TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 2:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 10:33:00 AM (view original):
Your opinion is wrong.
It could be, but unless you think the actions taken by Russian hackers did zero damage to the Clinton campaign, it isn’t.
No, you have the wrong conception. It only matters if the Russians swayed the outcome, which they did not. They swayed some votes, but not enough to alter the outcome. Trump won too many electoral votes.
I think you’re looking at that wrong. Trump won Michigan by 12,000 votes. Wisconsin by 20,000. Pennsylvania by 40,000. Those are slim margins in a presidential election. The damage done by the hacking could have easily swayed one or more of those states.

The GOP-chaired senate intelligence committee just released a report agreeing that the Russians interfered in the election to benefit Trump.

Regardles of whether or not Trump was complicit, the interference helped him. This is a fact.
Russian interference definitely helped Trump. I never argued that. It did not help Trump enough to affect the final outcome.
7/14/2018 6:57 PM
Would someone please explain to me what specifically was released in terms of email verbiage that helped Trump?
7/14/2018 6:59 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 4:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
A man decides he wants to be a woman and walks into the W locker room at Planet Fitness. Another woman complained that the man who has man parts is changing and he would not leave the locker room for one hour. She asks him to leave. He files a harassment charge and Planet Fitness cancels the woman’s membership.

This is the type of nonsense that people like bad luck support and I find it insane. This country is super divided. Bad luck and I will never agree. Bob and I will never agree. Wylie and I will never agree. There are millions of people like bad luck, Wylie and Bob and millions like me.

So how the heck do we continue as a United Nation?

Maybe don’t be a dick? Gender isn’t binary. It isn’t simple. There are people in the world different from you.
Let a man try to enter a bathroom or locker room with my daughter and it's going to get ugly.
A man is not legally allowed to enter a bathroom or locker room with your daughter.

A woman is.
If you are born with a ***** you're a man. If you're born with a vagina you're a woman. I could give two ***** what you identify as. Enter the bathroom or locker room with my daughter and you're getting your *** whooped. End of story.
7/14/2018 7:01 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 7:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 4:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
A man decides he wants to be a woman and walks into the W locker room at Planet Fitness. Another woman complained that the man who has man parts is changing and he would not leave the locker room for one hour. She asks him to leave. He files a harassment charge and Planet Fitness cancels the woman’s membership.

This is the type of nonsense that people like bad luck support and I find it insane. This country is super divided. Bad luck and I will never agree. Bob and I will never agree. Wylie and I will never agree. There are millions of people like bad luck, Wylie and Bob and millions like me.

So how the heck do we continue as a United Nation?

Maybe don’t be a dick? Gender isn’t binary. It isn’t simple. There are people in the world different from you.
Let a man try to enter a bathroom or locker room with my daughter and it's going to get ugly.
A man is not legally allowed to enter a bathroom or locker room with your daughter.

A woman is.
If you are born with a ***** you're a man. If you're born with a vagina you're a woman. I could give two ***** what you identify as. Enter the bathroom or locker room with my daughter and you're getting your *** whooped. End of story.
How does that get enforced? Someone born female who identifies as a man might look like a man. Does he have to use the women’s room? What about someone born male who has had gender reassignment surgery but still looks, for the most part, male?

The simple solution is to let people use whatever room they are comfortable using. I doubt there will be a rush of perves trying to sneak into the women’s room.
7/14/2018 7:16 PM
Posted by DougOut on 7/14/2018 6:44:00 PM (view original):
There is no such thing as a sex change.
Have you seen your ***** lately?
7/14/2018 7:20 PM
Nope! if I found out a man enters a bathroom with my daughter there's going to be an *** whooping. I don't give a **** about gender surgeries or how one identifies. It's that simple.
7/14/2018 7:21 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 7:21:00 PM (view original):
Nope! if I found out a man enters a bathroom with my daughter there's going to be an *** whooping. I don't give a **** about gender surgeries or how one identifies. It's that simple.
That shouldn’t be a problem. Transgender women are women.

Plus, what do you think happens in the bathroom? It’s not like anyone will be in the stall with her.
7/14/2018 7:24 PM
This is one that's not up for debate with me.
7/14/2018 7:27 PM
How about spending your life as the gender you were born? What's simpler and easier than that for about 99.8% of the population?

Freakin' crazy California Liberal BS. Man I'd love to see you tossed into so, so many other parts of the World for a few days with your warped "values" and "rights".
7/14/2018 7:27 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:30:00 PM (view original):
A grown person with man parts. So if you decide you are a woman tomorrow I should treat you as such? What if I decise I am 65 what then? May I collect SSI?
Yes and you cannot decide your age.
7/14/2018 7:35 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 6:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 1:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 1:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
A man decides he wants to be a woman and walks into the W locker room at Planet Fitness. Another woman complained that the man who has man parts is changing and he would not leave the locker room for one hour. She asks him to leave. He files a harassment charge and Planet Fitness cancels the woman’s membership.

