TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2018 7:51:00 PM (view original):
ALL irrelevant to MY argument.

It isn't up to Doc, Boris, All3, Dougout, or ME what is a disrespectful protest or a respectful protest.
It just doesn't matter. No one gets to decide HOW or when someone else exercises their 1st amendment right.
It isn't up to ME or You.

I could care less if Boris or Doc, both folks I like (or anyone else) DECIDE to be offended by MY choice of protest (should I EVER figure I need to protest).
When someone thinks they have the right to somehow take away someone else's 1st amendment right just because THEY find it disrespectful then we, for sure, have lost our Country. That's for places like China and North Korea..........NOT here!

I have a right to be offensive in protest.
Others have a right to whine about it.
It's America.

I won't be Putin's *****.
I hope someone else isn't already one.
He is/was an employee. If you owned a restaurant, had an employee that drove away customers, what would you do? What the kneelers have done is forced their employers to take a stand. No pun intended...

They could have found many other ways to get their point out there. Instead, they alienated a significant percentage of their fan base.

I don't disagree with you, Bob. He does have the right to protest. I won't ask that the privilege be revoked. I see his choice of time and place to be very distasteful. As is my right, I ceased following the NFL. They might not ever win me back. If Anheuser-Busch or other major sponsors pull their ads, so be it...
7/7/2018 8:37 PM
Everyone who disagrees with bob gets labeled as a Commie, Russian, Red or some other "cute" Soviet slur, yet he went off the deep end whenever he was called a Liberal. All his viewpoints may not align with their's, but his level of hypocrisy and his not understanding that what people do as employees is not the same as what they do on their own time, both couldn't epitomize 2018 Liberal more if he tried.
7/7/2018 11:43 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/5/2018 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Liberal outrage at Berkley --- 600 police officers hired when Ben Shapiro wanted to speak there. LOL.

Talk about free speech.
do you have a pic of Shapiro's *** on your wall so you can kiss it at night before you go to bed? :)
7/8/2018 12:47 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/6/2018 4:40:00 PM (view original):
Yes, our flag. Yours and mine. I served to honor our flag, my flag...I wasn't hogging it. I share...
did you serve to honor a flag or did you serve to protect the freedoms in our country? They are not the same thing.One of the freedoms of our country is the right to peaceful protest. Isn't me telling someone they can not peacefully protest, dishonoring your service. You served to protect that freedom.
By the way, thank you for your service.
7/8/2018 12:53 AM
Posted by all3 on 7/7/2018 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2018 1:17:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 7/7/2018 11:32:00 AM (view original):
So bob wants Doc to respect those he disagrees with, while at the same time calling those who he himself disagrees with names.
Makes perfect sense - at least in today's hypocrite-filled anti-POTUS crowd.
I called NO one names! Unless you self identify as a "neer-do-well, loud mouth with a tiny brain, or a snowflake"

If so, I can't apologize because I'm convinced those groups of "folks" lack of self responsibility is flat out ruining our Country (and beyond, really).
You ain't among them are you all3?
So YOU get to decide who "deserves" respect and who doesn't? WRONG!
Face it, you got busted for doing exactly what you were complaining about others doing, and are trying to weasel out of it.
Quit alluding to people, all people, with any derogatory terms, and then you can complain about others MAYBE not giving the respect they should.
I'm sure you can understand that, since you threw a fit whenever anyone called you "Liberal".
Um, he does get to decide who deserves his respect. Its his to give or not give as he sees fit. If he doesn't get to decide who deserves his respect, who does? He can't decide who gets your respect, or mine, or anyone's but his respect.
7/8/2018 12:56 AM
Doggone it, CCCP, I just paid $10.34 for a can of dip. Your state is a rip off.
7/8/2018 9:08 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/7/2018 8:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2018 7:51:00 PM (view original):
ALL irrelevant to MY argument.

It isn't up to Doc, Boris, All3, Dougout, or ME what is a disrespectful protest or a respectful protest.
It just doesn't matter. No one gets to decide HOW or when someone else exercises their 1st amendment right.
It isn't up to ME or You.

I could care less if Boris or Doc, both folks I like (or anyone else) DECIDE to be offended by MY choice of protest (should I EVER figure I need to protest).
When someone thinks they have the right to somehow take away someone else's 1st amendment right just because THEY find it disrespectful then we, for sure, have lost our Country. That's for places like China and North Korea..........NOT here!

