Posted by tangplay on 1/29/2019 11:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 1/29/2019 11:29:00 PM (view original):
I don't have a problem with not providing federal funding to "for profit" schools. I actually don't believe any private school should receive federal funding. We're $20T in debt, We can't afford it. As far as the debt to income ratio. I am anti-student loan as a rule anyways. They are unnecessary for people and are going to lead to the next recession. Obama made a big mistake with his government takeover of student loans. As to your specific point, the loans don't come from the colleges. The colleges aren't saddling kids with any debt. They put a price tag on their school and people make a choice on whether or not to attend.
The market does a really good job of dictating which schools have more money. Harvard is recognized as one of the better schools in the country, therefore it makes more money. The last school that I coached was not a very good school and almost had to close its doors. It has since hired a new president and is getting better quickly and guess what. Its financial situation is getting better quickly.
The issue is that for profit colleges hire experts at convincing low-income students to take out loans to afford to go to their school, and don't provide the best education or income after graduation.
I typed "for-profit colleges" into the google machine. Over half of the articles on the first page dealt with the shortcomings of these schools. If a person is too stupid to do that, they shouldn't be spending money on college anywhere. It's not the governments job to protect stupid people from themselves. There is too much information available.
Tang, I have tried to tell you this for two years now, but you treat the government like a god that can solve all problems. If this were the case, we would already have that utopia you dream of. You are going to reply and say that you don't do this, but over 90% of the solutions you have given to problems have involved the government.