I ran into a very liberal friend of mine who I hadn't seen since March and the first partial shutdown. He looked very distressed. I asked him what was wrong.
He told me an uncle had died and left him Forty Thousand dollars. "That's a tidy little sum" I said.
He looked at me squarely, grabbed me by the shoulders and said "You don't understand. Two weeks ago a cousin of mine I never even knew, died, and left me Eighty-Five Thousand dollars, free and clear."
"I'm sorry about your cousin you never even knew" I said, "but it looks to me like you've been blessed financially here of recent."
"You don't get it do you?" he said frantically. "Last week my great-aunt passed away. I inherited almost a Quarter of a Million dollars from her!"
Now I was really confused. "Other than losing loved ones, which will happen to all of us, what are you so upset about?"
"Well......" he said, "Tomorrow will make another week.....and so far....NOTHING!"
I don't get it.