Seble is wrong Topic

Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 6:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 6:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 4:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Woah. Did you actually read the article? It cites DOZENS of credible studies suggesting a racial bias! Please actually read the article, this isn't just one author's opinion.

I can even quote some of it if you are too lazy to read through it all.
Of course i read it nowherw does it state being black and driving a nice car results in a 10% for example chance of being pulled over vs a for example only a 5% chance for someone else being pulled over...i dont see any real evidence only someones opinion

Here's one example (of MANY):

A 2019 study of police stops in Cincinnati found that black motorists were 30 percent more likely to be pulled over than white motorists. Black motorists also comprised 76 percent of arrests following a traffic stop despite making up 43 percent of the city’s population. It’s worth noting, again, that multiple studies have shown that searches of white motorists are slightly more likely to turn up contraband than searches of black motorists.

A 2020 report on 1.8 million police stops by the eight largest law enforcement agencies in California found that blacks were stopped at a rate 2.5 times higher than the per capita rate of whites. The report also found that black people were far more likely to be stopped for “reasonable suspicion” (as opposed to actually breaking a law) and were three times more likely than any other group to be searched, even though searches of white people were more likely to turn up contraband.

This is not OPINION. This is a FACT. It is a study. Can you please explain why this disparity exists?

Note: More studies have shown that the later in the day (and thus harder it becomes to see), the less this disparity exists. Want to guess why? (Hint: It's because the cops can't see that the driver is WHITE OR BLACK as easily)
Still waiting.. tick tock.
With out looking at it more, my guess is that blacks are pulled over more because they commit more of the crimes and fit the description of said suspect , but thats my opinion and not a fact, i leave the facts to people who know them, thats why i forward you to people with more information than i have . I dont know everything thats why im open to hear all sides .
1. That's called systemic racism. What you described is what I am talking about. Black people "fit the description of a criminal" and thus are pulled over more.
2. You really think that explains a 2.5 times difference? Can you see how this disparity might harm black people?

Alright. Let's try another.

A survey of data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2017 found that when black men and white men commit the same crime, black men on average receive a sentence almost 20 percent longer. The research controlled for variables such as age and prior criminal history.

A 2018 review of academic research found that at nearly all levels of the criminal justice system, “disparities in policing and punishment within the black population along the colour continuum are often comparable to or even exceed disparities between blacks and whites as a whole.” That is, the darker the skin of a black person, the greater the disparity in arrests, charges, conviction rates and sentencing.

As in, when a white person and a black person enter court charged with the same crime, with the same priors, the black person will, on average, be sentenced to a longer time in prison. Explain away.

Well that is a easy one, that is known as Money, it has nothing to do with race either ask O.J.
Nope. The studies adjust for economic status. They compare black and white people of a similar class. Try again.
6/24/2020 6:48 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 6:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 6:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 6:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 4:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Woah. Did you actually read the article? It cites DOZENS of credible studies suggesting a racial bias! Please actually read the article, this isn't just one author's opinion.

I can even quote some of it if you are too lazy to read through it all.
Of course i read it nowherw does it state being black and driving a nice car results in a 10% for example chance of being pulled over vs a for example only a 5% chance for someone else being pulled over...i dont see any real evidence only someones opinion

Here's one example (of MANY):

A 2019 study of police stops in Cincinnati found that black motorists were 30 percent more likely to be pulled over than white motorists. Black motorists also comprised 76 percent of arrests following a traffic stop despite making up 43 percent of the city’s population. It’s worth noting, again, that multiple studies have shown that searches of white motorists are slightly more likely to turn up contraband than searches of black motorists.

A 2020 report on 1.8 million police stops by the eight largest law enforcement agencies in California found that blacks were stopped at a rate 2.5 times higher than the per capita rate of whites. The report also found that black people were far more likely to be stopped for “reasonable suspicion” (as opposed to actually breaking a law) and were three times more likely than any other group to be searched, even though searches of white people were more likely to turn up contraband.

This is not OPINION. This is a FACT. It is a study. Can you please explain why this disparity exists?

