Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Now let's see.......

We got Mueller and Comey and Stzsok and Page and McCabe and Obama and Hillary.

What could possibly go wrong?
7/15/2018 5:41 PM
7/15/2018 5:43 PM
What a way to waste away a BEAUTIFUL Sunday afternoon in most of our country. Get a life Doug.
7/15/2018 6:00 PM
Posted by The Taint on 7/15/2018 5:14:00 PM (view original):
That was Comey dumbass. Ok. Back to blocked. You got nothing other than Rush regurgitated bullshit.

You want some Rush?


Clinton Bagman McAuliffe’s SuperPAC Paid $500,000 to Campaign of Wife of FBI Official Overseeing Hillary Email Investigation

RUSH: Oh, yeah, I haven’t even mentioned the longtime bagman Terry McAuliffe. Wait ’til you hear what this guy did. You want to talk about commingling and intermingling and the corruption of the FBI, that’s the name of the game. The Democrat Party has virtually corrupted everything. They’re on their way to corrupting everything that we used to be able to count on and regard as open and fair in our government. The FBI is the latest. Wait ’til you hear what McAuliffe did. Clinton bagman who’s now the governor of Virginia.

7/15/2018 6:00 PM

RUSH: Okay, look. Go ahead and laugh. Go ahead and laugh. Tell everybody I said that someday the left is gonna conclude that elections are the problem, but I’m telling you what. What do you think open borders, mass amnesty is about? If American citizens won’t vote for you, then make sure a bunch of people get into the country who will. Don’t doubt me on this, folks. These people have such an entitlement and quest for power that leaving it up to public opinion among a bunch of dolts and uninformed, uneducated hicks?

That’s not gonna happen.

That’s not gonna be allowed to happen for very long.

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7/15/2018 6:13 PM
Rush has now devolved to an Alex Jones-level of crazy.
7/15/2018 6:17 PM

RUSH: Here’s Bobby in Hayward, California. Bob, I’m glad you called. Great to have you here.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, Bay Area and belly of the beast dittos to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: Hey, it’s amazing the blatant duplicity with these Democrats who sit there and cheer Strzok and want to give him a Purple Heart and all this stuff, because they so readily and easily accept that he can separate his personal views and complete his job with integrity. Yet somebody like Brett Kavanaugh is completely incapable of separating his personal views and completing his job with integrity.

RUSH: Oh! Excellent point! Especially when you compare them side by side. Here we have a guy, Brett Kavanaugh… There’s nothing anybody can find about the guy. The guy has no challenging problems with his honor, his integrity, his character. But Strzok is a demonstrable liar! A proud one, by the way — and he was applauded for it yesterday! That’s old Bob’s point here. Peter Strzok is being applauded.

“He should get the Purple Heart for daring to take on these Republicans in war and beating them back.” They thought Strzok beat the Republicans in the hearings, and he deserves a Purple Heart. Kavanaugh? You’re absolutely right. There’s not a single thing disqualifying this guy, and they want to do everything they can to kind of destroy him. It’s a great illustration of the partisanship, especially for people who may not be able to figure it out. Glad you called out there, Bob, from the belly of the beast.

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7/15/2018 6:26 PM

RUSH: Here is John on Warsaw, Indiana. You’re next on Open Line Friday. Hi.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. I work for the agency that you said you’re gonna write your last check to in this life?

RUSH: Uhhhh, you…?

CALLER: And it will bounce?

RUSH: Oh! Oh, oh!

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: I thought you meant you worked for God. That you were a preacher!

CALLER: (laughing)



RUSH: He’s heard me say… I got it. I remember now. I have said oftentimes that I hope the last check I write to the IRS bounces. It’s my way of saying, “I hope I get the full benefit of everything I’ve earned before I die.” So you work for the IRS. Okay.


RUSH: It’s a very clever way of reminding me of that, I grant you.

CALLER: Yeah. I’ve been a longtime listener. Anyways, the level of… When we deal with taxpayers in terms of their information, we term it “sensitive but unclassified,” which is at a lower level than what the FBI deals with in terms… Theirs is considered secret. And yet I cannot fathom for the life of me why this individual felt that on a government phone that he could exchange text messages or tweet somebody with negative comments. Because I’ll tell you, Rush, in my email I say nothing negative about taxpayers, nor do I say things negative about my boss or anything. Because it’s all out there for people to view at some point or another. And, you know, I just can’t fathom why somebody —

RUSH: Okay. You can’t fathom it, but he did it!


RUSH: He nevertheless did it. He was using both his private phone and, by his own admission, his government phone. And he was texting, messaging essentially the same stuff no matter which phone he was using. So you can’t imagine doing it, but he did it.


RUSH: So help us. You’re the guy that works in government. Help us understand the attitude, ’cause he clearly had to think he was gonna get away with it, that nobody was ever gonna see these. Right?

