TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

I've played once since May about a week ago. The baseball team I'm coaching plays pretty much every day. Shot a 53 on the front. It was atrocious. Shot a 42 on the back.
7/11/2018 1:01 AM
Life in Trump's Amerikkka. **** like this happening more and more often. If you want an example of white privilege, here it is. Cop just ignores the lady and let's the white man rant and get in her face.

"Life in Trump's Amerikka." - where the actions of some numbnuts cop (or likely Park Ranger) get blamed on the POTUS.

By that standard, Obama should be blamed for every black man who was shot by a white officer during his Presidency.

The irrational correlations people try to make to berate this President just get more amusing and sad, every day.
7/11/2018 9:04 AM
Theres no denying the vitriol from the top had emboldened people to project their up till now, hidden racist views upon others. Hate crimes are up everywhere.

7/11/2018 9:49 AM
Largest increase of hate crimes is because of an anti Muslim sentiment. Doesn’t make it right but it is not black against white or vice versa.
7/11/2018 9:54 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 11:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Oh poor snowflake.

Look man, people who fell for trump’s bullshit were conned. That’s my non-politically-correct opinion. He’s a con man. Always has been, always will be.
Love it. Your candidate lost and now all I hear is sour grapes.

Please state what Trump ran on and then see if he has actually stuck to his campaign promises. It would be one thing if he said I want stronger immigration policies and then left things as is or made it easier to sneak in here. He has followed up on every campaign promise as far as I can tell.

Maybe you need to define “conned”. I understand that you disagree with his campaign and his actions but he has not conned anyone.

Stop your whining, little man.
7/11/2018 9:58 AM
Posted by The Taint on 7/11/2018 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Theres no denying the vitriol from the top had emboldened people to project their up till now, hidden racist views upon others. Hate crimes are up everywhere.

Go peddle this BS in dino's thread. He's blindly crazy enough to buy it.
Hate crimes started going-up under Obama: was that Trump's fault too?
7/11/2018 10:13 AM (edited)
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 11:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Oh poor snowflake.

Look man, people who fell for trump’s bullshit were conned. That’s my non-politically-correct opinion. He’s a con man. Always has been, always will be.
Love it. Your candidate lost and now all I hear is sour grapes.

Please state what Trump ran on and then see if he has actually stuck to his campaign promises. It would be one thing if he said I want stronger immigration policies and then left things as is or made it easier to sneak in here. He has followed up on every campaign promise as far as I can tell.

Maybe you need to define “conned”. I understand that you disagree with his campaign and his actions but he has not conned anyone.

Stop your whining, little man.
It’s not sour grapes, it’s reality. Dumb people fell for his con.

He promised tons tons of stuff that won’t or can’t happen.

He promised Mexico would pay for the wall. Oops.

He promised to eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. Not happening.

He promised to release his tax returns when the audit was over. It’s over.

He promised to declare China a currency manipulator. Didn’t happen.

He promised not to take vacations. Yikes.

He promised to eliminate the carried interest loophole. That didn’t happen.

He promised to drain the swamp. See promise above this one.

Should I keep going?

Look, I know it’s difficult to admit you fell for a con. It’s probably doubly difficult in the team sports atmosphere of current politics. But you did.
7/11/2018 10:25 AM (edited)
Many people did. Almost 1/2 the voters. Some very good people. We need to learn why. We will. Eventually.
There will be no more apologists.
They will be silent.............. and shamed..................
7/11/2018 11:00 AM
What are you talking about?

Build the wall — Happening and we ll see who ultimately pays

Stronger Military — Happening

Lower Corp Taxes — Done

Stronger immigration policies — Happening

Renegotiate Trade Deals — Happening

Supreme Court — Happening

Better relations with Israel — Yes

Lower unemployment — yes

To me those were the primary issues to many voters and he has kept his promises and is only 50% done with his first term. I think you are blinded by pure hatred for the man and anyone who voted for him. The sooner you admit that the better.
7/11/2018 11:05 AM (edited)
Posted by all3 on 7/11/2018 10:13:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 7/11/2018 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Theres no denying the vitriol from the top had emboldened people to project their up till now, hidden racist views upon others. Hate crimes are up everywhere.

