Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

7/14/2018 5:17 PM
7/14/2018 5:19 PM
7/14/2018 6:18 PM
No matter what happens in the Mueller investigation, no matter how many indictments are returned, no matter how ugly the truth of our 2016 elections are, we can certainly count on the House Freedom Traitors to behave like...traitors.

POLITICO reports that even as Rosenstein was announcing today's indictments, Mark Meadows was on the floor with impeachment documents.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has shown in excruciating detail just how hard Russia worked to elect Donald Trump.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has inextricably linked Russian military intelligence activities to a wide-ranging hack of far, far more than emails from Clinton campaign personnel. Deep hacks into voter turnout models, voter registration systems, voter rolls and more are documented in that indictment. But sure, let's impeach the guy overseeing it.

That hack was an act of war, and the Republicans propping Trump and Russia up by snuffling around impeachment of the law enforcement personnel overseeing the investigation are hovering dangerously close to treason, if not crossing the line.

Part of this investigation must be an unmasking of these traitorous monsters, top to bottom, from the inside out. They must be exposed, and they must pay the price. There can be no more mercy. but they must be prosecuted and jailed to the fullest extent of the law.

Oh, and one other thing: Trump cannot appoint a Supreme Court justice who will likely be hearing legal challenges to his own legal jeopardy. It cannot be allowed to happen.

As Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said when he unveiled the indictments, it is time to be patriots, not partisans. Clearly Meadows, Jordan, et al are not patriots. It is time to remove them from power.

7/14/2018 11:28 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 7/14/2018 11:28:00 PM (view original):
No matter what happens in the Mueller investigation, no matter how many indictments are returned, no matter how ugly the truth of our 2016 elections are, we can certainly count on the House Freedom Traitors to behave like...traitors.

POLITICO reports that even as Rosenstein was announcing today's indictments, Mark Meadows was on the floor with impeachment documents.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has shown in excruciating detail just how hard Russia worked to elect Donald Trump.

This, after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has inextricably linked Russian military intelligence activities to a wide-ranging hack of far, far more than emails from Clinton campaign personnel. Deep hacks into voter turnout models, voter registration systems, voter rolls and more are documented in that indictment. But sure, let's impeach the guy overseeing it.

That hack was an act of war, and the Republicans propping Trump and Russia up by snuffling around impeachment of the law enforcement personnel overseeing the investigation are hovering dangerously close to treason, if not crossing the line.

Part of this investigation must be an unmasking of these traitorous monsters, top to bottom, from the inside out. They must be exposed, and they must pay the price. There can be no more mercy. but they must be prosecuted and jailed to the fullest extent of the law.

Oh, and one other thing: Trump cannot appoint a Supreme Court justice who will likely be hearing legal challenges to his own legal jeopardy. It cannot be allowed to happen.

As Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said when he unveiled the indictments, it is time to be patriots, not partisans. Clearly Meadows, Jordan, et al are not patriots. It is time to remove them from power.

Where's the TRUMP Russia collision? That's what Mueller and his special prosector position was hired to investigate.

So far all he's done is what the regular FBI could have done.... Rosenstein is just wasting tax payer money and Trump's time with this farce of a special investigation.
7/15/2018 5:41 AM
A TRUE apologist! Congrats on your lack of intellect. You should apply to work for the Trump admin.

So Far............. we have a BUNCH on indictments, several guilty pleas by Trump associates......... and Mueller hasn't even tipped his hat as to what he has on Trump. What "time" is Mueller wasting (of Chumps)?? The POTUS is afraid to sit down for an interview.

Time will tell. I'm betting that Mueller finds plenty of evidence of Money laundering, attempted Obstruction of Justice, and maybe even colluding with the Russians to aid his election. My tax dollars are WELL spent IF the justice department is defending the sanctity of our electoral process and convicting people who BREAK OUR LAWS!

That most certainly includes the head snake of the DC swamp! A serial liar and jackass named Donald J. Trump.
7/15/2018 10:44 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/15/2018 10:44:00 AM (view original):
A TRUE apologist! Congrats on your lack of intellect. You should apply to work for the Trump admin.

So Far............. we have a BUNCH on indictments, several guilty pleas by Trump associates......... and Mueller hasn't even tipped his hat as to what he has on Trump. What "time" is Mueller wasting (of Chumps)?? The POTUS is afraid to sit down for an interview.

Time will tell. I'm betting that Mueller finds plenty of evidence of Money laundering, attempted Obstruction of Justice, and maybe even colluding with the Russians to aid his election. My tax dollars are WELL spent IF the justice department is defending the sanctity of our electoral process and convicting people who BREAK OUR LAWS!

That most certainly includes the head snake of the DC swamp! A serial liar and jackass named Donald J. Trump.
So far we have no indictments related to the TRUMP campaign.
7/15/2018 11:31 AM

President Donald Trump called the European Union a "foe" in an interview broadcast Sunday, a characterization he made because of their economie policies.