CALLER: I’ll tell you, Rush, we every so often have a list of people that are published that have divulged taxpayer information as a way of kind of warning us, “You have a public trust. You have a public responsibility, learning this information.” So I can’t even talk with anyone that is not… Again, I’m one step below “secret” in terms of my information level of security, okay? I can’t even talk to anybody that doesn’t have a need to know about my taxpayer information. Even when I do talk in the office, we talk in code often because we have the chance somebody may overhear us. So if I said something negative about a taxpayer and it came up in disclosure… I don’t know, I assume in FBI trials that their emails come up in part, when they’re doing the prosecution concerning these individual —

RUSH: I’m gonna tell you something. John, let me tell you something. In our charged atmosphere today, it would really depend on who the taxpayer was that you were criticizing. If, for example, look at what happened to Strzok Smirk. If you…? Let’s do a hypothetical. Let’s say that you decided that you wanted to tweet the income information of a public figure who is someone controversial, because you’re just tired of the news coverage this guy gets and you know he’s lying about a bunch of things.

So you tweet it out. If you happen to be a Democrat and if the guy you’re tweeting about is a Republican and it could be said he’s a phony baloney, you’re gonna be a hero for doing it. With the American people, you’ll probably be a hero, and with the media you would be a hero. Because everything has been politicized and partisanized today. I understand what you’re saying. You wouldn’t dare do it. You take the oath. This is sacrosanct, private information. You take your job —

CALLER: Not only that, but I could go to jail and get fined. I mean, I enjoy my freedom too much to even do anything or go there in terms of talking about specific taxpayer names.

RUSH: Well, I got tell you something since you’ve called here. I have to tell you. I, frankly — in these charged political times of 10, 15, 20 years — have been surprised that there haven’t been any leaks from the IRS. Like everybody’s dying to get their hands on Trump’s tax returns, right? You know this as well as I now. The Democrats made that a campaign issue. Well, somebody at the IRS knows ’em. Somebody can see ’em. Somebody can, and they haven’t leaked. I find it amazing. It’s kind of pleasant to realize it hasn’t leaked, when you got people in there like Lois Lerner who was denying tax-exempt status to various people. The fact that those tax returns or anybody else’s that the media wants haven’t leaked? In this day and age and atmosphere, it’s stunning.

CALLER: Well, it’s not entirely easy as you might think, perhaps for another agencies to get information like say. For instance, if I wanted to pull up your tax return first I have to know what your Social Security number is. So I’d have to do some background and get some information to discover that, and then I’d have to access the proper systems to be able to do that. Well, those systems are limited to a very specific set of individuals. So they would know immediately, and normally people of your stature are flagged so that if I were to access Rush Limbaugh tax returns, in about two heartbeats I’d be getting a call from our internal police.

RUSH: Right. They’d be asking you how they could help. (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing) No!

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing) Noooo! They’d be shutting down my system and they’d be knocking on my door. I’d be walked out in handcuffs in about two heartbeats. No. The reason why that stuff doesn’t happen is that there are sufficiently enough people out there that have been… Again, they publish those things and then quite often it makes the wires when people do step over the line. And —

RUSH: Well, you know something? I’m really glad you called, because this has pointed out something. There haven’t been any such major leaks. You know Trump’s tax returns, the Democrats… Who knows what some of them would pay, because that’s where they think that they could get Trump thrown out of office. They thought this for the longest time, and they haven’t leaked. Contrast that with the FBI. Contrast that with the intelligence community where everything is leaking — and the intelligence community, they’re supposed to be able to as dedicated security and secrecy as anybody is. Anyway, I’m glad you called, John. I appreciate it. I’m sorry for the slow uptake on your opening little joke there. But I eventually got it, and you’re absolutely right. I still hope that’s the case. I hope the last check I write bounces and that it’s to the IRS. Of course, then they’d go after the estate.

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7/15/2018 6:29 PM
7/15/2018 6:31 PM
7/15/2018 6:31 PM

RUSH: Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general conducting a press conference right now saying that the independent counsel Robert Mueller has indicted 12 Russian military officers for hacking the Democrat National Committee computer network and they stole 500,000 voters’ information, according to Rosenstein and his press conference.

He’s pointing out that they followed the rule of law, proper procedures in tracking these people down. Twelve Russian military officers indicted for DNC hacking. They say the keystoke reading codes spied on the Democrat National Committee chair would be Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz and other Democrat National Committee linked accounts.

The Russians also tried to get into the RNC computer but failed. I don’t think there’s any real news here other than the indictment. Note the day they are announced. Note the day and time that the Trump administration announces these indictments by the independent special counsel.


RUSH: Collecting data from the Rod Rosenstein press conference as it happens. Here’s what we have. Mueller has indicted 12 Russian officers for hacking the Democrats in 2016. This was during the Obama administration. And nothing was done about it. Two specific kinds of hacks were mentioned. The old phishing attack, which we have informed you about many times, which is where they send you emails that look legitimate with a link that you’re supposed to tap to fill in more information, provide somebody with data. It looks legit, you fall for it, John Podesta did.

