - that these wretched individuals face. Legal: full prosecution. If convicted of felony, take away all gun rights. Fired from any private employer (especially any publicly traded companies). Oh and good luck finding a job after that. And then good luck getting the health insurance that you so desperately want to deny to others. If they own businesses, boycott them. Lather, rinse, repeat.

In other news, it appears Colin Powell is leaving the GOP. And the PGA may be permanently banning events on any Trump property.

The chickens are coming home to roost. The traitors are finally learning that actions have consequences.

The American mainstream and progressive Democrats agree that it should be easier for convicted felons to be rehabilitated into society. Many actually want to make it illegal to ask if potential employees are convicted felons.

But now, when you feel particularly strongly about the crime, you want to not only not rehabilitate people who haven't yet been convicted of anything, you want to force private corporations to fire them?
1/10/2021 8:01 PM
1/10/2021 9:04 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/8/2021 9:28:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/8/2021 12:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/7/2021 8:04:00 PM (view original):
Donald J Trump Cafeteria Menu
The Epicurean Sedition

1. assorted nuts
2. whine and cheese
3. Cheese and crackers
4. split pee soup
5. trump steak
6. trump roast
7. corned beef on riot
8. salad with Russian dressing
9. roast beef sandwich on white bread with Russian dressing
10. Filet of soul
11. soylent green
12. Shamburgers
13. Spam
14. Candy barr
15. endangered species of the day
16. pork,beans and bullets
17. art of the veal
18. silence of the ham
19. cow zone
20. shrimp on the barbie
21. crabs
22. flounder
23. Buffalo chips
24. pepper spray
25. mussleslini
26. Tom cotton candy
27. Lindsey graham crackers
28. Vanilla ice cream with melted white chocolate
29. chicken catch a tory
30. Eggs Arnold benedict
31. vanilla ice
The Donald J Trump Drink Menu
Seditious and Malevolent For Your Pleasure

1. white russian
2. Black Russian
3. Moscow mule
4. Molotov cocktail
5. bloody mary
6. bottle of whites
7. bottle of reds
8. whine
9. gin and colonic
10. vodka and colonic
11. melania schnaps
12 water imported from Mexico with lemon and lime
The Donald J Trump Breakfast Menu

1. special kkk
2. ricin crispies
3. coryn chex
4. Raisin brain
5. Alpha bits
6. Total chaos
7. eggs over easy money
8. Eggs Benedict Arnold
9. scam and eggs
10. Egg on face
11. Fertilized eggs
12. aunt Jemima syrup
13. spam
14. Twitter feed
15. crapples
Some New Additions to the Trump Cafeteria Menu

1. Stormy Daniels Whiskey
2. rape suzette flambé
3. fetid cheese
4. Shush kabob
5. hey hey American pie
6. Putin on the ritz crackers
7. Pass the honey honey
8. pass the sugar sugar
9. pass the pork pig
10. chicken to mane
11. jawbreakers
12. internet cookies
13. porpoise on purpose
14. potatoes au rotten
15. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs
16. sour grapes
17. banana republic split
18. dictator fries
19. Impeach pie
20. GOP head soup
21. Texas tea
22. fried newt gingrich
23. tasty tortillas and misdemeanors
24. Easter bunny
25. chicken feed
26. chicanery sandwich
27. Tuna meltdown
28. chitlin chow mein
29. Mcconnell Hamburgers
30. misfortune cookies
31 heavy metal drum sticks

1/11/2021 8:39 AM (edited)
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