TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

The Subway employee who called the police on a black family eating dinner has been placed on administrative leave.

The white female employee of the Subway store in Newnan, Ga., called 911 because she believed the family visited the restroom a “suspicious” number of times. On the call, she said she thought the family planned to rob the restaurant.

You know, a family robbing — bring the kids along!

The Dobsons were on their way home from their grandmother’s birthday party when Othniel and Felicia Dobson, along with their children, aged 19, 13, 12, and 8, stopped to have dinner.

“One employee, a white woman named Sandra, wasn’t that friendly — it seemed like she was making our sandwiches begrudgingly — but we didn’t pay much attention,” Felicia, 40, told Yahoo Lifestyle. “We paid for our food, sat at a table, and I read a few pages of my book.”

For the drive, the family had packed their car full of snacks, including juice, which they drank from cups they had purchased for ice.

Sandra also allegedly told police the family filled their water cups with soda.

WFMY-TV reports that the worker is now on administrative leave. The franchise owner and the police officer who responded to the call have both apologized to the family.

A spokeswoman for Subway said in a statement: “Respect for every individual is a core value of Subway. It is our expectation and each Franchisee’s goal to make sure that every guest will always be treated with the respect and integrity they deserve. The Franchisee has personally apologized to the family and the employee in question has been placed on leave until a full review is completed.”

Rosh Patel, the franchise owner, released the following statement: “I take this very seriously and I am fully investigating. I have interviewed all employees involved and will reach out to the family to offer my sincerest apology. I have also used this opportunity to reiterate to my staff the importance of making everyone feel welcome and providing great customer service.”

7/10/2018 11:10 PM

Amerikkka. Who was it that said "the right" never attacked Michelle Obama or her looks?

A San Bernardino County prosecutor has been placed on leave after apparently posting vicious attacks on social media about Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), former first lady Michelle Obama, Mexican immigrants and others.

Michael Selyem, the lead gang prosecutor for the county district attorney’s office, is being investigated over the offensive Facebook and Instagram comments, authorities said Monday.

Staff complaints prompted the investigation, District Attorney Michael Ramos said. “The San Bernardino County district attorney’s office does not condone hate, discrimination or incitement of violence, he told reporters on Monday. “Our community and the entire criminal justice system depends on having a fair, ethical, and unbiased prosecutor.”

Selyem’s Facebook and Instagram accounts have been deleted. But a former member of his office captured screengrabs of several posts, which were passed on to law enforcement officials and The San Bernardino Sun, which first reported on them.

The post about Waters reads: “Being a loud-mouthed c#nt in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this ***** by now.”

The message appeared after Waters called on protesters last month to confront members of the Trump administration in public — peacefully — over the president’s harsh immigration policy. Her comments triggered a debate about “civility” in politics.

Selyem also posted a doctored image of Michelle Obama holding a sign saying that President Donald Trump “grabbed my *****,” The Sun reported.

When someone else complained about a police shooting, the reply from Selyem’s account was: “Go **** yourself, you liberal **** bag.”

One comment from Selyem’s account said he was “all for white males immigrating here legally and starting a business.” But as for Mexican immigrants, he wrote in another post: “Mexican word of the day: Hide,” according to The Sun.

The posts are “clearly outside the boundaries of civil service norms,” Zeke Hernandez, president of a chapter of the Santa Ana League of United Latin American Citizens, told the newspaper. “Law enforcement personnel and officers of the court system should not incite violence.”

Ramos said that the investigation could result in Selyem’s termination. “This is a very serious matter,” he added.

Ramos said he was particularly concerned about Selyem’s attitude about the police shooting and about possible challenges to Selyem’s prosecutions now that his biases have been exposed. An assistant district attorney has been assigned to review Selyem’s cases, Ramos said at the press conference.

7/10/2018 11:14 PM

The Fourth of July fireworks display was just beginning when Erik Mendoza realized his 91-year-old grandfather was missing. Thinking he might have gone for his daily walk, Mendoza wandered around the Los Angeles neighborhood searching for him.

What he found was a bloodstained sidewalk.

Mendoza told The Washington Post that Rodolfo Rodriguez, a permanent resident of the United States, had been attacked with a brick and taken to the hospital with a broken cheekbone and two broken ribs.