And the other kind of hack was just an actual hack and trying to get into Democrat National Committee servers. Now, keep in mind, if this happened, the Democrat National Committee would not let the FBI investigate this server! I don’t know if Rosenstein mentioned that today, but the Democrats would not let the FBI examine their server. Now, something may have happened since then that Mueller’s boys have looked at it.

When this was all over, Rosenstein then went and got political and he said that it’s important to keep in mind here that the people that did this are the Russians and not any of the — forget the exact words he used, but what he was attempting to do was exonerate Obama. He was trying to make sure that nobody blamed any Americans for this, because remember, it’s 2016. Obama’s in the White House.

He went out of his way to make sure everybody keeps in mind that it’s the Russians that did this. Now, he did not say what he said I think to exonerate Trump; don’t misunderstand. But he clearly was trying to make sure nobody connected Obama to this.


RUSH: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, at the end of the — well, wasn’t necessarily the end, but at the press conference where he announced the indictment of 12 more Russians for hacking and getting into the DNC servers in 2016, now, listen to this statement. This was included in the press conference.

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.”

So, once again we have had another bombshell indictment or event that the Drive-Bys get to cover, that the Drive-Bys get to go overboard, “See? There was Russian collusion, there was Russian collusion.” Just like all those stories in the New York Times and all those anonymous blind sources convinced that Trump had colluded, somewhere in every story near the end or in the last 25% of the story one line that would indicate to date no evidence for any of this has yet been found.

In a 1500-word story they’d throw a little eight- or nine-word sentence, and that’s what Rosenstein has done today, announced this gigantic indictment. Man, this Mueller guy, he is on the case, he is tracking down Russians everywhere. He’s finding Russians — he had those Russian troll farms. And that was, you know, just a PR move. There’s no substance there. And now, and now 12 more Russians trying to get into the DNC server.

So people, “Yeah, look, see the Russians did? The Russians did.” Then Rosenstein practically whispers, “Well, there’s no allegation in the indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. Shh. Shh. And there’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected an election at all. So there’s really nothing to see here, because whatever these Russians were trying, it didn’t affect the election at all.”

And yet we’ve got this gigantic, big announcement today, press conference, 13, 12 Russians indicted for hacking the DNC. So what do you think is the logical conclusion most people are gonna come to? After a year and a half of hearing about Trump-Russia collusion, are they gonna hear Rosenstein say, “By the way, doesn’t involve any Americans. No votes were affected. The outcome of no election was affected.” Gonna hear that? What do you think?


RUSH: We’ve now had a chance to roll some tape on Rosenstein and his press conference today announcing that the special counsel has indicted 12 dastardly Russian spies for daring, for having the audacity to hack into the Democrat National Committee network.

There were two kinds of hacks. There were phishing attacks on members’ emails, and the standard, run-of-the-mill trying to get into the computer and hack it. Keep in mind, Democratic National Committee never let the FBI forensically examine their server or their network. They hired some outfit called CrowdStrike to do it — private sector firm, third-party firm — and then they informed everybody what they’d found.

I don’t think the Democratic National Committee wanted anybody to find out what was on these servers. And I want to remind you of something that I have been maintaining for many, many months now. I think the Mueller special counsel investigation is actually the cover-up for what Strzok Smirk was being questioned about yesterday. I think this entire investigation into Trump colluding with Russia is a cover-up. I think it’s designed to cover up what Hillary and her campaign did with the Russians.

I think it’s a cover-up to make sure — the reason why they didn’t want the FBI to see that server is because there’s probably evidence on that server of how they rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders, and they didn’t want the FBI to see that. And notice the FBI didn’t press to see it. You know, Comey said they told us they didn’t want us to look at it so we didn’t look.

Can you imagine FBI coming to your doorway, there’s been a crime committed in your house. You may have been committing the crime and you said to the FBI, “We don’t want you here. We’ll handle it internally.” The FBI, “Oh, okay. Sorry to bother you.” Well, that’s exactly what happened here. Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz and Donna Brazile told the FBI, told Comey, “No, no. We’ll handle this internally.” And the FBI said, “Okay.”

I don’t think anybody wanted to find out what was actually on this server ’cause I don’t think they wanted to have to get into any kind of legitimate investigation because they didn’t want to have to uncover what everybody knew! And that was that Hillary and the DNC and Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz rigged that game against Bernie Sanders.

I think Hillary’s emails are part of the cover-up, making sure that Obama was not in any way touched in such a way that an investigation of him would be required, or that an investigation of Hillary or a trail or charges of Hillary would necessarily include Obama. So they wanted to get rid of Trump anyway. They wanted to stymie Trump during the campaign, and then they wanted to stymie Trump after he won, during his transition, and then they wanted to stymie him after he was inaugurated.

