Posted by all3 on 7/28/2020 9:06:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Uofa2 on 7/27/2020 11:59:00 PM (view original):
Do you know anyone with school aged kids who’s unsure whether they will vote for Biden? Tell them the reason their kids didn’t finish the last school year was the virus, but the reason their kids won’t start the new school year is Donald Trump.
Facts be damned again. MAYBE Trump's words and actions have made the virus more deadly and widespread than it would have been under another POTUS. We'll never know. That's all speculation. What we do know is that millions of Americans made their own personal decision to blow-off (and continue to blow-off) the severity of the virus by walking around without masks and by holding gatherings they shouldn't. Let's put the blame everywhere it belongs. This all goes back to taking responsibility for one's own actions instead of blaming someone, or something, for them. Not sure why Dems. want to try to take credit for everything good, yet everything bad they try to say .
Trump did not create the virus but he has done little, if anything to halt the spread. yes, Americans are a stubborn lot, and no matter what, some of them would refuse to use common sense and wear masks or socially distance. Do you honestly think that if the POTUS had, from the very start, admitted how serious this was, always worn a mask in public, always promoted social distancing, that there wouldn't be more Americans who were willing to do that too? Instead he downplayed the virus, never wore a mask in public (at least not until recently), promoted his rallies were no one was wearing a mask or socially distancing. That made a lot of people think that the POTUS says its nothing, so it must be nothing.
I mean, can you defend Trump calling off the GOP convention because it is too dangerous, yet pushing for opening of schools at the same time?