Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

Posted by DougOut on 5/17/2020 7:22:00 PM (view original):
When will you counter it with your brilliance?

We're all waiting for pajama boy to stop ******** and start saying something.
3RD TIMES A CHARM, eh Lonely Man?
Posted by DougOut on 5/17/2020 7:17:00 PM (view original):
When will you counter it with your brilliance?

We're all waiting for pajama boy to stop ******** and start saying something.

Posted by DougOut on 5/17/2020 7:00:00 PM (view original):
When will you counter it with your brilliance?

We're all waiting for pajama boy to stop ******** and start saying something.
I don’t debate LIES and MYTHOLOGY. I said MY piece. You’re ALWAYS the one with NOTHING to say but your sycophantic, LONELY MAN bullshit when someone hits you with legitimate questions or opinions. REALITY seems to be something you have a REALLY hard time accepting. Evidenced by the fact that you STILL don’t acknowledge the IMPEACHMENT that will hang on him FOREVER. You’re a party-toting, ineffectual old man whose only significance in the world is found here, as the biggest TROLL in the history of the fake baseball message board.

5/17/2020 7:24 PM
5/17/2020 7:36 PM
Posted by DougOut on 5/17/2020 7:33:00 PM (view original):
The whole point of shutting down was to flatten the curve and keep our medical people alive and healthy. Not overload the Hospitals to the point of the destruction of our healthcare system. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Moving forward allows the virus to take it's course in a manageable environment. Herd Immunity. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

There is no comparison between H1N1 and Coronavirus 19. Our modern technology and the leadership of one of the top 5 leaders in World History has allowed us to dodge this bullet, never go down and come back fighting. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

And as the limp wristed pajama boys crawl under the bed or hide behind a screen with fake names....the sun will rise and the rain will fall. Nothing has changed. You are still weak and backward and we are still strong enough to note this is a blip on the timeline of history. And I wonder how the future will view us. I already know. Those who got it early and went back to work and those who didn't. Those who didn't...the same sad sacks who politicize everything and everybody. Somehow they wish to blame a political party for a virus. The dictionary defines all kinds of virus. Including political and trade. And at the end of the day...which is the more deadly? We're all gonna die. I'd rather die from a virus that may be natural and take its course than a trade deal that slowly kills or political party bent on suicide.

Get some new material man. You just look incessantly STUPID. It’s the same **** CHILDREN do.
5/17/2020 7:36 PM
Posted by DougOut on 5/17/2020 7:37:00 PM (view original):
The whole point of shutting down was to flatten the curve and keep our medical people alive and healthy. Not overload the Hospitals to the point of the destruction of our healthcare system. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Moving forward allows the virus to take it's course in a manageable environment. Herd Immunity. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

There is no comparison between H1N1 and Coronavirus 19. Our modern technology and the leadership of one of the top 5 leaders in World History has allowed us to dodge this bullet, never go down and come back fighting. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

And as the limp wristed pajama boys crawl under the bed or hide behind a screen with fake names....the sun will rise and the rain will fall. Nothing has changed. You are still weak and backward and we are still strong enough to note this is a blip on the timeline of history. And I wonder how the future will view us. I already know. Those who got it early and went back to work and those who didn't. Those who didn't...the same sad sacks who politicize everything and everybody. Somehow they wish to blame a political party for a virus. The dictionary defines all kinds of virus. Including political and trade. And at the end of the day...which is the more deadly? We're all gonna die. I'd rather die from a virus that may be natural and take its course than a trade deal that slowly kills or political party bent on suicide.

Get some new material man. You just look incessantly STUPID. It’s the same **** CHILDREN do.
5/17/2020 7:40 PM
You don't like my repost? Try doing this............

Repost the last thing I said in your thread you didn't redline..........

5/17/2020 7:41 PM
The whole point of shutting down was to flatten the curve and keep our medical people alive and healthy. Not overload the Hospitals to the point of the destruction of our healthcare system. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Moving forward allows the virus to take it's course in a manageable environment. Herd Immunity. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

There is no comparison between H1N1 and Coronavirus 19. Our modern technology and the leadership of one of the top 5 leaders in World History has allowed us to dodge this bullet, never go down and come back fighting. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

And as the limp wristed pajama boys crawl under the bed or hide behind a screen with fake names....the sun will rise and the rain will fall. Nothing has changed. You are still weak and backward and we are still strong enough to note this is a blip on the timeline of history. And I wonder how the future will view us. I already know. Those who got it early and went back to work and those who didn't. Those who didn't...the same sad sacks who politicize everything and everybody. Somehow they wish to blame a political party for a virus. The dictionary defines all kinds of virus. Including political and trade. And at the end of the day...which is the more deadly? We're all gonna die. I'd rather die from a virus that may be natural and take its course than a trade deal that slowly kills or political party bent on suicide.
5/17/2020 7:41 PM
I bet you passed out again.
5/17/2020 7:49 PM
Posted by usf_bulls on 5/17/2020 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Sometimes, I don't know which one of you is sillier.

rsp believes that Trump will not be re-elected, which is a bit naïve. Doug believes that Trump is a Top 5 leader in world history, which is a bit insane.
Doug, just out of curiosity, who, in your opinion, are the other 4 top leaders in world history??
5/17/2020 11:22 PM
Caligula, Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, Hoover
5/18/2020 12:36 AM
1. Trump
2. Reagan
3. Don Jr.
4. Ivanka
5/18/2020 12:45 AM
5/18/2020 1:44 AM
So much American winning!! Check this out. Many Countries on our globe have managed to limit deaths within their populace to less than 10 deaths per MILLION people within the Country. Japan, Australia, S. Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan (and others!) have all mitigated the death rate to under 10/million.

With Trump's leadership America is once again leading the pack! So much winning!! Our death rate is OVER 200 per Million (It's actually 271/million) residents. Over 27 TIMES worse death rate than Countries with stable intelligent leadership that LISTENS to scientists and experts on the topics that need understanding in order to solve/mitigate damage to their Country and it's citizens.

Wake up voters! We can't afford 4 more years of "winning" like this.
Voting for the devil you KNOW to be an incompetent liar is not necessarily better than the devil you don't know!

Maybe the devil you don't know (fear) will actually be able to find competent folks to aid his/her administration and ALSO have the integrity to tell you the truth once in a while.
Change is coming.............let's try and make it a positive change, shall we?
5/18/2020 9:02 AM (edited)
Just a question bob; you don't think the death rate has anything to do with people here being "free" to ignore the Government's (and Health Agencies') warnings and guidelines? While people in other Countries fear reprisal if they don't adhere, we have people not only running around blatantly ignoring all the warnings and guidelines, but flaunting the fact that they are. You (and I) want to complain about Trump wanting to reopen too many things too fast, but does it really matter with so many people doing what they want, when they want, already? Americans' stupidity, pride and insistence they can't be told what to do is why so many are dead and dying.
5/18/2020 9:53 AM
So Trump is busy working hard. This morning he's already tweeted out a video of Romney losing the presidential election with the remark "LOSER!" and went after "SLEEPY JOE!".

I'm sorry, Karl Rove was whining about what again

If Trump gets reelected with 37 million unemployed, a minus 30% GDP, and at least 150,000 dead Americans, it will mean the idiots outnumber us.
5/18/2020 11:41 AM
I thought you were one of them
5/18/2020 12:04 PM
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Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

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