I’m convinced they thought they’d get rid of him in the first six months. I really believe, folks, that that’s what they thought they’d be able to pull off. You gotta remember, look at Strzok’s smirk yesterday. All of these people are that arrogant and that condescending, that certain of themselves, and they also, Strzok Smirk, the attitude that he had yesterday that grated on me more than anything was (imitating Smirk), “You can’t touch me. Don’t care what you ask me, I don’t care what you’ve got, you can’t touch me. I can sit here and I can lie to you people all day. You can’t touch me.”

He had the facial expressions that go along with that kind of arrogant confidence, if you will. And I think these people believe that they are untouchable and that they can slink away and hide and they will protect each other. I have no doubt they thought they’d get rid of Trump in the first six months. I think they think of themselves as having that kind of power, having that kind of ability to bend, shape, flake, form public opinion.

They were able to incorporate almost the entirety of the U.S. media in this effort. Their only problem was they really never had any facts. They didn’t have any facts. As I said, every story they ran had to include, “So far no evidence to suggest any of these serious allegations are true, but the experts say it’s only a matter of time before it’s forthcoming” or some such thing.

It’s like Rosenstein just said in his press conference, “No allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. No allegation the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.” Meaning, there’s nothing really to see here based on the original purpose of our investigation.

Meaning, we haven’t learned a single thing about this since day one. Since day one we haven’t been able to find a shred of evidence that the outcome of the election was affected. Meaning, from day one we can’t find where Donald Trump stole the election. Meaning, from day one we can’t find any evidence that Vladimir Putin stole it for Donald Trump.

They’ve got nothing. But they did all of this. They did the Steele dossier. They did the informants. They ramped up a phony investigation. And I am convinced that the Mueller investigation is to cover that up. The added bonus is if the Mueller investigation finds something like these 12 Russians, the 13 Russian troll farms, then announce some indictments and make it look like the original premise was true, the Russians interfered, the Russians tried to shape, form the outcome of our elections.

The only thing they don’t have is that Trump was part of it, but they’ve been talking about that for a year and a half so much, they rely on the fact people are just gonna assume it. Because that’s been the narrative. So the Mueller investigation is essentially to mask, to cover up, to keep out of the news that the DNC and the Clinton campaign were stupid in protecting data.

How in the world could their server get hacked? Hillary had her own private server. It was no doubt hacked. She was trafficking classified data. Obama knew it and was also replying, thus sending his own versions of classified information. That’s pretty stupid. That’s pretty lazy. That’s pretty risky and dangerous.

Then John Podesta gets phished. These are people supposed to be above all of that. These are Harvard, Yale people, folks. These are from the highest rankings of academe. They’re not supposed to fall for phishing tricks. That’s what you Walmart shoppers do. You Walmart shoppers fall for the Nigerian money scam, but they don’t.

So when they get an email from American Express or Federal Express or something that has a link and the sender is asking for additional information the account, John Podesta’s supposed to be smart enough to know not to click on that link, but he did. And so this Mueller thing is I think designed to cover-up the abject stupidity, technical stupidity and ignorance of the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

They got phished. They allowed all kinds of bad actors access to their computers. It’s a cover-up of how stupid the Democrats are. It’s a cover for the original fake reason for the special counsel. It’s a cover-up to mask who really needs to be investigated here. And that’s the one person that’s been exonerated. Can you believe, in all of this, only one person has really been exonerated, Hillary Clinton? And she’s the one who committed all the crimes that Comey listed!

Meanwhile, we’re going after Manafort and then we’re gonna go after Flynn and we’re gonna get these Russian troll farmers, then we’re gonna get these 12 Russian bad actor hackers. The people that actually engaged in all of this are laughing about it, walking away scot-free and testifying before Congress saying, “You can’t touch me. You can’t touch me, you little dim bat congressman. You’re nothing compared to me in the FBI. Nothing! Can’t touch me.”

So here’s Rosenstein announcing his indictment, and in this first bite he’s decrying the partisan warfare in the indictment. Let’s listen.

ROSENSTEIN: When we confront foreign interference in American elections it’s important for us to avoid thinking politically as Republicans or Democrats and instead to think patriotically as Americans. Our response must not depend on which side was victimized. Free and fair elections are always hard fought and contentious. So long as we are united, in our commitment to the values enshrined in the constitution, they will not succeed. A partisan warfare fueled by modern technology does not fairly reflect the grace, dignity and unity of the American people. The blame for election interference belongs to the criminals who committed election interference.

RUSH: So right there, I guarantee you, everybody watching this, the media, “He’s gonna mention Trump! Oh, my God.” They’re having orgasms. “He’s gonna mention Trump! He’s gonna mention Trump! This the moment we’ve been waiting for!” And then Rosenstein says…

ROSENSTEIN: There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.

RUSH: Oh, no, another lead balloon disappointment. Oh, my God. How could this happen? They get us all worked up, they get us all ginned up. We’re all hoping that Trump’s gonna be met with people and handcuffs when he gets off Air Force Once, when he gets back from meeting Putin, oh, my God. Oh, my God. Nothing happening.

