TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by Uofa2 on 1/9/2021 11:29:00 AM (view original):
Imagine still thinking Trump actually wanted to “drain the swamp”
Back to twisting posts and putting words in people's mouths again, I see.
NOBODY came even remotely close to saying that, but hey, do what you do, if it makes you happy.
1/9/2021 12:39 PM
1/9/2021 2:02 PM
Posted by all3 on 1/9/2021 11:12:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 1/9/2021 12:10:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/8/2021 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Frogs should just be happy he wasn't able to drain the swamp.
Trump IS the swamp.
Yeah, 1 man is the swamp, and it wasn't in DC 4 years ago? If this doesn't show you how twisted and hate-filled your thoghts and posts have become, nothing will.
Do you honestly think I meant trump is the only politician in DC who is swamp-like? If you really believe that, maybe you are stupid. I've posted many times my feelings about ALL politicians. Of course, Trump is not the swamp all by himself. But, being that one of his campaign promises was that he was going to "drain the swamp" its kind of interesting to me that he is amongst the worst of "the swamp", at least in my opinion. As I have said many times, I don't hate Trump. I just hate what he has done to this country. I still don't understand how you can defend the guy. You admit he lies constantly, you admit he handled the pandemic poorly, you admit he needs to let his "the election was stolen from me" rants go, you admit he should stop sending the stupid tweets he sends (well, I guess that will stop, but it wasn't his decision). He is a adulterer, he has made many racist and sexist comments. He has no apparent empathy for other people. He does not give a crap about this country or any of its citizens. He only cares about himself.
What exactly is there about him to defend?
1/9/2021 3:39 PM
Posted by rsp777 on 1/9/2021 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 1/9/2021 12:42:00 PM (view original):
Proof or it didn’t happen.

This is the mostly non-violent 10 day protest in May/June of 2020. Only 30 or so people died. It's hard to get the facts due to the suppression of the actual event by Google and others like Twitter and Facebook.

You're welcome.

1/9/2021 4:27 PM

CDC reports record-low positive flu tests

by Carly Roman, Associate News Editor

| December 28, 2020 03:09 PM

As coronavirus cases surge nationwide, the flu has seen a remarkable dip. Reported cases of influenza reached record lows last week, with fewer than 40 diagnoses recorded during Dec. 13-19.

In week 51 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's "FluView" data monitoring system, 36 positive flu tests were documented. This marks a steep decrease from last year's total of 7,703 cases during the same time frame.

1/9/2021 5:09 PM
Posted by DougOut on 1/9/2021 4:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by rsp777 on 1/9/2021 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 1/9/2021 12:42:00 PM (view original):
Proof or it didn’t happen.

This is the mostly non-violent 10 day protest in May/June of 2020. Only 30 or so people died. It's hard to get the facts due to the suppression of the actual event by Google and others like Twitter and Facebook.

You're welcome.

That’s not proof of anything except that your sources are FAKE NEWS.
1/9/2021 5:18 PM
The numbers are much lower and were disparate acts by mostly people not protesting and just taking advantage of it.
and took place in many different cities over many days and weeks.
1/9/2021 5:26 PM
And they were not taking over the capitol of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA organized with weapons and nooses killing 5 people and trying to kill and kidnap lawmakers and vandalizing the CAPITOL.
and those were middle class people many who were bent on insurrection and murder.

yeah it’s equal.
1/9/2021 5:31 PM
That’s not proof of anything except that your sources are FAKE NEWS.

The numbers are much lower and were disparate acts by mostly people not protesting and just taking advantage of it.
and took place in many different cities over many days and weeks.

And they were not taking over the capitol of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA organized with weapons and nooses killing 5 people and trying to kill and kidnap lawmakers and vandalizing the CAPITOL.
and those were middle class people many who were bent on insurrection and murder.

yeah it’s equal.

1/9/2021 5:35 PM

1/9/2021 5:57 PM
My bible tells me that (although he is on a leash) the devil is the god of this world. Are there any doubters??

This will only get worse
1/9/2021 6:02 PM

1 Peter 3:15-16
King James Version

15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

1/9/2021 6:13 PM
Keep your FAKE NEWS BULLSHIT in church. Intelligent people don’t want to hear your mythological ramblings from a book that’s been BADLY rewritten a thousand times over. I mean, I’m glad you like a book and all, but I liked the HEROIN DIARIES too and I don’t live by its examples.
1/9/2021 7:01 PM

Charles Darwin, nineteenth century English naturalist, is known as one of the most brilliant minds in history. He was a curious intellectual and a brave adventurer, well-liked by those who knew him personally and greatly revered in the scientific community. His 1859 and 1871 books, On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man, enlightened the world with a transformative understanding of life that became the foundation of modern biological thought. But there’s a darker side of Darwin, a side that perhaps calls into question his prized intellect and cherished legacy. Darwin’s writing was racist, and discriminatory beliefs and practices follow directly from his theories. If you’re a lover of evolution or biology major like I am, you may be tempted to reject that claim. But hear me out: Support for the idea that Darwin’s theories are racist may come from where you least expect it.

Although best known for On the Origin of Species, Darwin does not address human evolution and race until his 1871 book, The Descent of Man, in which Darwin applies his theories of natural selection to humans and introduces the idea of sexual selection. Here his white supremacism is revealed. Over the course of the book, Darwin describes Australians, Mongolians, Africans, Indians, South Americans, Polynesians, and even Eskimos as “savages:” It becomes clear that he considers every population that is not white and European to be savage. The word savage is disdainful, and Darwin constantly elevates white Europeans above the savages. Darwin explains that the “highest races and the lowest savages” differ in “moral disposition … and in intellect” The idea that white people are more intelligent and moral persists throughout. At one point, Darwin says that savages have “low morality,” “insufficient powers of reasoning,” and “weak power of self-command”


1/9/2021 7:06 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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