TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

People like coreander, rsp, tang and Uofa are the REAL reason there ARE Trump voters.
9/11/2020 3:20 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 3:20:00 PM (view original):
People like coreander, rsp, tang and Uofa are the REAL reason there ARE Trump voters.
trump voters are mainly non college educated white males and they share one thing with trump.
hatred or strong disdain for black people.
thats why there are trump voters.
9/11/2020 3:40 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/11/2020 2:45:00 PM (view original):
Here's the deal with many believers. And sinners too, I suppose. Ignorance is bliss.

less trouble. Much less mental effort. Much less humility. Much less prayer. Much less study. Much less submission.
Plus, the more you learn the more you learn you don't know yet.
More work needed. Too much trouble for many/most.

Better to believe the myths, the dogma, the propaganda, the LIES!
Ignorance is bliss.
It's the REAL reason there ARE Trump voters!
9/11/2020 3:41 PM
So sick and tired of these guys who come on here trying to spread their religion like it is a national anthem.
im with Bob on religion.
and ron reagan freedom from religion.
9/11/2020 3:48 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 3:20:00 PM (view original):
People like coreander, rsp, tang and Uofa are the REAL reason there ARE Trump voters.
Sorry, I forgot dino. Don't want to slight anybody.
9/11/2020 3:49 PM
and i agree with bob that the trump voter comes by religion passively not by any active choosing.
9/11/2020 3:50 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 12:31:00 PM (view original):
(I believe) It is nobody on Earth's place to decide if someone else is a Christian.
I agree with you.
9/11/2020 5:17 PM
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 3:20:00 PM (view original):
People like coreander, rsp, tang and Uofa are the REAL reason there ARE Trump voters.
total BS. If someone is going to vote for Trump just because they don't like how some people opposed to Trump talk, then they are even more idiotic than I thought.
9/11/2020 5:20 PM
Yeah, the views of people within a Party should be totally disregarded when deciding what Party to vote for. Drink some more of your Trump-hater Kool-Aid, then try again.
9/11/2020 9:39 PM
You aren't deciding on what Party to vote for. You're deciding on what candidate to vote for.

And the root of this is that all3 prefers David Duke to AOC.
9/11/2020 10:44 PM
Posted by DougOut on 10/23/2017 1:56:00 PM (view original):
REAGAN is better right now because he had 8 years. TRUMP is VERY impressive at this point for several reasons.

NEITHER one had the support of the ESTABLISHMENT Republicans but Reagan had less NUTJOB lib dems to deal with. Tie.

NEITHER one had the support of the lying fake disgusting media, but BOTH are supported by the American people. TIE.

BOTH dress very well but Ron only had Nancy, Donald has the finest tailors in the history of the world.Point Don.

BOTH have great HAIR but Ron dyed his so point goes to TRUMP.

BOTH spoke truth plainly to the people. Reagan more educated and smooth, Don more next door. Point Ron.

RONALD REAGAN now rests among the greatest leaders in the history of the planet.

Donald wins our hearts every day with his patience, warmth, understanding, charm, wit, incisive judgments and clever retorts.

Every day is a new and wonderful journey into the future as long as we keep our strong, wise and responsible leader.
What a breath of Fresh Air.

I oved Reagan.. His quote" 'The government can't solve the problem, because the government IS the problem' - on my top ten list of all time greats.. after Winston Churchill. 'We will NEVER surrender'

Feel free to label me a 'Christian Fundie' or whatever comes to your head(s) but much is written about attitude. Reagan LOVED the people of the US of A. I do NOT believe Bush Sr did at all. I don't believe Clinton or Obama did either. I am totally positive that Hilary is incapable of loving anything.. especially a nation of people. No opinion on Bush Jr. What's in a man's heart is so much more important than his 'Level of High Education'

I am going to paraphrase 1 Cor Ch 13.. and this is about what a real leader needs to have:

'Even if I speak great words of wisdom. and with perfect dialect, and have no love for others, I only make noise. Like an echo in an empty oil drum (I see this in here all the time) If I have ALL knowledge, understand all things, [have many letters after my name and Phd in Quantum Physics] and have all faith.. but do not love others, or even my neighbor, I am NOTHING. If I give all my goods to feed the poor, and give my body to be used for organ donor' but am loveless of others, I gain NOTHING:

Reagan, fulfilled all of that. I believe Trump does, too

I think this is worth considering when electing anyone to office. Do they really care? Or are they on a power trip? Trump does not need the money, or the power. He sees the peril the US is in, and sees the devil at the door.