“So long as we’re united,” Rosenstein said. We’re not united. We’re not even near being united. We’re nowhere near being united. But so long as we are, “in our commitment to the values enshrined in the Constitution —” We are not united about the values enshrined in the Constitution. Let’s just face it. The American left today looks at the Constitution as an obstacle, looks at it as a threat, looks at it as an enemy. We are not united in the values enshrined in the Constitution.

He says, “these bad actors will not succeed. A partisan warfare fueled by modern technology does not fairly reflect the grace, the dignity, and the unity.” Could somebody explain to me, somebody — I’m serious — what is meant by the grace of the American people. People throw that out all the time. I understand the dignity of the American people. Dignity and unity, but what is this about the grace of the American people? I think loaded leftist term in its modern context.

What does it mean to you, when you hear Rosenstein say the grace of the American people, what does that mean? I got three people shaking their heads. Haven’t the slightest idea. You just hear the word, aw, it’s a nice word, the grace of the American people. I guarantee you Strzok Smirk didn’t find any grace when he went down to that Walmart in Southern Virginia where he could smell Trump voters. He didn’t see any grace down there, and he wasn’t exhibiting any at the same time.


RUSH: Here’s George in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. I’m just listening to everybody’s frustration with Strzok. And, you know, the thing that really frustrates me — and I think the key to all this — is Hillary’s emails, and who’s behind the scenes I think is Obama. And we have him on sound bites saying he didn’t know about her server, right, until the media told him. But then we have emails so in previous testimony that he did know. If you remember, you used to say, “Obama doesn’t have to say anything to the FBI or the IRS. They just know the marching orders.”

RUSH: That’s right.

CALLER: Why isn’t there an investigation on this server? That is something we absolutely know as fact, where we got ’em in a lie. Once you start to unpeel the layers of it this onion, maybe something more substantive comes out and we can actually get something.

RUSH: Well, look, people have been asking… This is one of the questions people have been asking of Jeff Sessions since Donald Trump took office! “What is the point of winning if you’re not gonna get to the bottom of some of this stuff? Why is it that Hillary isn’t being investigated for anything?” Now, the FBI and the DOJ has already exonerated her on this email stuff. So there may be double jeopardy. I don’t know if it’s a… It was a decision not to prosecute, but I don’t know if it’s the equivalent a full exoneration. But it doesn’t matter. There are still things that they can investigate, such as her work and her ties to Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier and the FISA court and all of this. I mean, it’s perfect subject matter for an investigation. Everybody’s been wondering, “Where is it? Why doesn’t Trump make that happen?”

CALLER: Right. There is some “there” there.

RUSH: Of course there is! Well, look at this server today, the DNC server for which these 13 or 12 Russians have been indicted. When that is server was hacked, the FBI asked to see it and the DNC told ’em “no.” Now, who gets to do that? Who gets to tell the FBI to go home? Maybe if your kid gets kidnapped and they want to come in and help you can tell ’em to go home, but you’re running around claiming your server got hacked and the government FBI investigating unit wants to find out what happened and you tell ’em no?

So there’s obviously something you know that been going on that you don’t want the FBI to find out. The FBI said, “Okay. Fine,” and they went away. The DNC hired a third-party outset called CrowdStrike. CrowdStrike analyzed it forensically and then reports what happened. And that’s how we know supposedly the Russians tried to hack, phishing. And now all of a sudden here’s comes Mueller? After all of this time in the FBI does not investigate this serve, and now here comes Mueller claiming, I guess, he has, and now there’s an indictment of 12 Russians for trying to hack their server and running phishing schemes? This is a —

CALLER: And they were warned ahead of time too, just like Republicans. But they acted on it, and the Democrats didn’t.

RUSH: What do you mean “warned ahead of time”?

CALLER: Yeah. Wasn’t the report out that there was some hacking going on and that you need to beef up your security —

RUSH: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

CALLER: — and the Republicans did but the Democrats didn’t?

RUSH: Well, there’s something else going on. Unfortunately, bringing this up is just gonna take us into the weeds because the reporting on this has been in the weeds. But there’s another bunch of actors here that had hands-on access — I mean, clearance at the highest level access — to the DNC servers and a bunch of Democrat congressman, and that’s these kids, these guys from Pakistan. The Awan brothers or family. They have been allowed to leave the country and go back to Pakistan. They’ve been allowed to skate on all of this.

That’s probably where the hacking was. That’s probably where the… I mean, the Democrats turned the hacking over to a bunch of Pakistanis or turned the security over to a bunch of Pakistanis. I don’t think they want anybody knowing that. A little of it is known, but when you start reading news stories about it… Even I, folks, cannot decipher it. It’s written by some of the journalists whose names you’re all familiar with. I’ve tried to decipher these news stories and try to figure it out, and it’s so convoluted that I could not explain to you.

Beyond the fact that these Pakistani people, the Awan brothers were involved intimately with the highest security level into the DNC network and other Democrat members’ computers and so forth. They had access to everything going on at the DNC. They could have off-loaded it. In fact, you, one of the big mysteries is how did WikiLeaks end up with all of this stuff! Like the Podesta emails and some of the… How did they end up with it? This has been a long argument over how it happened. Now, the Democrats want you to believe that the Russians hacked it and then turned it over — in collusion with Trump.