Note: More studies have shown that the later in the day (and thus harder it becomes to see), the less this disparity exists. Want to guess why? (Hint: It's because the cops can't see that the driver is WHITE OR BLACK as easily)
Still waiting.. tick tock.
With out looking at it more, my guess is that blacks are pulled over more because they commit more of the crimes and fit the description of said suspect , but thats my opinion and not a fact, i leave the facts to people who know them, thats why i forward you to people with more information than i have . I dont know everything thats why im open to hear all sides .
1. That's called systemic racism. What you described is what I am talking about. Black people "fit the description of a criminal" and thus are pulled over more.
2. You really think that explains a 2.5 times difference? Can you see how this disparity might harm black people?

Alright. Let's try another.

A survey of data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2017 found that when black men and white men commit the same crime, black men on average receive a sentence almost 20 percent longer. The research controlled for variables such as age and prior criminal history.

A 2018 review of academic research found that at nearly all levels of the criminal justice system, “disparities in policing and punishment within the black population along the colour continuum are often comparable to or even exceed disparities between blacks and whites as a whole.” That is, the darker the skin of a black person, the greater the disparity in arrests, charges, conviction rates and sentencing.

As in, when a white person and a black person enter court charged with the same crime, with the same priors, the black person will, on average, be sentenced to a longer time in prison. Explain away.

Well that is a easy one, that is known as Money, it has nothing to do with race either ask O.J.
Nope. The studies adjust for economic status. They compare black and white people of a similar class. Try again.
Longer list of previous crimes.
6/24/2020 6:54 PM
Here's another one:

In regards to African-Americans, this study’s findings show that African-Americans
sentenced in State courts are generally punished more harshly than whites, independent of
offense seriousness and prior criminal history

these controls measure defendant socioeconomic status (SES), type of defense counsel,
and method of case disposition—all of which have been found to be related to
race/ethnicity and severity of sentencing outcomes. The precision of measurement of
control variables utilized has also improved; for instance, whereas many of the early
studies employed crude dichotomous measures of important variables, such as offender
criminal history, considerably fewer recent studies employ variables measured in this

6/24/2020 6:55 PM
It also controls for prior criminal history. Did you even read the quote?

A survey of data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2017 found that when black men and white men commit the same crime, black men on average receive a sentence almost 20 percent longer. The research controlled for variables such as age and prior criminal history.

You're almost there, buddy. Keep trying.

6/24/2020 6:56 PM
isn't it sad that WhatifSports making a statement that they are against racism is causing all this posting. How many of you are for racism?
6/24/2020 6:59 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 6:56:00 PM (view original):
It also controls for prior criminal history. Did you even read the quote?

A survey of data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2017 found that when black men and white men commit the same crime, black men on average receive a sentence almost 20 percent longer. The research controlled for variables such as age and prior criminal history.

You're almost there, buddy. Keep trying.

Well i just disagree i have seen the same articles as well proven the other way so we can agree to disagree . In fact if you actually watch those videos Larry Elder and Officer Tatum will tell you otherwise. But you won believe them either so like i said , we can agree to disagree.
6/24/2020 7:01 PM
Please post a study with the opposite result. I have 3 going in my direction. I'll wait.
6/24/2020 7:02 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 7:02:00 PM (view original):
Please post a study with the opposite result. I have 3 going in my direction. I'll wait.
i already have you fail to actually watch the videos and hear someone else talk besides yourself, im done talking to you , your like talking to a brick wall.. I hope you take the time to actually listen to someone else...
6/24/2020 7:09 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 6/24/2020 6:59:00 PM (view original):
isn't it sad that WhatifSports making a statement that they are against racism is causing all this posting. How many of you are for racism?
Apparently at least a few people. Except they don't think that "dancing around actually saying racism is good but doing absolutely everything to defend racism" counts as saying racism is good. But someone that stupid can't expected to be very good at dealing with the concept of inferencing.
6/24/2020 7:09 PM
Posted by sinatra on 6/24/2020 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/24/2020 6:59:00 PM (view original):
isn't it sad that WhatifSports making a statement that they are against racism is causing all this posting. How many of you are for racism?
Apparently at least a few people. Except they don't think that "dancing around actually saying racism is good but doing absolutely everything to defend racism" counts as saying racism is good. But someone that stupid can't expected to be very good at dealing with the concept of inferencing.
actually every person i have seen on here has been against racism , but nice try.
6/24/2020 7:19 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 7:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 7:02:00 PM (view original):
Please post a study with the opposite result. I have 3 going in my direction. I'll wait.
i already have you fail to actually watch the videos and hear someone else talk besides yourself, im done talking to you , your like talking to a brick wall.. I hope you take the time to actually listen to someone else...
Your "videos" are not scientific studies. If they cite studies I would be curious to hear them. I took a look at the first two, and it seemed like all the arguments were emotion-driven, not fact based.

