TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

I think anyone saying Trump conned voters into voting for him is totally delusional. Trump is now, what he was before, and pretty much what most people expected (and some greatly wanted) him to be. He is working on the policies he stated he would work on. (His success can be viewed different depending on your Party and/or objectivity.) Also remember that he probably got as many anti-HRC votes as he did votes for himself, and he certainly is still is no HRC. If anyone thought Trump was going to suddenly get "Presidential" and 100% PC, that's on THEM, not Trump or those who voted for him.
7/12/2018 11:38 AM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 10:40:00 AM (view original):
I think anyone saying Trumped conned voters into voting for him is a totally delusional idiot. Trump is now, exactly what people expected him to be, and is working on the policies he stated he would work on. (His success can be viewed different depending on your Party and/or objectivity.) Also remember that he probably got as many anti-HRC votes as he did for himself, and he certainly is still is no HRC. If anyone thought Trump was going to suddenly get "Presidential" and 100% PC, that's on THEM, not Trump.
If you voted for Trump expecting him to bring back high-paying, union manufacturing jobs, you were conned.

If you voted for Trump expecting him to revive coal jobs, you were conned.

If you voted for Trump because you thought he was a smart businessman who could make great deals and really put America first, you were conned.

If you voted for Trump because you thought he'd make Mexico pay for the wall, you were conned.

If you voted for Trump because you thought he was less corrupt and less criminal than Clinton, you were conned.

But, if you voted for Trump because you like the racist things he says or the misogynistic things he says or that he likes to cause chaos and works to destroy the free press, then no, you weren't conned. You're just an moron.
7/12/2018 11:38 AM
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
7/12/2018 11:41 AM
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
Those opinions aren't wrong. Coal jobs aren't coming back. Mostly because coal jobs were automated away, but also because coal isn't a great energy source. And the admin certainly isn't doing anything to encourage high-paying, union manufacturing jobs. But those facts didn't stop Trump from making those promises and people in the rust belt voted for him because of those promises. They were conned.

Taxing income above a certain amount ($10M was an example, we could go to $20M or whatever) at 99% stops the massive accumulation of wealth at the very top of the economic pyramid.

I've never argued about a left handed second baseman.
7/12/2018 12:07 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/12/2018 10:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 11:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 11:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2018 11:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 10:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2018 10:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2018 12:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 11:05:00 AM (view original):
What are you talking about?

Build the wall — Happening and we ll see who ultimately pays

Stronger Military — Happening

Lower Corp Taxes — Done

Stronger immigration policies — Happening

Renegotiate Trade Deals — Happening

Supreme Court — Happening

Better relations with Israel — Yes

Lower unemployment — yes

To me those were the primary issues to many voters and he has kept his promises and is only 50% done with his first term. I think you are blinded by pure hatred for the man and anyone who voted for him. The sooner you admit that the better.
You looked over a lot of things.

Also Mexico aint paying for the wall. We are. Sorry but even Trump knows it now.
I listed the primary reasons he won IMO and those he has adhered to. My top 2 were Israel and Military for any candidate.

For most others it was economy, SC, jobs and immigration.

The rest is sundry stuff.
You don't think education, healthcare, civil rights, internal issues like gun violence, foreign policy, environmental affairs, trade, justice system, or anything else is important? OK. Thanks for sharing.

I happen to fundamentally disagree with each and every one of your ideas of what is important. I want to cut the military budget, Israel is just like our other allies to me, I don't think the President can affect the economy in a meaningful way, and I don't think immigration is a super pressing issue.

Maybe the only one I care about is SC but that is based on party lines anyway.
Why are you opining? We are discussing people who voted for DJT. To me the military and Israel were primary concerns you have different concerns and that’s fine.
That was my point. I was just saying that you have attacked me for not supporting Trump and I was explaining my priorities. If those are your priorities, fine, you can support Trump. I disagree with those priorities strongly.
I was talking to bad luck about how he said people who voted for him were “conned”. They weren’t and their priorities are different from yours.

You opined just to opine. Because that is what you do. You are like a parasite.
do you have another reason for opining? Do any of us? Not sure how tangplay voicing an opinion makes him like a parasite. If it does, we are all like parasites, since that is what we are all doing...opining. Although I will say that some people here seem to feel their opinions are actually facts.
If he opined on people being conned it would have been fine but he went completely into left field.
I believe he said that trump supporters were conned. That would obviously be an opinion, since there's no way to prove that.
7/12/2018 12:08 PM
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
7/12/2018 12:11 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
Why do you get-off on trying to play Mr. Know-it-All in everybody else's exchanges? We've already had this discussion when you jumped in before. If any opinion is based on incorrect or flawed information or reasoning, then yes, the opinion can be incorrect.

I believe the sky is brown with black stripes. That's an opinion and it's wrong. Even if the sky truly looks brown with black stripes to that one person, it certainly isn't.
7/12/2018 12:20 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
Well, no. Opinions can be wrong. If I said, "in my opinion, James Shields should win the AL Cy Young this year," my opinion would be wrong. He's bad.

If I said, "in my opinion, coal jobs are poised for a comeback and will be the key to a revived economy in certain poor areas of the country," that opinion would be wrong.
7/12/2018 12:28 PM
The idea that opinions can't be wrong is why CNN is such an embarrassment of a news org.

