TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by bad_luck on 7/7/2018 12:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 7:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 4:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 10:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/5/2018 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/5/2018 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Liberal outrage at Berkley --- 600 police officers hired when Ben Shapiro wanted to speak there. LOL.

Talk about free speech.
Conservative outrage in America—the President freaks out when NFL players kneel. LOL

Talk about free speech.
False equivalency. NFL players are employees who in many eyes disrespected veterans. Since the color guard is always out and the announcer says "please stand so we can honor those who served".

You just cannot accept that you are ever wrong.
The constitution gives Ben Shapiro as much right to speak at Berkeley as it does the NFL players the right to kneel. Meaning, they are both protected from government action but not guaranteed a forum. The NFL, Berkeley, etc do not have to allow them the space to speak.
Indeed they don't but there were those that wanted to hear him speak. Have you ever heard him speak? He is at best benign. Yet people rioted because they did not like what he had to say and it took 600 police officers to hold them at bay. The fact that you cannot see that this is insanity is mind boggling to me. He actually does a Q & A at the end of each speech and welcomes those that oppose his views to speak first and debate very civilly.

You are honestly a terrible person and very one sided. Yes, I would say that to your face too.
People protested. They excercised their right to free speech also. Shapiro is free to stand on a street corner and say anything he wants. He isn’t guaranteed a hosted speaking engagement at a university.
But half the student body wanted him there and the half that whined and cried got their way. Are you saying that 100% of the students did not want him there or did a select few ruin it for the majority. As I said, Ben is a conservative but he never preaches violence or intolerance and encourages debates.
How do you know “half the student body” wanted him there?
It was more than half. Because I watched a news program on it. That was when I first learned about him.
LOL. like the parents traveling with the kids they sold into prostitution.
That happened. You're just too stupid to see that. So if a girl by herself travels she needs the pill but if she has her parents she doesn't? Like the bad people care. You really are stupid. And yes, that was how I learned about Ben Shapiro, the man you called a white supremacist. You live in a glass house, little man, don't throw stones.
7/7/2018 5:33 PM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/7/2018 4:54:00 PM (view original):
Kaepernick could protest all he wants, I wouldn't care. Not during the Anthem is all I ask. Peaceful yes, but disrespectful. He is putting his agenda ahead of respect for the flag and what it stands for.

It is customary for military members to come to attention, face the flag, or the music if the flag is not visible, and salute. Civilians are to stand and face the flag. It is simply not a moment to make a political statement. I will not budge on this.
I pledge allegiance to the flag....the pledge was created for the millions of immigrants who came to America and had to adhere to our laws and customs. "To the Republic for which it stands".

These days we take these words for granted and all those who lost their lives protecting them.
7/7/2018 5:35 PM
7/7/2018 5:38 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 7/6/2018 10:50:00 PM (view original):
Yep. Some pretty intelligent people from both sides of the political spectrum contribute and for the most part the conversation remains civil.
intelligent people as well as bad luck and tangplay.
7/7/2018 5:46 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/7/2018 5:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/7/2018 12:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 7:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 5:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 4:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 10:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/6/2018 10:24:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/6/2018 10:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 7/5/2018 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/5/2018 4:19:00 PM (view original):
Liberal outrage at Berkley --- 600 police officers hired when Ben Shapiro wanted to speak there. LOL.

Talk about free speech.
Conservative outrage in America—the President freaks out when NFL players kneel. LOL

Talk about free speech.
False equivalency. NFL players are employees who in many eyes disrespected veterans. Since the color guard is always out and the announcer says "please stand so we can honor those who served".

You just cannot accept that you are ever wrong.
The constitution gives Ben Shapiro as much right to speak at Berkeley as it does the NFL players the right to kneel. Meaning, they are both protected from government action but not guaranteed a forum. The NFL, Berkeley, etc do not have to allow them the space to speak.
Indeed they don't but there were those that wanted to hear him speak. Have you ever heard him speak? He is at best benign. Yet people rioted because they did not like what he had to say and it took 600 police officers to hold them at bay. The fact that you cannot see that this is insanity is mind boggling to me. He actually does a Q & A at the end of each speech and welcomes those that oppose his views to speak first and debate very civilly.

You are honestly a terrible person and very one sided. Yes, I would say that to your face too.
People protested. They excercised their right to free speech also. Shapiro is free to stand on a street corner and say anything he wants. He isn’t guaranteed a hosted speaking engagement at a university.
But half the student body wanted him there and the half that whined and cried got their way. Are you saying that 100% of the students did not want him there or did a select few ruin it for the majority. As I said, Ben is a conservative but he never preaches violence or intolerance and encourages debates.
How do you know “half the student body” wanted him there?
It was more than half. Because I watched a news program on it. That was when I first learned about him.
LOL. like the parents traveling with the kids they sold into prostitution.
That happened. You're just too stupid to see that. So if a girl by herself travels she needs the pill but if she has her parents she doesn't? Like the bad people care. You really are stupid. And yes, that was how I learned about Ben Shapiro, the man you called a white supremacist. You live in a glass house, little man, don't throw stones.
No, it didn’t.
7/7/2018 5:49 PM
LOL whatever little man.
7/7/2018 6:02 PM

Here is your proof, little man.
7/7/2018 6:05 PM
I respect his right to protest. But I place a higher value on the Anthem. He can do it before, or after. Not during.

To some, the respect to the flag are just words. To me it has meaning. It isn't just some of the time.
7/7/2018 6:06 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/7/2018 5:31:00 PM (view original):
Kaep grew up in a middle class suburban home with white parents. This is why you don't see him in public going in depth on this "protest". Makes zero sense.
You lost me. I grew up in a middle class suburban home with white parents. Race is not the issue. If Clay Matthews would have done this, I would have objected exactly the same...
7/7/2018 6:08 PM
Kap was and is an *******.

I'm so tired of explaining how he screwed his bestie and tried to screw his girl.

He lost the clubhouse and ate by himself and everybody had to shut up because he was QB.

This is so ancient history. Look at his stats. He sucked. And he knew it. So he wore pig socks for the media.

Between suckie ******* Kap and the now DEAD espn franchise...It's a wonder we even still have football.

It was never about race. It was about a fragile disgruntled liberal who couldn't handle the pressure. He's so far gone, the stars couldn't find him.

A short term mediocre talent who chose to retire and use the courts to make money rather than do his job.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not bitter. Just right.
7/7/2018 7:38 PM
Michael Vick got another chance. Perhaps no one wants Kaepernick because he isn't good enough. Or they don't want the circus. Assclown Jerry Jones loves the circus, and still won't take a flyer on him...
7/7/2018 7:47 PM
ALL irrelevant to MY argument.

It isn't up to Doc, Boris, All3, Dougout, or ME what is a disrespectful protest or a respectful protest.
It just doesn't matter. No one gets to decide HOW or when someone else exercises their 1st amendment right.
It isn't up to ME or You.

I could care less if Boris or Doc, both folks I like (or anyone else) DECIDE to be offended by MY choice of protest (should I EVER figure I need to protest).
When someone thinks they have the right to somehow take away someone else's 1st amendment right just because THEY find it disrespectful then we, for sure, have lost our Country. That's for places like China and North Korea..........NOT here!

I have a right to be offensive in protest.
Others have a right to whine about it.
It's America.

I won't be Putin's *****.
I hope someone else isn't already one.
7/7/2018 7:51 PM
7/7/2018 8:00 PM
7/7/2018 8:13 PM
7/7/2018 8:26 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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