To those of you who say 'Well he cheated on al his wives' There is no proof he ever cheated on Melania.. Your own Bill Clinton had oral sex with an adulterous woman HALF his age .. not in a motel, but in the OVAL OFFICE.. and SHE had has a previous affair with a married man. I will not call her what she is.

and if you think all leaders should be morally perfect, you are deceived in your mind. There was only one such perfect being, and they spat in his face, ripped his beard from his face, mocked him, and then nailed him to a cross. Read about King David and Bathsheba and then read Ps 51 and you will see a repentant heart. David became a good King aka leader. For you aetheists, this is not preaching, but illustrating to make a point

So don't go away, Dougout, You have support here
9/12/2020 1:10 AM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 9:39:00 PM (view original):
Yeah, the views of people within a Party should be totally disregarded when deciding what Party to vote for. Drink some more of your Trump-hater Kool-Aid, then try again.
what prominent Democrat has said we should abolish the police? None that I know of. Some have said we should defund the police, which is not the same thing. What we really need is better and more training for the police. What prominent democrat has said our borders should be wide open? I know which prominent dems have said free education, free healthcare...but it is still unlikely to ever happen.
9/12/2020 12:41 AM

Interviews with 54 Democratic National Committee members, convention superdelegates and members of a criminal justice task force convened by Mr. Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders found a near-unanimous sentiment that local governments should redirect more money toward social services, education and mental health agencies.

Very few advocate fully defunding or abolishing the police, as some activists have called for. But they are aligning themselves, as have city councils in Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver, Portland, Ore., and other cities, with an increasingly popular movement to drastically rethink the priorities surrounding law enforcement.

9/12/2020 12:43 AM
The reaction is now predictable: Argue for treating undocumented immigrants humanely on American soil and you’ll find yourself accused of believing in “open borders.” As if it’s a binary, either/or position. You either believe in building Trump’s “Great Wall.” You believe in separating children from their parents at the U.S. border. You believe in removing undocumented immigrants from the country who have lived here for decades. Or you believe in “open borders.” It’s a blunt rhetorical trick. It’s crass. But it works. So it’s employed by everyone from the current president down to the many supporters and trolls who carry his water on social media.Fear mongering, of course, lies at the heart of this accusation. The implication being that critics of Trump’s policies, Democrats in particular, don’t care about safety. They don’t mind who comes into the country. And in turn, that accusation comes coupled with insinuations that those immigrants sneaking across our borders are scary, violent people. What-the-latest-immigration-polls-do-and-dont-say"the vast majority of Americans—including most Democrats—don’t believe in so-called “open borders.” That’s not to say that no one believes in open borders. Certainly, there are people who do. But most don’t. And open borders is not a policy the Democratic party supports; it’s not part of their platform. Regardless of how many times Trump and his supporters may claim otherwise.
9/12/2020 12:47 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 9/12/2020 12:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 9/11/2020 9:39:00 PM (view original):
Yeah, the views of people within a Party should be totally disregarded when deciding what Party to vote for. Drink some more of your Trump-hater Kool-Aid, then try again.
what prominent Democrat has said we should abolish the police? None that I know of. Some have said we should defund the police, which is not the same thing. What we really need is better and more training for the police. What prominent democrat has said our borders should be wide open? I know which prominent dems have said free education, free healthcare...but it is still unlikely to ever happen.
By the way, it's ridiculous to frame free healthcare and education as some apocalyptic policies. Most of the rest of the world has it. Not hard.
9/12/2020 12:56 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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