But trust me on this. There have been serious analyses of the data that was transferred off of the server. The data speeds that were used… All of this… There’s a record, the metadata. Any time a computer’s hard drive is used, there’s the log kept of what happens, including data transferal or data transformation. CrowdStrike found this; it’s been reported. The speeds of the data that ended up being on WikiLeaks and elsewhere could have only occurred if somebody had plugged a jump drive into a port and transferred the data that way.

There was no way that an outside hacker could have downloaded data on this server as quickly as it was off-loaded. Even the highest network speeds do not have the transfer rates of plugging in a thumb drive or an external drive connected to a port on a computer or a server. But they have maintained that the data was obtained by virtue of offsite hacking, which means somebody using the internet or some other kind of network got in and started transmitting data after stealing it from the DNC server to whoever it was that was hacking.

Well, the transfer speeds that were used could not have occurred. It could not have happened that way. It had to happen with somebody plugging in a thumb drive or an external drive and transferring it over wires. This much is known. That’s why it’s led back to the Awan brothers and what the hell were they doing. Now, the Democrats don’t want anybody knowing any of this. And that’s why they didn’t want the FBI doing the forensic exam. They wanted it thought that outside hackers, Guccifer 2.0 and some other people with Russian-type identities — which can be faked, by the way.

Don’t forget, the CIA has software that they can hack a computer and make it look like the ChiComs are doing it or the Norks or the Russians. All of those tools were stolen by the way from the CIA by somebody who has now been found. But there are many mysteries behind this, and the DNC knows what they are, didn’t want anybody finding it. I’m so suspicious of these indictments today because how does Mueller find out when the FBI wasn’t even allowed to forensically examine here?

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7/15/2018 6:33 PM

RUSH: I didn’t see this. I was just told that Senator Mark Warner is on TV demanding that Trump cancel the summit with Putin. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. (interruption) What do you mean, because? Because the Russians colluded maybe with Trump. No, no. Believe me. They’re gonna to try to live on that.

Even though Rosenstein said, “There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.” So here comes Mark Warner Democrat, Virginia, “Trump needs to cancel that summit with Putin in Helsinki, he need to cancel it. You can’t have a summit with a guy who tampered with elections.” Wait a minute, Senator, there was no impact, no change. “Don’t care. Don’t care. He’s gotta cancel the summit, gotta cancel the summit.”

Now, he doesn’t come out and say it, but he wants everybody to conclude because they’ve heard it for a year and a half, “Trump can’t do this. Not if —” He and Putin have been caught! He and Putin have been caught! Trump can’t go through with it! That’s what they want people to think. And they’re gonna get all the help in the world from that on places like CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC. You wait. You wait.

Even though Rosenstein says no allegation the conspiracy changed the vote count, no allegation that affected any election result, no allegation that any American citizen committed a crime. That’s not gonna stop ’em. They’re gonna keep saying Trump can’t go forward with this. He cannot meet with this guy. Just can’t do it.

You know, the Democrats are really — this is one of these times that I wish that everybody in America was as smart as you people in this audience are. Look at what happened here at NATO. It starts out with the media and the Democrat Party claiming that Trump is gonna be a wrecking ball. He’s gonna go over there and meet with NATO, he’s gonna blow NATO up because he has this tight relationship with Putin!

The illusion or delusion that Trump and Putin somehow got together and affected the outcome of the election, they always allude to that, if not directly say it, they allude to it, they want people thinking this. They start out by saying essentially Trump’s gonna over there, he’s gonna be mean to our ally, he’s gonna wreck NATO, it’s gonna end up helping his buddy Putin.

Then what does Trump do? He gets over there and he chides Germany for making a side special deal with Putin because what in the world are you strengthening Putin for, Trump says. Why in the world are you putting yourself in a great disadvantage with Putin? Why are you helping build up an enemy? You’re helping to fund an enemy! You can get natural gas and oil from anywhere in the world, you can get it from us. Why are you getting it from Putin and why are you getting a direct pipeline that is skirting all of the other member NATO nations, your allies?

Now, if Trump is really castigating Angela Merkel for doing what she’s doing because it’s benefiting Putin, then why wouldn’t he want that to happen if he was in bed with Putin? Democrats and the media kill their arguments themselves. They start out by claiming that Trump’s in bed with Putin, Trump’s got a special relationship with Putin. You’ve heard all the stuff, stupid allegations that they’ve made.

Jonathan Chait had a piece in New York Magazine that basically said what if Trump has been a sleeper agent for the Russians since 1987? Had that on Wednesday, mentioned it to you in passing on Wednesday. So they’re still out pushing the idea that Trump and Putin are buddy-buddy and that Trump owns Putin because of what Putin did for him in the election, even though there’s no evidence, it didn’t happen.

