What a swell prez...
You Trumptards here do realize that today, on ******* TWITTER, this inept failure of a man advocated civil unrest because Governors, you know, the ones with the ACTUAL POWER, have essentially told him to go pound sand. This morning was a new all-time low for your pathetic “leader.” And just take a look at the crowds this **** is trying to empower. A gaggle of scared, dumbfuck, redneck, selfish PIGS. All of course, trumpets thru and thru. Nice company you keep dummy. I sincerely hope they try their now-proposed 2nd protest here and Gretch has the National Guard and regular Army waiting to meet them. You’ll see a whole lot of ***** “patriots” crawl right back in their holes if they arrest just ONE of these clowns. Let alone if it comes to bullets flying to put down an insurrection. And remember that IF any of this comes to pass that it falls squarely at the feet of one incredibly stupid man.