Site Update/SportsHub Integration Topic

Posted by kcsundevil on 7/4/2018 12:35:00 PM (view original):
seble, is this migration going to render the Gridiron yatzr tool unusable? Or will we all find out together after the migration?
I imagine it would require an update to the app to process the login step, but I really don't know.
7/4/2018 1:46 PM
Thanks for replying on a holiday, seble.
7/4/2018 2:39 PM
Are we ever going to see the 17-18 NHL players?
7/4/2018 3:07 PM
Posted by seble on 7/4/2018 1:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by abelemons on 7/4/2018 3:53:00 AM (view original):
with various teams that I play hoops dynasty, I have each coach associated with a unique e-mail. I have not used all of the email addresses in quite a while and I sure hope that I do not have to verify each and every one to continue playing my teams later in the week. If so, I will not be able to access the coaches and teams....and that would be a shame. I do not remember the passwords associated with them and have tried to get them without success.
Everyone will have to log in when the switch happens, so if you don't know your password or have access to the email account on it, it's best to get that sorted out now.

If you're logged in:
You can change your password here:
You can change your email address here:

If you can't log in and have access to the email address on the account, you can reset your password here:

If you don't know the password and don't have access to the email account, please email and provide a recent address from a purchase made on the site.
let me say that I can currently log in with my usernames and passwords are not visable (*********) but it gets me into the sites of all my coaching names.....will that be the case or will I have to do something different when July 17 comes....I have no issues with getting in right now and have no duplicate e-mail address....I hope that makes sense....
7/4/2018 4:14 PM (edited)
"Make an investment in this site or lose many long time owners seems to be the point here."

LOL, what thread are you reading? This thread just proves that babies will whine and cry over any change.

Keep up the good work, Seble. Many of us appreciate what you are doing.
7/4/2018 6:56 PM
Thank you seble for answering all them inquiries on a holiday......if you can keep it up like this and keep us all informed, i for one will not be leaving anytime soon.

Thanx again,and go enjoy a 'pop' or two. :D
7/4/2018 9:38 PM
if there is an issue with an account in this process, will there be a sitemail notification? like if an account is linked to an obsolete email that you dont ever look at, or cant look at, will some sort of site mail say that you need to verify this account?

so long as only one WIS account is on that obsolete email, am I okay?
7/4/2018 11:12 PM
Posted by seble on 7/4/2018 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by coachgreat1 on 7/3/2018 8:25:00 PM (view original):
Two questions Seble:

1) My log-in for WIS and SportsHub (Fanball) are the same. What kind of problem will that create when the integration happens? I play MFL's as well as I wish I could just use the same account for both.

2) While remaining professional, can you explain why this transition from Fox to SportsHub has been so glacial, and why only one guy is allowed to do it? I've been here since 2002, although I only started paying for teams in 2008. Even that, I've spent a decade playing SIM baseball and buying teams and I love this site, obviously. But I don't understand why WIS is such a low priority to the company that purchased it last year...and if you'd explain that to us in the best way you can...I think it would go a long way to get some of the naysayers to believe in the change that we haven't really seen yet after it was promised.

BTW...I am not naysaying...and I'm glad you're around here to help the thing still go. But this place cannot, will not, remain viable w/ only one or even two guys running the day to day operations.
1) As long as the emails match, your WIS account will merge into your existing SportsHub account and will be shared. At that point, you should be able to log in with either your WIS password or your SportsHub one.

2) There have been a lot of factors in play during the past 10+ months. The initial transition took longer than expected due to some technical challenges and my own underestimation of how much time customer support would require on a daily basis. WIS is not a low priority at all for SportsHub, but you have to understand that SportsHub is essentially a startup company, so resources aren't unlimited and have to be prioritized. With that said, I still have approval to add at least one person. I had a great person lined up, but it fell through, so now I have to start over that process, which takes time. It sounds easy to just hire someone and have them start chipping in, but it's not quite that simple. It takes quite a bit of my time to interview and get a new person up to speed.

Truly appreciate your reply here. That really makes me feel a bit more confident about the future viability and stability...and also prompts me to change my email associated w/ my account to match the one w/ Fanball. Thank you!
7/5/2018 1:21 AM
As someone who loves the game and has invested several thousand dollars to it i hope the transition goes well.Even though i`m 53 i`m not against progress and making improvements but i have zero interest in playing games on my phone so if that becomes my only access it will be a disappointing end.
7/5/2018 8:37 AM
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Posted by gin_caesar on 7/5/2018 7:28:00 PM (view original):
Didn't realize these forums still existed.

Hi guys.
Hey gin, how's Jackson Pollock doing?
7/5/2018 8:37 PM
Tired of the BS and the has been happening for too long. I've been told 4 different dates as to when basketball might be updated, 3 of them have come and gone already. For those of us that have been faithful users of WhatIf for many years, and use the platform for competitive leagues, it is too hard to rely on a site that doesn't value itself or its subscribers.
7/6/2018 9:50 AM
Posted by seble on 7/4/2018 1:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by arachnid on 7/3/2018 11:48:00 PM (view original):
still waiting for word one on live baseball.....???
Nothing has changed with the status of Live. I'd love to rebuild it at some point, but it would be a significant effort, so it has to be prioritized with everything else that needs to be done.
As long as it is in the pipeline, i can be patient...thx for your reply and gl with the hiring.....
7/6/2018 11:55 AM
This whole thing says a lot about new ownership. They know they have a potentially great new product and their action is to make seble do all the integration work and the hiring as well as updates to sim engines and customer service. That seems about as hands off as possible and doesnt bode well for positive change to the site. If anything - as others have noted- it will slow everything down as seble gets further in the weeds. If they won't help the site now, when will they?

7/6/2018 5:25 PM
Posted by havonjr7 on 7/4/2018 10:48:00 AM (view original):
I wonder if I could buy WiS outright. And throw some real money behind this.
I've had the same thought. I wish I knew Fox was looking to sell at the time.
7/6/2018 8:40 PM
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Site Update/SportsHub Integration Topic

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