Asked who he considers to be the biggest foes of the United States, Trump cited the European Union and its trade practices before mentioning Russia and China -- a fact the reporter doing the interview immediately noticed.

"I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now you wouldn't think of the European Union, but they're a foe," Trump said from his golf course in Scotland.

7/15/2018 11:50 AM
"So far"
7/15/2018 1:17 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/15/2018 1:17:00 PM (view original):
"So far"
Nothing even close. The closest charge was lying to the FBI from a low level braggart and a guy who spent 3 weeks on the campaign.
7/15/2018 1:36 PM
The best part is going to be when Assange gets extradited to the US. It's coming.

Roger Stone already admitting that he is the one that's mentioned in the indictments of the Russians.

It was proved that the day the Russians started to work on the DNC server was the day Trump asked out loud for them to find the emails. July 27th.

The walls are closing in.
7/15/2018 2:17 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/15/2018 10:44:00 AM (view original):
A TRUE apologist! Congrats on your lack of intellect. You should apply to work for the Trump admin.

So Far............. we have a BUNCH on indictments, several guilty pleas by Trump associates......... and Mueller hasn't even tipped his hat as to what he has on Trump. What "time" is Mueller wasting (of Chumps)?? The POTUS is afraid to sit down for an interview.

Time will tell. I'm betting that Mueller finds plenty of evidence of Money laundering, attempted Obstruction of Justice, and maybe even colluding with the Russians to aid his election. My tax dollars are WELL spent IF the justice department is defending the sanctity of our electoral process and convicting people who BREAK OUR LAWS!

That most certainly includes the head snake of the DC swamp! A serial liar and jackass named Donald J. Trump.
I tend to think of Moy as a defender and not an apologist. Routinely outnumbered 10 to 1, he consistently maintains the integrity of his very legitimate views. In fact, we have right here in front of us a virtual library, easily accessed and showing his routinely sourced and accurate material. In fact, your post is more of an attack on his person rather than a defense of anything you try to present as fact. Actually, your questioning of his intellect destroys any point you may have been trying to make. Ridiculous.

And I'm sure your giant intellect includes your knowledge of the powers of a special prosecutor and the process crime trap presented when testifying to the FBI. If they ask you what time and you say 10:30 pm and they can prove it was closer to just lied to the FBI. You're going to prison unless you are willing to spend Millions of dollars to defend yourself.

Do you remember...and I'm sure you do...when poor Hillary Clinton went through her FBI grilling? What was it? 8 or 10 hours? Doesn't matter. That's because, and of course you already know this, she was NOT UNDER OATH. And she was also allowed to have some of her bestie friends with her. And they were given immunity prior to the questioning. And they were either lawyers themselves or people on the inside more suitable for questioning of than support for Hillary. Not quite the treatment Paul Manafort or General Flynn were given. Obscene actually.

SO...we have a BUNCH of indictments worth spit. Except they can actually throw you into solitary a old or present day RUSSIA. And Mueller hasn't tipped his hat because he has the power of the special prosecutor AND if he had anything...anything at all...he would have spilled it by now to justify this investigation.

AND I'm sure your big brain intellect tells you Trump associates includes an innocent 24 year old kid who was hired on the fly under pressure by a hostile pre-election media and democrat party, and then SET-UP by the FBI and foreign pawns. AND I KNOW YOU KNOW EVERYTHING WE ARE DISCUSSING HERE HAPPENED BEFORE TRUMP WAS ELECTED AND WHILE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT AND RAN THE FBI AND DOJ AND WHILE HILLARY WAS SECRETARY OF STATE OR WRITING BOOKS OR SELLING URANIUM TO RUSSIA OR RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. I know you know that.

And I'm betting, just as in a very crappy broadway production, your third line is so weak and laughable as to have this little production of yours shutdown after one showing.

But Moy? Lack of intellect?

You need to take a step back before you start throwing smack.

Or you could just do like every other weak liberal mind has done here......and just block me.

Why should you be different?
7/15/2018 2:20 PM

AND if he had anything...anything at all...he would have spilled it by now to justify this investigation.

Doug, if you could will yourself to crawl out of the echo chamber that is Rush Limbaugh, you would know that Robert Mueller is experienced at this and he knows that good, orderly investigations don't leak things. Mueller, surprisingly enough, isn't a partisan hack. He cares about the law. And he has ordered a strict no leak policy. And you know damn well that had Mueller leaked or released anything you would still find ways to attack him and the investigation.

7/15/2018 2:53 PM

Well I guess I just didn't know.

After all...Peter Strzok yesterday....

He's an FBI guy. Right? And Mueller. His wife gave money to and campaigned for Hillary. Right?

But this Strzok, who has been shaded from us for over 6 months, FINALLY came out yesterday and was roundly thrashed by the democrats.

7/15/2018 3:03 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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