Misbel Borjas saw the assault as it happened.

Traffic had slowed Borjas’s car at a corner in Willowbrook, Calif., around 7 p.m. on July 4. Rodriguez accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk, Borjas told The Washington Post. Borjas, a 35-year-old Los Angeles resident, watched the child’s mother — a black woman — push the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bash him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, “Go back to your country.”

“I tried to help him, but the lady said, ‘If you come over here I’ll hit your car with the same brick,’ ” recounted Borjas, who had attempted to pull over and rescue Rodriguez.

Instead, Borjas photographed the mother and her child. Then she called 911.

Minutes later, however, the attack continued, Borjas said. A group of young men bounded down the street, accusing Rodriguez of trying to snatch the young girl. They kicked Rodriguez, who was already crumpled on the ground, and stomped on his head.

“ ‘Why? Why are you hitting me,’ ” Borjas recalled Rodriguez crying in Spanish. “ ‘Please get away.’ ”

Once the men fled, Borjas exited her car and waited with Rodriguez for the ambulance to arrive.

“It was terrible, terrible, terrible,” she said. “There was a lot of blood on his head and face. He looked like his mouth and teeth were broken.”

Meanwhile, around 8:30 p.m., Mendoza and his family had gathered outside to watch the Independence Day fireworks, but Rodriguez was nowhere to be seen.

Mendoza didn’t learn what had happened to Rodriguez until later that evening.

“I was in shock that someone would hurt my grandfather,” he said. “What kind of harm can he mean to anyone? He’s 91.”

Rodriguez’s attack comes after the Department of Justice released its recent hate crime statistics, reported by KCRA. The 2017 California report, which was the first published since President Trump took office, evinced an uptick of more than 17 percent, with anti-Hispanic and anti-Latino crimes soaring over 50 percent last year, according to the Sacramento Bee.

Rodriguez was released from the hospital on Thursday. The family set up a GoFundMe campaign for his medical costs.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident. Sheriff’s Det. Carlos Cueva said no one had been apprehended as of Monday evening.

7/10/2018 11:18 PM
You assume all of these people are republicans?
7/10/2018 11:22 PM
Once again, it seems that the majority of these incidents happen in liberal areas. 2 in Cali and 1 in Illinois. You did post the one from Newman, but 75% of what you posted happened in Liberal states.
7/10/2018 11:26 PM

The gathering at a park gazebo in Huntsville, Ala., was by no means the largest of Saturday’s nationwide protests against President Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policies, though it was memorable for other reasons.

It began around noon, as an Episcopal priest delivered a prayer to about 100 protesters gathered around the gazebo and a man marched back and forth in front of her, shouting “womp, womp!”

“Holy and ever-loving God . . .” said the priest, Kerry Holder-Joffrion.

“Womp, womp!” said the man.

“We pray for the children of this nation and all nations . . .”


The man was parroting former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who had uttered the same sound on Fox News several days earlier during a discussion about migrant children being seized from their parents at the border. Lewandowski’s sarcastic “womp, womp” revolted many people — but also apparently inspired a certain segment of Trump’s supporters, as the people at Big Spring Park were now discovering.

“We offer your love to all of our children . . .” Holder-Joffrion continued.

“Womp, womp!”

This was not the man’s only message. He held a sign above his head on which was written “ICE ICE Baby,” and he occasionally shout-sang the notes of a hip-hop song by the same name over the prayer.

The man had a handgun tucked in his cargo pants, according to police.

After he had disrupted the first half of Holder-Joffrion’s prayer, a few protesters began drifting away from the audience to confront the man. A woman paced backward in front of him, holding her own sign in his face as he marched forward — “Super Callous Racist Fascist Sexist Braggadocious.”

“Where are your ancestors from?” someone asked the man.

“Alabama!” he answered.

Holder-Joffrion felt her stomach tighten but made up her mind to finish the prayer.

“I didn’t open my eyes, so that I could stay focused,” she told The Washington Post. “My voice gained volume as it became more chaotic.”

In fact, she nearly shouted her remaining verses, cheered on by the crowd while the man continued to shout in the background.