For everyone else, I would like to note the fact that I cited THREE peer-reviewed studies all with the same conclusion. The second you ask a right-winger to cite sources, they back out immediately.
6/24/2020 7:21 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 7:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 7:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 7:02:00 PM (view original):
Please post a study with the opposite result. I have 3 going in my direction. I'll wait.
i already have you fail to actually watch the videos and hear someone else talk besides yourself, im done talking to you , your like talking to a brick wall.. I hope you take the time to actually listen to someone else...
Your "videos" are not scientific studies. If they cite studies I would be curious to hear them. I took a look at the first two, and it seemed like all the arguments were emotion-driven, not fact based.

For everyone else, I would like to note the fact that I cited THREE peer-reviewed studies all with the same conclusion. The second you ask a right-winger to cite sources, they back out immediately.
I never backed out i gave you the outlets Larry elder , he put every source he states right there on the screen , you just fail to acknowledge it. Thats on you. Officer Tatum doesnt post his but also shares his perspective view as well , but you dont care, so like i said your not worth my time , ill talk to anyone else but you cause we all know you havent watched 2 mins of any of those videos. Good day.,
6/24/2020 7:24 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:16:00 PM (view original):
Here is some education content to further your knowledge..

and check out more of there videos too , on other similar topics.'

let me know if you need more....
I'm citing academic studies, and you are citing...

The Epoch Times (lol)
"Conservative Twins" (whoever they are)
Adam Calhoun (a white hick singer)
"The Officer Tatum" (an ex-cop turned YouTuber)

Real credible sources there. I'm not watching any of it until you answer my previous post. I'm real curious how you defend your position in the face of a MOUNTAIN of evidence to the contrary.
Well there facts which you have yet to provide any real information you obviously do not agree with facts, yes there video on youtube a non biased place where you can post whatever you want and not run by CNN or something else ...
6/24/2020 7:33 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 4:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Woah. Did you actually read the article? It cites DOZENS of credible studies suggesting a racial bias! Please actually read the article, this isn't just one author's opinion.

I can even quote some of it if you are too lazy to read through it all.
Of course i read it nowherw does it state being black and driving a nice car results in a 10% for example chance of being pulled over vs a for example only a 5% chance for someone else being pulled over...i dont see any real evidence only someones opinion

Here's one example (of MANY):

A 2019 study of police stops in Cincinnati found that black motorists were 30 percent more likely to be pulled over than white motorists. Black motorists also comprised 76 percent of arrests following a traffic stop despite making up 43 percent of the city’s population. It’s worth noting, again, that multiple studies have shown that searches of white motorists are slightly more likely to turn up contraband than searches of black motorists.

A 2020 report on 1.8 million police stops by the eight largest law enforcement agencies in California found that blacks were stopped at a rate 2.5 times higher than the per capita rate of whites. The report also found that black people were far more likely to be stopped for “reasonable suspicion” (as opposed to actually breaking a law) and were three times more likely than any other group to be searched, even though searches of white people were more likely to turn up contraband.

This is not OPINION. This is a FACT. It is a study. Can you please explain why this disparity exists?

Note: More studies have shown that the later in the day (and thus harder it becomes to see), the less this disparity exists. Want to guess why? (Hint: It's because the cops can't see that the driver is WHITE OR BLACK as easily)
Still waiting.. tick tock.
With out looking at it more, my guess is that blacks are pulled over more because they commit more of the crimes and fit the description of said suspect , but thats my opinion and not a fact, i leave the facts to people who know them, thats why i forward you to people with more information than i have . I dont know everything thats why im open to hear all sides .
6/24/2020 7:33 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 7:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sinatra on 6/24/2020 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 6/24/2020 6:59:00 PM (view original):
isn't it sad that WhatifSports making a statement that they are against racism is causing all this posting. How many of you are for racism?
Apparently at least a few people. Except they don't think that "dancing around actually saying racism is good but doing absolutely everything to defend racism" counts as saying racism is good. But someone that stupid can't expected to be very good at dealing with the concept of inferencing.
actually every person i have seen on here has been against racism , but nice try.
you are one of them, Einstein. Either you're an idiot or intentionally being obtuse to troll people.
6/24/2020 7:36 PM
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