TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

So literal. Primary campaign promise. I revise my initial statement. Impossible to fill every promise. Let’s get real,
little man.
7/11/2018 2:07 PM
So lesson for you, don't call other people dumb if you can't clearly articulate an argument.
7/11/2018 2:14 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/11/2018 11:10:00 AM (view original):
And I noticed the rise in racist behavior and public discourse.

Many just couldn't handle the very idea of a Black FAMILY in the White House!
Outraged they were!
But now your fellow Trump-hater is trying to blame it all on Trump. How can it be Trump's fault when it started before he was even a thought in the Political picture? What's he going to be blamed for next, Kennedy's assassination? (It was probably part of his plan to become POTUS 50+ years later.)
7/11/2018 2:20 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 12:30:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/10/2018 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/9/2018 8:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/9/2018 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/9/2018 6:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/9/2018 1:46:00 PM (view original):
I swear b_l copy and pasted his last 2 posts from ones I made about him at some point.
He loses major points in the Originality category on my scorecard.
I told him that young girls get attacked whether they travel alone or with their parents and their parents should be held accountable for sending them illegally to the border. I showed him proof that the attacks happen whether they are alone or traveling with parents and then after debating me on this he spouts of with oh yeah of course. He is such a terrible human being.
So, tang, me and BL are terrible human beings, yet you continually defend a person who has:
1. Made fun of a mentally disabled person
2. Bragged about grabbing women by the *****
3. Referred to illegal Mexican immigrants as rapist
4. Called a number of third world countries shitholes

What have any of done that is worse than any of that?
LOL are you serious? bad luck blatantly called me a racist
so what? That makes him a terrible person? You've called me names, you constantly call tangplay an idiot, a moron and a horrible person. You call BL names as well. Is BL calling you a racist any worse than making fun of disabled people, bragging about grabbing women by the ***** or any of the other thing Trump has done? I guess since BL was specifically calling you a racist while none of things Trump said were about you, you would consider it worse. The question is, are you a racist? I don't think you are(except maybe when it comes to Muslims) You don't think you are. Who gives a **** what BL thinks? I know I don't.
Most other religions dislike Muslims. Ask a Hindu how they feel about muslims. It would make sense that a Jew would dislike muslims since it is written into the Muslim doctrine that they are supposed to kill all Jews.
I'm a Jew. I don't dislike Muslims. Sure, some of them are terrible people, but so are some Jews. So are some Catholics. So are some white [people. So are some black people. There are ******** in every race, religion or group of people. I don't judge a whole religion, or race on the basis of a few ********.
Truth posted! Reeks of truth.........

I sure as heck hope the rest of the world doesn't judge all of us based on the behavior of the POTUS.
I just watched a bunch of video of the Nato Summit, particularly video of the POTUS's interaction with the other world leaders.

Clearly icy between the POTUS and the rest, and sadly his behavior is beyond childish.......
Instead of Captain America............ we send to the world as our Rep.

Captain Jackass.
7/11/2018 2:40 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 12:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/10/2018 4:07:00 PM (view original):
Yup, typical b_l; site one event and say that proves it's like that all the time.
Maybe it has been, and I'm not looking a bunch of sheit up to prove things either way, but if it has, it shouldn't be, and one example certainly doesn't prove anything. I'd like to think voters consider the full history of what a person has and/or hasn't done, with such a blatant Party move being just one big negative.
Everyone thinks congress sucks except for their own representative. It's crazy. Congress, as a whole, always polls poorly, but the same people are constantly reelected.
I think Congress sucks, including my representative.
Who is your Rep?
I don't even know or care. Whoever he or she is, he or she sucks. All politicians suck.
7/11/2018 2:40 PM
Where is my fly swatter?
7/11/2018 2:41 PM
Posted by all3 on 7/11/2018 2:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/11/2018 11:10:00 AM (view original):
And I noticed the rise in racist behavior and public discourse.