This is the type of nonsense that people like bad luck support and I find it insane. This country is super divided. Bad luck and I will never agree. Bob and I will never agree. Wylie and I will never agree. There are millions of people like bad luck, Wylie and Bob and millions like me.

So how the heck do we continue as a United Nation?

Maybe don’t be a dick? Gender isn’t binary. It isn’t simple. There are people in the world different from you.
OK so my 14 year old is in there and a man walks in what do I tell her? Just change in front of that person? Did you just call me a dick? Typical liberal. Brave on social media. You d never do that to my face.
Pretty sure you’ve lead a name calling crusade for several pages. Insane. Terrible person. Don’t be such a snowflake.

If your 14 year old is changing in a public locker room in front of other adults, tell her to act normally. It isn’t a big deal. if it’s just her and a “man” I should tell Her to just be casual? Are you serious? Snowflake? LMaO.

You don’t have daughters.
If your 14 year old is uncomfortable, she doesn't have to change.
But she should look at a grown man naked? Are you serious!?
I mean there is no obligation to go into a public changing room.

BTW, she is looking at a grown woman.
BTW you are a moron. Grown woman? Are you a virgin too?
What? Where did that connection come from?
7/14/2018 7:36 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 7:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 4:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 4:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
A man decides he wants to be a woman and walks into the W locker room at Planet Fitness. Another woman complained that the man who has man parts is changing and he would not leave the locker room for one hour. She asks him to leave. He files a harassment charge and Planet Fitness cancels the woman’s membership.

This is the type of nonsense that people like bad luck support and I find it insane. This country is super divided. Bad luck and I will never agree. Bob and I will never agree. Wylie and I will never agree. There are millions of people like bad luck, Wylie and Bob and millions like me.

So how the heck do we continue as a United Nation?

Maybe don’t be a dick? Gender isn’t binary. It isn’t simple. There are people in the world different from you.
Let a man try to enter a bathroom or locker room with my daughter and it's going to get ugly.
A man is not legally allowed to enter a bathroom or locker room with your daughter.

A woman is.
If you are born with a ***** you're a man. If you're born with a vagina you're a woman. I could give two ***** what you identify as. Enter the bathroom or locker room with my daughter and you're getting your *** whooped. End of story.
Thank you. I thought I was going insane.
7/14/2018 7:41 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/14/2018 7:27:00 PM (view original):
This is one that's not up for debate with me.
You can choose to live your life that way. I am no LGBT crusader or anything. I just try not to be a dick to people.

BTW, fighting people isn't very Christ like is it? ;)
7/14/2018 7:42 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 7:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 6:25:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 1:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 1:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/14/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
A man decides he wants to be a woman and walks into the W locker room at Planet Fitness. Another woman complained that the man who has man parts is changing and he would not leave the locker room for one hour. She asks him to leave. He files a harassment charge and Planet Fitness cancels the woman’s membership.

This is the type of nonsense that people like bad luck support and I find it insane. This country is super divided. Bad luck and I will never agree. Bob and I will never agree. Wylie and I will never agree. There are millions of people like bad luck, Wylie and Bob and millions like me.

So how the heck do we continue as a United Nation?

Maybe don’t be a dick? Gender isn’t binary. It isn’t simple. There are people in the world different from you.
OK so my 14 year old is in there and a man walks in what do I tell her? Just change in front of that person? Did you just call me a dick? Typical liberal. Brave on social media. You d never do that to my face.
Pretty sure you’ve lead a name calling crusade for several pages. Insane. Terrible person. Don’t be such a snowflake.

If your 14 year old is changing in a public locker room in front of other adults, tell her to act normally. It isn’t a big deal. if it’s just her and a “man” I should tell Her to just be casual? Are you serious? Snowflake? LMaO.

You don’t have daughters.
If your 14 year old is uncomfortable, she doesn't have to change.
But she should look at a grown man naked? Are you serious!?
I mean there is no obligation to go into a public changing room.

BTW, she is looking at a grown woman.
BTW you are a moron. Grown woman? Are you a virgin too?
What? Where did that connection come from?
You can’t tell the difference between a man and a woman.
7/14/2018 7:42 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/14/2018 7:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/14/2018 6:30:00 PM (view original):
A grown person with man parts. So if you decide you are a woman tomorrow I should treat you as such? What if I decise I am 65 what then? May I collect SSI?
Yes and you cannot decide your age.
Why may I decide my gender but not my age or height or weight? Seems silly.
7/14/2018 7:43 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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