Go peddle this BS in dino's thread. He's blindly crazy enough to buy it.
Hate crimes started going-up under Obama: was that Trump's fault too?
I personally noticed the rise in anti semitism under the prior administration.
7/11/2018 11:04 AM
And I noticed the rise in racist behavior and public discourse.

Many just couldn't handle the very idea of a Black FAMILY in the White House!
Outraged they were!
7/11/2018 11:10 AM
I am saying personally. Such as hate calls to my parents house.
7/11/2018 11:14 AM
Posted by bad_luck on 7/11/2018 10:25:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/11/2018 9:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 11:53:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Oh poor snowflake.

Look man, people who fell for trump’s bullshit were conned. That’s my non-politically-correct opinion. He’s a con man. Always has been, always will be.
Love it. Your candidate lost and now all I hear is sour grapes.

Please state what Trump ran on and then see if he has actually stuck to his campaign promises. It would be one thing if he said I want stronger immigration policies and then left things as is or made it easier to sneak in here. He has followed up on every campaign promise as far as I can tell.

Maybe you need to define “conned”. I understand that you disagree with his campaign and his actions but he has not conned anyone.

Stop your whining, little man.
It’s not sour grapes, it’s reality. Dumb people fell for his con.

He promised tons tons of stuff that won’t or can’t happen.

He promised Mexico would pay for the wall. Oops.

He promised to eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. Not happening.

He promised to release his tax returns when the audit was over. It’s over.

He promised to declare China a currency manipulator. Didn’t happen.

He promised not to take vacations. Yikes.

He promised to eliminate the carried interest loophole. That didn’t happen.

He promised to drain the swamp. See promise above this one.

Should I keep going?

Look, I know it’s difficult to admit you fell for a con. It’s probably doubly difficult in the team sports atmosphere of current politics. But you did.
I listed campaign promises that he has failed to live up to.

Unless he actually did these things, you were proven wrong again. You were conned. Sorry you're dumb.
7/11/2018 12:23 PM

Lower Corp Taxes — Done

And his actual promise was lower taxes for ALL. Which is another broken promise.
7/11/2018 12:25 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 4:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/10/2018 12:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/9/2018 8:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/9/2018 7:14:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/9/2018 6:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/9/2018 1:46:00 PM (view original):
I swear b_l copy and pasted his last 2 posts from ones I made about him at some point.
He loses major points in the Originality category on my scorecard.
I told him that young girls get attacked whether they travel alone or with their parents and their parents should be held accountable for sending them illegally to the border. I showed him proof that the attacks happen whether they are alone or traveling with parents and then after debating me on this he spouts of with oh yeah of course. He is such a terrible human being.
So, tang, me and BL are terrible human beings, yet you continually defend a person who has:
1. Made fun of a mentally disabled person
2. Bragged about grabbing women by the *****
3. Referred to illegal Mexican immigrants as rapist
4. Called a number of third world countries shitholes

What have any of done that is worse than any of that?
LOL are you serious? bad luck blatantly called me a racist
so what? That makes him a terrible person? You've called me names, you constantly call tangplay an idiot, a moron and a horrible person. You call BL names as well. Is BL calling you a racist any worse than making fun of disabled people, bragging about grabbing women by the ***** or any of the other thing Trump has done? I guess since BL was specifically calling you a racist while none of things Trump said were about you, you would consider it worse. The question is, are you a racist? I don't think you are(except maybe when it comes to Muslims) You don't think you are. Who gives a **** what BL thinks? I know I don't.
Muslims are not a race. I think locker room talk is just that.

People like bad luck are ruining this country.
in your opinion. In my opinion, people like Donald Trump are ruining this country. BL is harmless. Mr Trump is not.
7/11/2018 12:26 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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