Seble is wrong Topic

Posted by topdogggbm on 6/24/2020 5:36:00 AM (view original):
Play the games and shut the hell up people. As someone above mentioned, this ain't the platform for this. Sure, seble brought it up. I assume that's because of "a reason" unknown to me. But who cares! There's no reason to stand up to a site and prove your strength. Cool, you're an outspoken citizen. That's great. But just set your games and watch them play out. The end.

I often wonder if some of you guys do this in every situation in life.....

Customer.... "no toilet paper in the bathroom"
gas station clerk.... "sorry, we are out"
customer..... "oh my God, all lives matter. Blah blah blah"

Just wipe your *** and get on with it! Play site games and get on with it. Who gives a **** about freedom of speech and **** when you're playing an internet game?! All I care about is did I win or lose, and on to the next. I LOVE this community. I have friends here, I have people here that I don't like. I see things every day in life that I don't like. I try to be the best me I can be, and control what I can control. Some of you are just waiting to erupt with your beliefs as soon as an avenue is created. For what? No one here cares! Speak your mind all you want. Not one person is gonna care or remember your comments. We will all continue to set our teams and plays.....

Also, for those claiming he shouldn't have shut down the thread, he didn't close off all communication. You guys found your way here with a quickness, to continue your tears. He just shut down the one he started, so he didn't have to be tied to it to respond to all your rants. And I don't blame him one bit. The second he shut it down, we all knew this would pop up
Starting slow clap now..
6/24/2020 6:59 AM
Posted by Benis on 6/24/2020 6:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 6/24/2020 5:36:00 AM (view original):
Play the games and shut the hell up people. As someone above mentioned, this ain't the platform for this. Sure, seble brought it up. I assume that's because of "a reason" unknown to me. But who cares! There's no reason to stand up to a site and prove your strength. Cool, you're an outspoken citizen. That's great. But just set your games and watch them play out. The end.

I often wonder if some of you guys do this in every situation in life.....

Customer.... "no toilet paper in the bathroom"
gas station clerk.... "sorry, we are out"
customer..... "oh my God, all lives matter. Blah blah blah"

Just wipe your *** and get on with it! Play site games and get on with it. Who gives a **** about freedom of speech and **** when you're playing an internet game?! All I care about is did I win or lose, and on to the next. I LOVE this community. I have friends here, I have people here that I don't like. I see things every day in life that I don't like. I try to be the best me I can be, and control what I can control. Some of you are just waiting to erupt with your beliefs as soon as an avenue is created. For what? No one here cares! Speak your mind all you want. Not one person is gonna care or remember your comments. We will all continue to set our teams and plays.....

Also, for those claiming he shouldn't have shut down the thread, he didn't close off all communication. You guys found your way here with a quickness, to continue your tears. He just shut down the one he started, so he didn't have to be tied to it to respond to all your rants. And I don't blame him one bit. The second he shut it down, we all knew this would pop up
Starting slow clap now..
I wasnt going to respond to this but now i have to, everything you said you, are a hyprocrite, you cant say dont complain and just play the game, nobody started this except seble. If all u care about is winning or losing on a fake game then u really have a bad life. If nobody cares why did u try to speak up and why have others? I dont think he should shut down the thread because of what it says mostly i agree with it, but i know the evil of where its coming from and i dont agree with that, however when you stat lets have a discussion and we was having one i even made sure to ask questions so i dont go over the line anywhere i fully respected his answer, it wasnt until someone threatened leaving the game if he would silence us for our beliefs, that he removed the post and the abilily to have a discussion, is where he is wrong and he if doesnt want a discussion he should remove the post as it doesnt make sense.
6/24/2020 8:14 AM
All Seble said was “racism is bad” and you guys turned in to toddlers. If that’s a controversial statement to you, then you need to do some soul searching.

I assume you built some straw men arguments in your head and imagined that he was saying more than he was maybe? He didn’t say FTP or ACAB or even BLM (which shouldn’t be a controversial statement either btw). All he said was “racism is bad” and that he didn’t want hate speech on his website.

What’s your argument if that statement made you so upset? You trying to say racism is good?
6/24/2020 9:07 AM
Posted by dBKC on 6/24/2020 9:07:00 AM (view original):
All Seble said was “racism is bad” and you guys turned in to toddlers. If that’s a controversial statement to you, then you need to do some soul searching.

I assume you built some straw men arguments in your head and imagined that he was saying more than he was maybe? He didn’t say FTP or ACAB or even BLM (which shouldn’t be a controversial statement either btw). All he said was “racism is bad” and that he didn’t want hate speech on his website.