So then they set NATO up as Trump buddy-buddy with Putin. Why in the world, if that’s the case, is Trump chastising Angela Merkel for helping Putin? For working with Putin? Trump undermined the allegation he’s in bed with Putin by virtue of his behavior and demands at NATO. I know you in this audience are smart enough to see it, you’re informed, educated, you pay attention every day, but imagine people that don’t have a foundational understanding of this have no idea what to make of it.

What they see is Trump is being mean to our allies, Trump is beating up on poor Angela Merkel, then Trump and went beat up on Theresa May and Trump is hurting our allies and he’s about to destroy NATO while he’s being friendly with Putin. He’s not being friendly with Putin. He’s getting on Germany’s case for helping Putin, for undermining NATO, is what Germany did by making the side deal with Russia. So the media canceled themselves out with their hypocrisy and their factual reporting at the same time.


RUSH: Grab sound bite 46. Here is Mark Warner this afternoon on Capitol Hill talking about the Trump-Putin summit needing to be canceled.

WARNER: Going forward, there should be no one-on-one meeting between this president and Mr. Putin. There needs to be other Americans in the room. Secondly, if the president and his team are not willing to make the facts of this indictment a top priority of the meeting in Helsinki then the summit should be canceled.

RUSH: There you go. So Trump should not meet alone with Putin. Nope. Let’s see. Who could he bring? How about Theresa May? No. Take Angela Merkel. Take Angela Merkel in the meeting with him. I’m just kidding. So Trump should not be in the room.

See, you know why? You know why? Because we can’t trust Trump because Trump is stupid, he’s a dingbat, he’s dangerous, and Putin’s got Trump wrapped around his little finger. There’s no way. And if Trump won’t agree with us, then Trump needs to have this meeting canceled for him. I don’t even know if you want to suggest taking Stormy. Have to think about that one. Maybe suggest it, but not actually do it.

Peter in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Welcome. Great to have you here, sir.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Here’s my point coming out of yesterday’s meeting. Trump will never testify in the Mueller investigation, and for good reason. After FBI Agent Peter Strzok testified in front of the House committee yesterday, his overt bias was laid bare. Giuliani, in my opinion, will argue that the president cannot testify unless and until Mueller proves that his team has not shown through text or email communications that they are not individually biased as was the case with Strzok, Page, McCabe, et al. Mueller will never allow this release, and that is called checkmate.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Checkmate in terms of what?

CALLER: Well, I don’t think that the president is going to ever testify.

RUSH: Well, he may not. That doesn’t mean Mueller is shut down.

CALLER: It doesn’t mean that Mueller is shut down, but it means that there is a new tactic that is in Giuliani’s quiver right now, and that is he’s gonna want to certify that nobody on Mueller’s team is as biased as Peter Strzok.

RUSH: Well, there’s somebody even more biased than Strzok, and that’s Andrew Weissmann, who is the lead —


RUSH: Who is the lead —

CALLER: Who is a certifiable nutcase.

RUSH: Well, let’s just say he’s —

CALLER: He’s rabid.

RUSH: Yeah. Yeah. He’s committed.


RUSH: And he’s clearly governed by — let’s put it, he’s not constrained by the law. If what I’ve read about the guy in Sidney Powell’s book Licensed to Lie and his work on the Enron task force and his ancillary assistance in the Ted Stevens case and he’s Mueller’s lead guy, and there isn’t a one of them in there that’s not a big Hillary donor and supporter, the idea there’s no bias there is absurd.


RUSH: Now, this indictment today — and I’m sure this is not a thought original to me. You probably have had this occur to you at the same time it did me. Right after this program start — actually, right before, right before. I noticed this less than a minute before this program was ready to begin. I saw it on Drudge. There was the initial headline where you click on it, there’s no story there yet. Rosenstein: Major DOJ Announcement, then the subhead: “Indictments coming! Major political indictments!” Oh, what’s that?

Show begins, we find out that Mueller’s indicted 13 Russians for hacking and tampering with the DNC server in 2016. Then Rosenstein goes out and does this press conference, and he gives some detail over what these nasty Russians did. And then he makes mention of the fact that none of it affected the outcome of any election, that there weren’t any people involved here, that the Russians are the ones that did it and nobody else.

And then almost instantly Mark Warner heads to the microphones demanding that Trump cancel this upcoming summit in Helsinki with Putin or that Trump not meet alone with Putin. And if Trump refuses that condition, then Warner suggests that the whole thing get canceled.

Now, I’m not an idiot, and neither are you. There is nobody who could convince me that Rosenstein’s announcement today was not coordinated and is not intended to harm Trump and to put a damper on the upcoming meeting with Putin. Who announces this? The DOJ. The deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein. What has been their mission for two years? Getting rid of Donald Trump. On the basis of what have they been trying to get rid of Donald Trump? That he colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, who was supposed to have won and was gonna win by a landslide, but she didn’t, and so Trump colluded with Putin.