I have a right to be offensive in protest.
Others have a right to whine about it.
It's America.

I won't be Putin's *****.
I hope someone else isn't already one.
He is/was an employee. If you owned a restaurant, had an employee that drove away customers, what would you do? What the kneelers have done is forced their employers to take a stand. No pun intended...

They could have found many other ways to get their point out there. Instead, they alienated a significant percentage of their fan base.

I don't disagree with you, Bob. He does have the right to protest. I won't ask that the privilege be revoked. I see his choice of time and place to be very distasteful. As is my right, I ceased following the NFL. They might not ever win me back. If Anheuser-Busch or other major sponsors pull their ads, so be it...
Doc. That is completely true. I have NO disagreement. But wylie is spot on. You served to give CK (and everyone else) the freedom to protest and to annoy you. HIS employer has the right to terminate him IF he chooses to do so. YOU have the right to stop buying the product (NFL football) if it annoys you that much. THat's America!! Ain't it Grand!

As for all3's comments. I won't bother. He's proven himself an idealogue and part of the problem with OUR country.
He is NOW the 1st person I've ever blocked.
Labels are for tiny brains.
I AM a Liberal on many issues............ and a traditional conservative on others.
Mainly I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal............ some like to call it Libertarian but I'm not that either.
There are NO labels that encompass my own political views.

I grow tired of debating the same issues with the same folks who don't seem to grasp the realities that come along with their political viewpoints.
IF you get a Gov't to "rule" exactly as YOU think things should be then what happens when the Gov't becomes the "tool" of those who think differently and they use those "tools" to take away YOUR freedoms???

True freedom is messy. You HAVE to tolerate views (and LIFESTYLES) you don't like.
Even lifestyles you MAY believe are wrong (or sinful, etc)
Guys like all3 don't seem to get that.
I won't speculate on why as that might entail some derogatory comments about his depth of intellect.
7/8/2018 9:38 AM
What bob means is that others need to tolerate the views of those who oppose them, but he doesn't. Just look at the repeated hypocrisy in his posts - "Labels are for tiny brains" as he labels people sheep and Commies. He's allowed his opinions all day, just as everyone else here, but his continual efforts to act righteous while spewing his hypocritic crap just doesn't fly with me.
7/8/2018 10:17 AM
Well, GoMiami, this thread usually remains civil, but not always.
7/8/2018 10:23 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/7/2018 6:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/7/2018 5:31:00 PM (view original):
Kaep grew up in a middle class suburban home with white parents. This is why you don't see him in public going in depth on this "protest". Makes zero sense.
You lost me. I grew up in a middle class suburban home with white parents. Race is not the issue. If Clay Matthews would have done this, I would have objected exactly the same...
I mean why Kaep is not the face of this movement. Rosa Parks was not the first woman to refuse to move. There was another one but she was a single mom, unemployed, etc. The Civil Rights movement instead chose to Ms. Parks. Kaep's whole message is lost as he didn't grow up experiencing what he is protesting.
7/8/2018 11:10 AM
Are you arguing that you can't protest against something unless you yourself are hurt by the thing you are protesting against?
7/8/2018 11:16 AM
Posted by tangplay on 7/8/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
Are you arguing that you can't protest against something unless you yourself are hurt by the thing you are protesting against?
I am arguing you cannot be the face of that movement if you have actually never been hurt by it.
7/8/2018 11:22 AM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/8/2018 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Doggone it, CCCP, I just paid $10.34 for a can of dip. Your state is a rip off.
Dip?!?!??! LOL I have never purchased that stuff. This state has very expensive tobacco products. That I do know. Sucks I am leaving today for the Cape, it would have been cool to meet in person.
7/8/2018 11:23 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/8/2018 11:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/8/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
Are you arguing that you can't protest against something unless you yourself are hurt by the thing you are protesting against?
I am arguing you cannot be the face of that movement if you have actually never been hurt by it.
I would argue that people wouldn't take you as seriously if you haven't been hurt by it. Not that it cannot happen.
7/8/2018 11:32 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/8/2018 11:22:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/8/2018 11:16:00 AM (view original):
Are you arguing that you can't protest against something unless you yourself are hurt by the thing you are protesting against?
I am arguing you cannot be the face of that movement if you have actually never been hurt by it.
This kind of logic would wipe out the criminal justice system.
7/8/2018 4:59 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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