Seble is wrong Topic

Guitarguy, I don't think you actually disagree with much of the solutions we have on race. I think your issue is just that you feel a need to disagree with certain messages. It's OK to say "Yeah, racism is bad, and we should take steps to reduce racism," and leave it there (also helpful to actually follow through).
6/24/2020 9:38 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 9:38:00 PM (view original):
Guitarguy, I don't think you actually disagree with much of the solutions we have on race. I think your issue is just that you feel a need to disagree with certain messages. It's OK to say "Yeah, racism is bad, and we should take steps to reduce racism," and leave it there (also helpful to actually follow through).
6/25/2020 12:09 AM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 8:37:00 PM (view original):
I will sleep good tonight knowing i actually contributed to this post in a positive way, and not blindly attacking somone casue they have a different opinion. The true racist showed there true colors here today and i expected nothing less from Democrats. Good Night i wont be back to the forum for awhile as im not a big poster as you can see by my post count i have a family to actually enjoy.
I’m sorry to trample on what I saw as a good discussion between guitar guy, dkbc and tang, but......loooollllll serious? Mr. 33 year old - not 18 - who fact checks his epoch news YouTube videos by seeing they show footnotes, he went with “the true racists” after a whole day of this? And dropped the “I have a family to enjoy” nugget? Wow, sure you got raised with computers, corncob?

Honestly, while it’s moments like this where I think “****, the Trump cult is horrifyingly dug in, what are we gonna do???”, they always show their *** and I’m like “oh wait, nevermind, evolution. The NFL supports protests now. NASCAR banned the confederate flag. Kids won’t get credit for citing YouTube videos.” And I sleep good.
6/25/2020 12:21 AM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 6/24/2020 9:00:00 PM (view original):
I cannot recommend the works of Jonathan Haidt enough. He's a renowned social psychologist, teaches at NYU, and does not make his living by posting YouTube vids.
Jonathan Haidt is a boss. Extremely level-headed and insightful, in my opinion. Suddenly he's become famous as Americans wonder why society feels so fragmented and politics so divisive. He's been studying this stuff seriously for years and years.
6/25/2020 3:43 AM
All i still see is opinion and no facts , i expected nothing less from a bunch of misinformed democrats...the media lies to you all and you fall for it such a shame, You do realize Black people have it better under TRUMP than under any other president in the history of the U.S. But it doesnt fit the media narrative...Its all about the media and how they spin it. You all think Trump is racist right? Name one racist thing he has done . You cant . But yet all you have no clue what color i am just assume white, its cool, cause you have no clue.
Im already a racist, based on the fact i support trump which is the exact opposite of real life. Go look it up what has the democratic party done for black people besides ripping apart there family? They had a higher marriage rate before the democratic partys welfare stuff, which has drastasically led to way way higher crime rate for single parent familys, what have you done? Nothing, Trump a Lifetime Non Politician has the Highest Employment rate for blacks, Highest Income rate, Highest Unemployment rate,etc. You really need to look at facts not fiction.
Yes i am a Youtuber that makes money , i have a monetized channel on youtube , i am not trolling anyone , obviously many of you dont understand youtube, any independent person can make videos , which has no bias to anyone, you might want to check it out more, since it seems some of you are too much into CNN, CSNBC, or The NY TIMES, WASHINTON POST, or whatever it is, i wouldnt trust any of those sources , i have literally seen the same N Y TIMES that New York got, and the N Y Times California got and there 2 different articles spun 2 different way why cause they spin it how the demographic area wants to hear and not the truth.

Hopefully this awakens at least one person to how awful the news is , Trump does not like when he says thats Fake news. Hes 100% correct i too use to think he was crazy for that but hes not at all in the slightest bit!
6/25/2020 6:19 AM
Trump University saw ye coming a mile away
6/25/2020 6:30 AM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 6:19:00 AM (view original):
All i still see is opinion and no facts , i expected nothing less from a bunch of misinformed democrats...the media lies to you all and you fall for it such a shame, You do realize Black people have it better under TRUMP than under any other president in the history of the U.S. But it doesnt fit the media narrative...Its all about the media and how they spin it. You all think Trump is racist right? Name one racist thing he has done . You cant . But yet all you have no clue what color i am just assume white, its cool, cause you have no clue.
Im already a racist, based on the fact i support trump which is the exact opposite of real life. Go look it up what has the democratic party done for black people besides ripping apart there family? They had a higher marriage rate before the democratic partys welfare stuff, which has drastasically led to way way higher crime rate for single parent familys, what have you done? Nothing, Trump a Lifetime Non Politician has the Highest Employment rate for blacks, Highest Income rate, Highest Unemployment rate,etc. You really need to look at facts not fiction.
Yes i am a Youtuber that makes money , i have a monetized channel on youtube , i am not trolling anyone , obviously many of you dont understand youtube, any independent person can make videos , which has no bias to anyone, you might want to check it out more, since it seems some of you are too much into CNN, CSNBC, or The NY TIMES, WASHINTON POST, or whatever it is, i wouldnt trust any of those sources , i have literally seen the same N Y TIMES that New York got, and the N Y Times California got and there 2 different articles spun 2 different way why cause they spin it how the demographic area wants to hear and not the truth.

