Am I blocking someone? Because it looks like you've been talking to yourself!
11/24/2020 12:00 PM
I realize that.
11/24/2020 12:27 PM
Donald and Barron had a heart to heart talk.
Barron said Paw it takes courage and character to be a good loser after losing a tough race. Donald said but I’m not happy and I’m mad. Barron brought back Flo from Progressive who asked Donald why he was drinking milk when he was lactose intolerant. Donald said he was not drinking lactose it was milk.
Flo said that when he grows up Donald would understand better that it takes a mature human being to be able to lose with grace and dignity even if you are unhappy.
Donald said he was sorry that Flo and Barron were disappointed and that he would try and went to bed without his McDonald’s. He loves McDonald’s because they named it after him.

there are lizards the size of dogs roaming several southern states. They are being called trumpards.
11/24/2020 8:39 PM
Good News for Followers of Trump

there will be a Trump tv channel after all.
it will be 24/7 trump speeches, press conferences, interviews and other exchanges with laugh tracks.
other family members and associates, cabinet members and sickophantic members of Congress will also be included with laugh tracks.
it will tevolutionize the medium and create the first Politics Comedy Central Channel.
11/24/2020 11:26 PM
Jefferson Airplanes

there is a treaty that has 34 countries in it including United States and Russia. I think it is called the open sky treaty.
The purpose is to allow countries to surveillance missions over other countries to check troop formations look for sudden massing of troops tanks etc missle installations etc.
the goal is transparency to avoid conflict and war.

the United States is now getting out complaining that Russia sometimes breaks the rules.

I don’t know enough about this to say it is a good or bad idea.

but the sick in the pit of my stomach part of this is that trump is having all of the special airplanes used in this program destroyed....,.junked and scrapped never to be used again.
So if Biden wanted to stay in the program there are no airplanes available.

this is real stuff. Can’t make it up.
11/25/2020 11:00 AM
Posted by dino27 on 11/25/2020 11:00:00 AM (view original):
Jefferson Airplanes

there is a treaty that has 34 countries in it including United States and Russia. I think it is called the open sky treaty.
The purpose is to allow countries to surveillance missions over other countries to check troop formations look for sudden massing of troops tanks etc missle installations etc.
the goal is transparency to avoid conflict and war.

the United States is now getting out complaining that Russia sometimes breaks the rules.

I don’t know enough about this to say it is a good or bad idea.

but the sick in the pit of my stomach part of this is that trump is having all of the special airplanes used in this program destroyed....,.junked and scrapped never to be used again.
So if Biden wanted to stay in the program there are no airplanes available.

this is real stuff. Can’t make it up.
It’s pretty messed up, I’m sure Marco Rubio will mention it.
11/25/2020 11:08 AM
Today’s Sedition of Legal Noose

Flynn - Stone front. Trump is ready to pardon Flynn. This is imminent. Judge Sullivan will be ******.

the trump campaign is being sued in federal court under the 1965 voters rights act for the malicious attempts to disenfranchise voters.
guess who is the judge assigned - Judge Sullivan

cases soon to recapture legal fees from the trump election cases. Judges in many cases making it easy by calling the cases without merit and trivial and stupid.

there are some good articles out there casting great doubt in the legality of trump pardoning himself AND they say it would also be illegal for trump to step down for the purpose of getting pardoned by pence.
one thing for the other would not be allowed.
when Nixon resigned he did so because he was forced to.
11/25/2020 11:29 AM (edited)
Posted by Uofa2 on 11/25/2020 11:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 11/25/2020 11:00:00 AM (view original):
Jefferson Airplanes

there is a treaty that has 34 countries in it including United States and Russia. I think it is called the open sky treaty.
The purpose is to allow countries to surveillance missions over other countries to check troop formations look for sudden massing of troops tanks etc missle installations etc.
the goal is transparency to avoid conflict and war.

the United States is now getting out complaining that Russia sometimes breaks the rules.

I don’t know enough about this to say it is a good or bad idea.

but the sick in the pit of my stomach part of this is that trump is having all of the special airplanes used in this program destroyed....,.junked and scrapped never to be used again.
So if Biden wanted to stay in the program there are no airplanes available.

this is real stuff. Can’t make it up.
It’s pretty messed up, I’m sure Marco Rubio will mention it.
I think that Marco Rubio is ******* everywhere he can to mark is territory. He has started his 2024 campaign in earnest and he will be the little big man all the time.
11/25/2020 11:22 AM
Bonus Post

check out the grift shop before you leave.

you are very welcome.
11/25/2020 1:25 PM
The New Trump Game Show

You’re Pardoned
starring Donald Trump and guest stars

including Flynn I’m setting the over under at 12.
one for each disciple.
11/25/2020 4:30 PM
Posted by dino27 on 11/19/2020 9:46:00 AM (view original):
About Aunt Teefa

so what is antifa. According to the Republican appointed fbi director and the fbi not a terrorist group and in fact not even an organized group. Just a loose confederation ( sorry about that word )
of disparate people rallying around certain goals of racial justice and extreme animosity towards white supremacy groups. Yeah there are a few anarchists who go out on days they are not at the swim club but they get more publicity then they merit.

sure they sometimes overreact and sometimes provoke and I don’t want violence or condone it but they are the good guys. I mean I love people putting their bodies on the line armed with paint balls against nazis and kkk and proud boys and boogie bois and irate virulent racist red neck wingers.

they have the good hearts and they remind me of the guardian angels and the jdl.
these anti racism combatters are heroes.

i detest the phony moral equivalence of the worst people and people who hate racism.
consider the source of those who wish to create the false equivalency and precisely why they do it.

be cool.
donnie jack was seen on cha cha ridge.
Spend a weekend in Seattle or Portland. You might see things differently.

There is nothing good about ATIFA. A 'FEW' anarchists? Well we have a minor difference of opinion here.
11/27/2020 5:58 AM
So, in my view. IF we could EVER get folks to just abide The Golden Rule, and treat others in accordance with the Golden Rule, we should ALL be anarchists because there would be little (or no) need for some "protective" Government or Governance.

Folks would interact with decency and love for others and there would be NO NEED for armies or Governments or other Laws!
11/27/2020 8:27 AM
OK. Aldershot or Lost and Found or whoever you are today.

You claim to walk with Christ YET you are a liar!!
When did you LAST spend a "weekend in Seattle or Portland"??
Not since the protests began that's for sure.
You can't even cross the border into Washington State!!

So, what you actually KNOW about the protests in Seattle and Portland is ONLY what you see on your biased news source!!
You KNOW Nothing!! Just like Sgt. Schultz.
You are projecting your OWN ideas of what is going on, NOT anything you actually know.

THAT is being a false witness. LYING.

According to your own Dogma, THAT act (without true repentance) dooms you to that "lake of fire" you are so sure is real!
I'd advise you to stick with Canadian issues. They tend to be simpler things.
Is why Canada is so special. It affords a simple life IF that's what you desire.
11/27/2020 8:41 AM

some people need a boogyman.
11/27/2020 9:38 AM
From birtherism to maskerism to voterism
And 4 years of lying in between

to my fellow rationalists and truthists -

it has been 4 years of the big lie repeated over and over thats what he is doing now with the voter fraud stuff. It worked in germany and it still works here.
he finds weak minds or ready made potential cult followers and hammers the lies to them over and over.

pure evil.
11/27/2020 9:48 AM
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