Many just couldn't handle the very idea of a Black FAMILY in the White House!
Outraged they were!
But now your fellow Trump-hater is trying to blame it all on Trump. How can it be Trump's fault when it started before he was even a thought in the Political picture? What's he going to be blamed for next, Kennedy's assassination? (It was probably part of his plan to become POTUS 50+ years later.)
I don't hate Trump (I don't think you were referring to me anyway). I just wish he would spend less time sending stupid tweets, grabbing women by the *****, making fun or mentally handicapped people, playing golf and more time governing the country.
7/11/2018 2:43 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 7/11/2018 2:41:00 PM (view original):
Where is my fly swatter?
up yer ***?
7/11/2018 2:44 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 2:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 7/11/2018 2:41:00 PM (view original):
Where is my fly swatter?
up yer ***?
No, up your ***** ladyboy
7/11/2018 2:47 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 2:14:00 PM (view original):
So lesson for you, don't call other people dumb if you can't clearly articulate an argument.
When you lose you start getting dirty. You and I both know that Trump has delivered on his primary campaign positions. You are too obtuse to see that, which is fine. However, no one has been “conned” which was your primary post. You are just a sore loser, Capt. Antifa.
7/11/2018 5:55 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 2:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 1:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/11/2018 12:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/10/2018 4:07:00 PM (view original):
Yup, typical b_l; site one event and say that proves it's like that all the time.
Maybe it has been, and I'm not looking a bunch of sheit up to prove things either way, but if it has, it shouldn't be, and one example certainly doesn't prove anything. I'd like to think voters consider the full history of what a person has and/or hasn't done, with such a blatant Party move being just one big negative.
Everyone thinks congress sucks except for their own representative. It's crazy. Congress, as a whole, always polls poorly, but the same people are constantly reelected.
I think Congress sucks, including my representative.
Who is your Rep?
I don't even know or care. Whoever he or she is, he or she sucks. All politicians suck.
You re negative
7/11/2018 5:56 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 5:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 2:14:00 PM (view original):
So lesson for you, don't call other people dumb if you can't clearly articulate an argument.
When you lose you start getting dirty. You and I both know that Trump has delivered on his primary campaign positions. You are too obtuse to see that, which is fine. However, no one has been “conned” which was your primary post. You are just a sore loser, Capt. Antifa.
I didn't lose. You and I both know that Trump HASN'T delivered on every campaign promise as you claimed.

You voted for him, right? You support him? You were conned.

Trump is an idiot. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's chaotic. He is uninformed. He lacks the brain power to actually deal with complex issues.

But he didn't use a personal email address for work and he says enough bad stuff about brown people to get idiot white people to vote for him.
7/11/2018 6:06 PM
Also, everyone should be anti-facism, which is what antifa means. Not sure you knew that.
7/11/2018 6:07 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 6:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 5:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 2:14:00 PM (view original):
So lesson for you, don't call other people dumb if you can't clearly articulate an argument.
When you lose you start getting dirty. You and I both know that Trump has delivered on his primary campaign positions. You are too obtuse to see that, which is fine. However, no one has been “conned” which was your primary post. You are just a sore loser, Capt. Antifa.
I didn't lose. You and I both know that Trump HASN'T delivered on every campaign promise as you claimed.

You voted for him, right? You support him? You were conned.

Trump is an idiot. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's chaotic. He is uninformed. He lacks the brain power to actually deal with complex issues.

But he didn't use a personal email address for work and he says enough bad stuff about brown people to get idiot white people to vote for him.
My vote didn’t matter. I wrote in Tom Brady.

I think you are the 2nd stupidest person on these boards.
7/11/2018 6:25 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
Also, everyone should be anti-facism, which is what antifa means. Not sure you knew that.
LOL yeah I know what it means but that is not who they are. Pretty sure you don’t know that. Antifa is just another hate group.
7/11/2018 6:26 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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