They’ve never produced any evidence, and we know that it’s caca. We know that it was the Clintons that did all the colluding. We know all that. But the deep state is still pursuing this ’cause I think the Mueller investigation’s a cover-up for what really went on here in their effort to get Trump.

So here we have Trump, after his NATO meeting and now his meeting with Theresa May in the U.K. and the queen, now Trump’s due to head on to Helsinki. And isn’t it really coincidental that the DOJ and Mueller announce the latest indictment, 13 Russians for hacking the DNC computer? You cannot tell me that this announcement was not coordinated.

Let me put it another way around. This announcement had to be timed specifically for when it was. This announcement had to be intentional. It’s a Friday. Friday is when you announce things you don’t want anybody to notice. They want this one noticed. When do they announce it? Right as this program’s beginning. They think this program is a hotbed of Trump supporters in the audience.

So they announce this indictment of all of these Russians as Trump is on his way to a summit with Putin. Don’t try to tell me this is a coincidence, and don’t try to tell me that this isn’t designed to harm Trump. Remember, you have to keep the context. The context is the DOJ and the Democrat Party have been trying to convince as many people the election was fraudulent and therefore worthy of being overturned and that Trump colluded with Putin.

The fact there’s no evidence doesn’t matter, folks. The narrative is all that matters. And they believe the narrative lives. And so here comes an announcement, the indictment of 13 Russians on the eve of the Trump meeting with Putin. You’re supposed to connect the dots. You’re supposed to think, “This is not good. Trump shouldn’t be meeting with the guy or Trump’s gonna discuss to collude,” or whatever. It’s designed to keep people thinking that Trump and Putin colluded. And now that these Russians have been indicted, this meeting has to be canceled, it’s got to be canceled. Trump cannot be permitted to meet with this guy. These are the two people that stole the election.

If you think they’ve given up on this, do not misunderstand; they have not. They have not given up on trying to tie Trump to this. In specific, they have not given up trying to make a majority of Americans think it happened. The fact that there’s no evidence is irrelevant. There hasn’t ever been any evidence. Has that stopped ’em?

After this long a time with no evidence, the intelligent, honorable, and integrity thing to do would be shut it down and say “sorry. Nothing to see here.” Are they doing that? No. They’re continuing to wrap it up. We hear there’s talk about how they’re winding down, getting ready, Giuliani goes on TV, “Yeah, we’re gonna have this wrapped up by September.”

It’s not gonna be wrapped up by September. It’s certainly not gonna be wrapped up by October. It’s not gonna be wrapped up before the election. There is no way in hell this is gonna end before the election. If Mueller ended it today, he doesn’t have enough time to write the report that he wants to report, and if they can’t get that out before the election, they’re not gonna do that. So they’re not gonna put this away. This is nowhere near ending.

And this announcement today of these indictments on the eve of Trump meeting with Putin is staged, timed, intended to reflect poorly on Trump. It’s intended to cause public opinion. It’s intended to cause the public to question, to be suspicious of. Because they have not given up on their objective of overturning the election results in 2016.

They have not by any stretch of the imagination given up on the idea that they can force Donald Trump from office, independent of the Democrats winning the House. A lot of people think, well, if the Democrats don’t win the house, then that’s it ’cause there can’t be the impeachment. That’s not gonna stop ’em. This has always been about affecting public opinion. And it’s always had no timeline and certainly no hard end. The only time this ends is when it works.

The objective is to drum Trump’s public opinion lower and lower and lower and lower, and they’re gonna keep trying to do that for as long as it takes or until their effort is exposed and blown to smithereens. But they’re nowhere ending it and this today proves it. This announcement of these indictments and then Warner coming out within minutes demanding the whole thing be canceled or that Trump not be allowed to meet with Putin alone.

And now Chuck Schumer has joined the refrain, minority leader Chuck You “Schumer urged Trump to cancel his scheduled meeting with Putin on Monday in the wake of an explosive indictment from Robert Mueller that charges Russian military officers with hacking the DNC during the 2016 election. Richard Blumenthal, Democrat senator, Connecticut, ‘No question President Trump should cancel this meeting with Putin. No question Trump should not be allowed to appoint a Supreme Court justice while this investigation’s ongoing. There’s no way Trump should be allowed to do anything presidential while he’s under this investigative cloud.’ The White House pointed to the lack of specific proof that the Russian intelligence operation swung the election to Trump in its response.”

Well, Rosenstein even admitted that but that’s not gonna be a factor. That’s not gonna slow down the deep state. That’s not gonna slow ’em down at CNN. That’s not gonna slow down the Never Trumpers. The fact that Rosenstein said no election has been affected, we can’t prove that there was any effect on any election because of any — It’s not gonna stop ’em. Because they’re not going to stop trying to get rid of Donald Trump.

I think it’s hard for people to understand. I really do. Even if you think you do, I think it’s hard for people to understand the abject, just pure, raw hatred that this group of people has that we call the establishment, the hate that they have for Donald Trump.

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