“We ask that you give us the strength in the face of the opposition not to hate, but to love,” Holder-Joffrion said, the lines coming to her in the moment. “Prayer is stronger than hatred!”

It was around this point that the gun came out.

A Huntsville police spokesman said the man — identified as 34-year-old Shane Ryan Sealy — pushed one of the protesters, who pushed him back and knocked him to the ground, at which point Sealy allegedly produced the weapon.

Holder-Joffrion still had her eyes closed, and she said her husband, Democratic congressional candidate Peter Joffrion, didn’t see a scuffle — just a protester telling Sealy to “leave, leave, leave, leave.”

In any case, the weapon came out of the waistband.

“Gun, gun, gun, gun!” someone shouted in video published by WAFF 48 — just as Holder-Joffrion was praying for the nation’s strength.

Panicked shouts drowned her out, and the camera turned from the priest to Sealy, about 15 feet from the gazebo, brandishing what appeared to be a pistol at the crowd.

Most people dropped. “I got down on my face on the other side of the gazebo right here and just cried, I was so in shock,” rally organizer Ava Caldwell told WBTV.

But several protesters remained upright. One man pointed directly at Sealy, shouting warnings that the man was armed.

Holder-Joffrion said she remained standing under the gazebo, eyes still shut in concentration, determined to finish her prayer no matter what happened.

The video shows Sealy putting the gun back in his waistband and backing away from the crowd, then turning around and walking quickly in the opposite direction.

Of the few protesters who followed him, most did so with obvious caution — one man still holding his “Brown People Are Still People” sign as he watched Sealy go.

But a white-haired man nearly sprinted in pursuit, tossing his cap to the ground as he chased Sealy toward a tree line.

Sealy didn’t make it that far. A police cruiser soon rolled across the grass to meet him, and then a second car approached from his left.

Shane Ryan Sealy. (Huntsville Police Department)

He put his hands up, still holding his “ICE ICE Baby” sign. A former high school teacher, according to, he was initially arrested for possessing a gun within 1,000 feet of a protest. But he would later be booked into jail on misdemeanor charges of menacing and reckless endangerment.

Holder-Joffrion had her eyes closed through most of the action. She said she remained under the gazebo, continuing her prayer through to “Amen.”

7/10/2018 11:44 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 11:26:00 PM (view original):
Once again, it seems that the majority of these incidents happen in liberal areas. 2 in Cali and 1 in Illinois. You did post the one from Newman, but 75% of what you posted happened in Liberal states.
Racism is everywhere in this country.

Just thought it was a lot of incidents for one scan of the news on Yahoo today.
7/10/2018 11:45 PM
Do you really think just because a state votes is entirely liberal/Democrat?

7/10/2018 11:47 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Oh poor snowflake.

Look man, people who fell for trump’s bullshit were conned. That’s my non-politically-correct opinion. He’s a con man. Always has been, always will be.
7/10/2018 11:53 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Do you need a safe space? This is what is wrong with PC culture.
7/11/2018 12:20 AM
Posted by The Taint on 7/10/2018 11:47:00 PM (view original):
Do you really think just because a state votes is entirely liberal/Democrat?

Obviously no. But it's always fun to see liberals fur rise when you call them racist.
7/11/2018 12:43 AM
Posted by tangplay on 7/11/2018 12:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/10/2018 10:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/10/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/10/2018 5:24:00 PM (view original):
By the way, I've been amazed at how many Trump supporters I have ran into in the northeast.
I have family members here in California who support him. It’s shocking how many people were conned.
These people still speak to you? Do you realize how offensive your post was? You are a terrible human being.
Do you need a safe space? This is what is wrong with PC culture.
7/11/2018 12:45 AM
Lol. You think the fur flies. Trust me, we know it's the southerners and hix from the Styx who are the racists. The south is by far the most racist region in the good ole US of A.
7/11/2018 12:48 AM
Your articles say differently. The media says differently.

Played much golf lately?
7/11/2018 12:54 AM
Yeah. Couple of times a week lately including Chambers Bay for the first time a month ago. Beautiful course. Going to be playing in the DR in a coupe of weeks. Excited for that.

you getting out?
7/11/2018 12:58 AM
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