Hopefully this awakens at least one person to how awful the news is , Trump does not like when he says thats Fake news. Hes 100% correct i too use to think he was crazy for that but hes not at all in the slightest bit!
You’re in a cult. I’m not a democrat yet you started attacking democrats out of nowhere. I didn’t say anything about Trump. I don’t see where anyone said anything about Trump since your last post. Yet you had to come in and defend your boy against attacks that you invented in your head. Wake up man. Stop being like this.
6/25/2020 7:34 AM
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 7:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 6:19:00 AM (view original):
All i still see is opinion and no facts , i expected nothing less from a bunch of misinformed democrats...the media lies to you all and you fall for it such a shame, You do realize Black people have it better under TRUMP than under any other president in the history of the U.S. But it doesnt fit the media narrative...Its all about the media and how they spin it. You all think Trump is racist right? Name one racist thing he has done . You cant . But yet all you have no clue what color i am just assume white, its cool, cause you have no clue.
Im already a racist, based on the fact i support trump which is the exact opposite of real life. Go look it up what has the democratic party done for black people besides ripping apart there family? They had a higher marriage rate before the democratic partys welfare stuff, which has drastasically led to way way higher crime rate for single parent familys, what have you done? Nothing, Trump a Lifetime Non Politician has the Highest Employment rate for blacks, Highest Income rate, Highest Unemployment rate,etc. You really need to look at facts not fiction.
Yes i am a Youtuber that makes money , i have a monetized channel on youtube , i am not trolling anyone , obviously many of you dont understand youtube, any independent person can make videos , which has no bias to anyone, you might want to check it out more, since it seems some of you are too much into CNN, CSNBC, or The NY TIMES, WASHINTON POST, or whatever it is, i wouldnt trust any of those sources , i have literally seen the same N Y TIMES that New York got, and the N Y Times California got and there 2 different articles spun 2 different way why cause they spin it how the demographic area wants to hear and not the truth.

Hopefully this awakens at least one person to how awful the news is , Trump does not like when he says thats Fake news. Hes 100% correct i too use to think he was crazy for that but hes not at all in the slightest bit!
You’re in a cult. I’m not a democrat yet you started attacking democrats out of nowhere. I didn’t say anything about Trump. I don’t see where anyone said anything about Trump since your last post. Yet you had to come in and defend your boy against attacks that you invented in your head. Wake up man. Stop being like this.
He (and his ilk) won’t. The best thing to do is to simply beat them back into their holes in November...Then they’ll have plenty of time to Q their minds and YouTube accounts while progressives sanitize our government of the conman-16 virus and get the country out of his nationalistic, fascist haze.
6/25/2020 8:09 AM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 6:07:00 AM (view original):
Posted by l80r20 on 6/23/2020 10:44:00 PM (view original):
He could have (perhaps should have) just deleted the offensive posts and banned the offending posters. There are enough sensible people on the site to have a sensible conversation.
?Anyway, thank you seble for the post, even though the thread went south.
the problem is /was he didnt cross the line, i think seble got more flustered than anything because the person said if seble would censorship us he would quit wis and his 20 teams that he pays for, when you start hitting the pocket books of these people alot backtrack or try to cover it up....
The owner you refer to has a temper tantrum and threatens to quite WIS on a regular basis. It's not going to happen, he uses this place to vent.

I'd imagine seble will be aware of this.
6/25/2020 8:35 AM
Posted by kcsundevil on 6/24/2020 11:30:00 AM (view original):
We said: Black Lives Matter.

We never said: Only Black Lives Matter.

We know: That all lives matter.

We just need your help with Black Lives Matter.

For Black lives are in danger.
6/25/2020 8:37 AM
It is SO PATHETIC to buy into the "Media" is fake, anti-American, etc.
NOTHING could be farther from the truth.

Go look at ANY newspaper of the 1870's or 1880's (many are on line nowadays)
At that time the News was ALL speculation and opinion. (and gossip,too Bigly!)

Modern Journalism, by comparison has to be about 50,000 times more accurate and honest.
All except Fox (and a VERY FEW others) who DO make it apparent whose side they be on.

The crzy ballplayer dude is a sheep.
Trumpet with no knowledge and less intellect.
Don't pay a mind to him. Block him, 100%.

That ends any irritation the He can bring you.
Stupidity is NOT to be coddled any longer!
We really just can't do that any longer.........too many widgets, sheep and Coreanders.
6/25/2020 8:42 AM
You cant be a christian and be a democrat ..ouch
6/25/2020 9:09 AM
You dont want to hear what i have to say then get off my post ******* its that simple. Your trolling mt post or do you not understand that? All cause yoi disagree look at how liberals act oh we, look at the unemployment especially for blacks , ya just made cnn faking yall, i got some great songs for you when i get a sec.
6/25/2020 9:12 AM
Next time, let's try coherent sentences.
6/25/2020 9:18 AM
6/25/2020 9:21 AM
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