Host: "Welcome to my prime time CNN show, today we have a panel here to discuss OJ Simpson. First up, Johnnie Cochran, Mr. Cochran, tell the audience why you think OJ was innocent of the double murder 24 years ago."

Cochran: "(bullshit)"

Panelist B: "Wait, that's bullshit."

Host: "Now, now, let Mr, Cochran finish."

Cochran: "(more bullshit)"

Panelist B: "(Actual evidence)"

Host: (Shrugs shoulders) "There you have it folks, equally valid arguments from both sides, you make the call."
7/12/2018 12:34 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/12/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
Well, no. Opinions can be wrong. If I said, "in my opinion, James Shields should win the AL Cy Young this year," my opinion would be wrong. He's bad.

If I said, "in my opinion, coal jobs are poised for a comeback and will be the key to a revived economy in certain poor areas of the country," that opinion would be wrong.
No, if you really feel that Shields should win the Cy Young, that is your opinion. It won't happen, but that does not mean you can't think it will. Until he actually does not win the Cy Young award its an opinion. After he doesn't win the Cy Young award, its you being an idiot.

If you can not prove an opinion is wrong, it is not wrong. While anyone with half a brain knows Shields won't win the award you can not technically prove he won't win it until someone else does.
7/12/2018 3:45 PM
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 12:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
Why do you get-off on trying to play Mr. Know-it-All in everybody else's exchanges? We've already had this discussion when you jumped in before. If any opinion is based on incorrect or flawed information or reasoning, then yes, the opinion can be incorrect.

I believe the sky is brown with black stripes. That's an opinion and it's wrong. Even if the sky truly looks brown with black stripes to that one person, it certainly isn't.
That's somewhat saying I'm Mr. Know-it-All because I told you that opinions can't be wrong. Isn't it the other way around? You're the one claiming to know it all by saying someone else's opinion is wrong solely because you think it is wrong.

If you say that in your opinion the earth is flat, that is not an opinion. It has been disproven. It's just an idiotic statement. If you say that in your opinion trees talk to each other at night, that is an opinion, because there is no way you can prove or disprove that.
If you say Colin Kaepernick is disrespecting the flag and the military when he kneels during the anthem, that is an opinion. If you say he sucks as a QB, that can be proven by statistics.
By the way, you example regarding the sky being brown with black stripes is a bad one. Everyone sees colors differently. So if someone says the sky looks brown with black stripes, can you prove that is not the way it looks to him?
7/12/2018 3:51 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 3:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/12/2018 12:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/12/2018 11:41:00 AM (view original):
You are certainly allowed to have your opinion on all those things, even if they are as totally wrong and misinformed as just about every one of your opinions.
Tell us again about the 99% tax bracket and the left-handed 2nd basemen. (Two of your "better" opinions.)
opinions can not be wrong. they are opinions. YOU may think they are wrong, but that's just an opinion.
Well, no. Opinions can be wrong. If I said, "in my opinion, James Shields should win the AL Cy Young this year," my opinion would be wrong. He's bad.

If I said, "in my opinion, coal jobs are poised for a comeback and will be the key to a revived economy in certain poor areas of the country," that opinion would be wrong.
No, if you really feel that Shields should win the Cy Young, that is your opinion. It won't happen, but that does not mean you can't think it will. Until he actually does not win the Cy Young award its an opinion. After he doesn't win the Cy Young award, its you being an idiot.

If you can not prove an opinion is wrong, it is not wrong. While anyone with half a brain knows Shields won't win the award you can not technically prove he won't win it until someone else does.

Reframing my Shields example, if someone said Shields should have won the 2017 Cy Young, that’s an opinion that’s wrong/stupid/bad/dumb/etc. A person holding that opinion is an idiot. Shields should not have won the 2017 Cy Young, and that’s objectively clear.
7/12/2018 3:58 PM
but it is still an opinion. A sad, idiotic opinion, but by that person's thinking, it is not wrong. If someone honestly believes Shields should have won the award in 2017, that is their opinion and it is not wrong. If someone says the earth is flat, its not an opinion, it is just wrong since it has been proven that the earth is not flat. Since the Cy Young award is a subjective award and does not have specific guidelines for who should win it, someone thinking James Shields should have won it in 2017 is not wrong. Why someone would think that, I have no idea. But I also have no idea why someone would think Catfish Hunter and Brad Radke are similar pitchers, so what do I know?
7/12/2018 4:04 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/12/2018 4:04:00 PM (view original):
but it is still an opinion. A sad, idiotic opinion, but by that person's thinking, it is not wrong. If someone honestly believes Shields should have won the award in 2017, that is their opinion and it is not wrong. If someone says the earth is flat, its not an opinion, it is just wrong since it has been proven that the earth is not flat. Since the Cy Young award is a subjective award and does not have specific guidelines for who should win it, someone thinking James Shields should have won it in 2017 is not wrong. Why someone would think that, I have no idea. But I also have no idea why someone would think Catfish Hunter and Brad Radke are similar pitchers, so what do I know?
It's semantics. A bad/idiotic opinion is really no different than an incorrect opinion. Am I wrong here?
7/12/2018 4:11 PM
Yes. Look, if I say Larry Walker should have won the batting average title in 1997 instead of Tony Gwynn, that is not an opinion, its just me being stupid. There are specific guidelines to determine who wins the batting average title and it can be proven that Gwynn won using those guidelines. if I say Walker was the best hitter in 1997, that can not be proven or disproven, and is an opinion.
7/12/2018 4:17 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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