What’s your argument if that statement made you so upset? You trying to say racism is good?
Blm is a controversy as it promotes racism, anytime you seperate white black yellow green or orange, your being racist, and its more about police brutality than anything and the facts state otherwise that 99.9% of the time the cops acted appropriate. We all know what he implied about this statement it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out and i can care less what he supports or doesnt or implied or didnt imply, he wanted a discusion on racism and im trying to have that.
6/24/2020 10:09 AM
Posted by dBKC on 6/24/2020 9:07:00 AM (view original):
All Seble said was “racism is bad” and you guys turned in to toddlers. If that’s a controversial statement to you, then you need to do some soul searching.

I assume you built some straw men arguments in your head and imagined that he was saying more than he was maybe? He didn’t say FTP or ACAB or even BLM (which shouldn’t be a controversial statement either btw). All he said was “racism is bad” and that he didn’t want hate speech on his website.

What’s your argument if that statement made you so upset? You trying to say racism is good?
I have already said multiple times that racism is bad and anyone doing it is wrong, i have said all lives matter, the police that are getting killed matter, the white people killed by cops matter, the black people killed matter, but what also matters is black on blsck crime which is by far the biggest killers of black people specfically, so failure to acknowledge that others arw unjustified killed is racism thinking its only happening to blacks is wrong and the facts will tell you otherwise.
6/24/2020 10:12 AM
Seble your wrong again for moving this , this was in the correct thread, i know that cause you yourself did the same thing.. you are failing us all as a admin
6/24/2020 10:17 AM
Black Lives Matter. If you are unwilling to say those words than you are a confirmed racist. Period.
6/24/2020 10:30 AM
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Black Lives Matter. If you are unwilling to say those words than you are a confirmed racist. Period.
Yes all lives matter ,black is included....if you dont understand that you need to look in the mirror and you will see racism...
6/24/2020 10:40 AM
Are we allowed to post videos in here?
6/24/2020 10:40 AM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:52:00 AM (view original):
Posted by topdogggbm on 6/24/2020 5:36:00 AM (view original):
Play the games and shut the hell up people. As someone above mentioned, this ain't the platform for this. Sure, seble brought it up. I assume that's because of "a reason" unknown to me. But who cares! There's no reason to stand up to a site and prove your strength. Cool, you're an outspoken citizen. That's great. But just set your games and watch them play out. The end.

I often wonder if some of you guys do this in every situation in life.....

Customer.... "no toilet paper in the bathroom"
gas station clerk.... "sorry, we are out"
customer..... "oh my God, all lives matter. Blah blah blah"

Just wipe your *** and get on with it! Play site games and get on with it. Who gives a **** about freedom of speech and **** when you're playing an internet game?! All I care about is did I win or lose, and on to the next. I LOVE this community. I have friends here, I have people here that I don't like. I see things every day in life that I don't like. I try to be the best me I can be, and control what I can control. Some of you are just waiting to erupt with your beliefs as soon as an avenue is created. For what? No one here cares! Speak your mind all you want. Not one person is gonna care or remember your comments. We will all continue to set our teams and plays.....

Also, for those claiming he shouldn't have shut down the thread, he didn't close off all communication. You guys found your way here with a quickness, to continue your tears. He just shut down the one he started, so he didn't have to be tied to it to respond to all your rants. And I don't blame him one bit. The second he shut it down, we all knew this would pop up
For me its everywhere, i cant turn on the radio without hearing about BLM, i cant turn on the tv without hearing about it, i cant turn on my playstation without getting a message, Enough with the Brainwashing. We all agree Racism is bad and not okay, what people disagree on is BLM, is a terrorist group with a democratic agenda that they are pushing on us, its not okay for these companies to be pushing there political agenda on us and us not be able to say anything is NOT ok.
What's your definition of terrorist group.

good post, topdoggg
6/24/2020 10:41 AM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Black Lives Matter. If you are unwilling to say those words than you are a confirmed racist. Period.
Yes all lives matter ,black is included....if you dont understand that you need to look in the mirror and you will see racism...
All lives matter is a racist statement. If you don't understand that, you don't understand context.
6/24/2020 10:43 AM
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 10:43:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 10:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Black Lives Matter. If you are unwilling to say those words than you are a confirmed racist. Period.
Yes all lives matter ,black is included....if you dont understand that you need to look in the mirror and you will see racism...
All lives matter is a racist statement. If you don't understand that, you don't understand context.
Like i have said already, anytime your screaming im a victim of something thats based on a lie , that is happeneing to everyone, and everyone isnt included thats racism go look it up
6/24/2020 10:45 AM
6/24/2020 10:47 AM
Racism is the intersection of prejudice + power. You cannot be racist against those in power. Only prejudiced against them. This is textbook stuff that is denied only by fragile white people.
6/24/2020 10:48 AM
Companies are going to do what makes them money. The reason you don't see companies condemning other problems is because they don't think it would be profitable. That's capitalism, baby. I didn't know that all of you hated it so much.

As for seble's post, he didn't even mention black lives matter? Racism is wrong. It's not "woke" to say that. Calm the **** down, slowflakes.
6/24/2020 11:05 AM
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Seble is wrong Topic

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