Posted by dino27 on 12/28/2020 6:40:00 PM (view original):
The House has passed the $2000 stimulus check tonight by a 275-134 margin.
44 republicans joined the democrats.

now it goes to the senate where it faces an uncertain future.
I guess they will vote on Tuesday or Wednesday.
it sure is interesting in the age of trump (6).

I think because of a procedural rule it has to be a two thirds majority. The house got over 67%.
The house also voted to override the trump veto of the spending bill overwhelmingly 78% plus.

goes to senate for vote this week.
Will get 47 Dems and needs 20 republicans out of 53 to say buck you to trump.
12/28/2020 9:50 PM
Trick or Tweet

as of now son of a Mitch is not scheduling a vote on the stimulus bill and it might not get a vote in this congress.
Don’t give trump an rv.
Georgia is just 7 days away and it will be a nail biter.
a Georgia federal court stopped a voter suppression law in 2 districts today.
steve kornacki time is coming next week.
12/29/2020 2:21 PM

trump could be spiting son of a Mitch for refusing to abet him in committing treason and overthrowing democracy.

in turn son of a Mitch is not allowing an up or down vote on the 2000 dollar check and is saying that trumps other demands of election deform and revenge against tech companies must be considered dooming the thing and offering his middle finger to trump.

oh how will it end.
12/29/2020 6:01 PM
Currently there have been 2.1 million jabs far short of the promise of 20 million by January 1.
why - because of the Republican and particularly the trump philosophy of make the states do everything and without any money. Let them eat cake.
let us not forget the following - 1. The 2 trillion tax cut struck a fatal blow to state budgets and 2. There has been no defense production act and 3. There has been precious little Covid money sent to the states and none until a few days ago for the rollout with no other help or guidance.

Biden has been giving Covid fire side chats regularly.
I hope this continues after he moves into the White House and I hope he always does these little adtesses to the nation on a constant basis.
I have always thought that all presidents should do this.

they are informative and interesting and keeps people more connected to government and what is happening.
12/29/2020 6:12 PM
Edward Munch some?
12/30/2020 12:08 PM
Is Q’anon the new religious right ?
12/30/2020 12:09 PM
502 more hours
georgia in 6 days
jan 6 is going to showcase some **** show republicans who will make a mockery of democracy.
12/30/2020 1:44 PM

479 hours left
5 days to Georgia
12/31/2020 11:17 AM
The Senate vetoed trump’s veto of the defense spending bill by 81-13. .....86.1%.
wham bam thank you Sam.
1/1/2021 3:14 PM
By all reporting it is apparent that the odds are favoring victories by the Dems in Georgia.
if it holds the congress will look a lot like Obama 2008.
but knowing the republicans so much better now biden and Dems will make a mad rush to pack as much as possible into first 2 years.
the good news is that in 22 there are some very winnable senate races for Dems as several republicans are retiring including toomey in Pennsylvania.
the Lt gov and atty gen in pa are already front runners for the nomination.
pa race will be one to watch.
1/1/2021 3:22 PM
Now multiple Republican senators - about 9 or 10 will block certification demanding an audit in 10 days wherever trump lost.
even I didn’t think the GOP could could still sink lower each day.
1/2/2021 1:14 PM
On Friday the court threw out the gomer vs pence toilet paper suit.
the judge was seen with the suit papers sticking to his shoe after returning from the bathroom.
lawyer L Wood says Justice Roberts is part of a murder cabal. What happened to L Wood and where is her dog.
representative Gomer says trump followers have no other choice but to get as violent as BLM and aunt teefa.
anthony q Warner aka q Anton the Nashville bomber and ardent trumper said the lizard beings infiltrated politics and the clintons and Obamas were lizard people.

The republicans are sick dudes.
1/2/2021 2:08 PM
And I left out -
L Wood has called for the execution of Pence by firing squad.
no word from trump about what his lawyer L Wood has said about executing Pence.
Trump probably agrees.

only in a GOP America.
1/2/2021 2:16 PM
407 more hours until the end of the American carnage and the inauguration of an American President.

trump has been careful not to bash pence even though pence tried to foil the goemert suit and won’t play ball on January 6.
perhaps trump is hoping that pence can pardon himself and his kids.

stuff to watch out for over remaining 17 days.

1. he could provoke a war with iran
2. he could try to use Jan 6 violence to call for Marshall law
3. continued obstruction on defense briefings
4. obstruction on vaccine rollouts
5. pardons
6. firing Chris Wray and others
1/3/2021 12:42 PM
The bumshell audio of Trump attempting to criminally coerce Georgia sec of state to overthrow election is released obviously by the Georgia officials.
trump called official a child and Trump called himself a schmuck for endorsing him.
gorgeous state officials.

find me the head of Alfredo Garcia and 11,703 votes.
1/3/2021 2:45 PM (edited)
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