TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/3/2018 9:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/3/2018 8:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/3/2018 7:54:00 PM (view original):
This isn't your Grandpa's Democrat it what is. Socialism.
You are damn right. It's actually capitalism by the way. Cortez and Sanders (and I) are social democrats, which is capitalism with lots of social programs to help the lower class. is capitalism with forced public welfare. Sorry, tang. I didn't see you post until long after I submitted my own post stating there was a difference between true Socialism and what Sanders, the Zueckerbergs of the US (and yourself) believe.
Well, welfare is part of it.

7/3/2018 10:41 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/3/2018 10:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/3/2018 9:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 7/3/2018 8:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/3/2018 7:54:00 PM (view original):
This isn't your Grandpa's Democrat it what is. Socialism.
You are damn right. It's actually capitalism by the way. Cortez and Sanders (and I) are social democrats, which is capitalism with lots of social programs to help the lower class. is capitalism with forced public welfare. Sorry, tang. I didn't see you post until long after I submitted my own post stating there was a difference between true Socialism and what Sanders, the Zueckerbergs of the US (and yourself) believe.
Well, welfare is part of it.

Leadership should put forth more effort making the distinction. The moniker "Socialism" will have a very hard time winning a national popular vote. There's too much negative connotations attached.
7/3/2018 10:54 PM
jesus says feed clothe house school and heal the poor

a government that tries to do what jesus says

some call socialist

onward christian soldiers
7/4/2018 4:09 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/2/2018 10:46:00 PM (view original):
i read it

"the Mueller clown show"

thats not thinking. thats opining

"ridiculous" is a ridiculous adjective to use if the author is reporting
7/4/2018 4:16 AM
I understand that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists want a peaceful world, everyone to enjoy a comfortable life. No one gets singled out.

But you have to have public policies that are well thought out, and that can be implemented and governed at least somewhat efficiently. They can't break the bank. California's proposed Single Payer would have tripled their annual budget.

America's population in 2060 is estimated to be 400-440 million, a 20-25 percent jump over the current 330 million. We must have an economy and the infrastructure to support it. Open borders, high unemployment, escalating national debt, overstressed federal assistance programs cannot provide adequately.

We have to get our ducks in a row.

There are not enough rich uncles to redistribute wealth to sustain a socialist society. Someone teach Bernie how to do math. Alinsky's ideas will not work here.
7/4/2018 8:46 AM
As most know here...........I'm no Trump fan, or even a "tolerater" of the current "leadership" (I use that term WAY loosely!) of the so-called Republican party.
I think they've lost their collective minds...................

BUT, I agree with Doc completely.

We DO need to get our ducks in a row.
And it ain't JUST Bernie that needs to learn to "do math". Seems to me that about 99% of the Country NEEDS to learn basic logical thinking......... like Math, History----and WHY IT is important, Citizenship and WHY WE matter in THIS Country, etc.

MY basic most recent understanding about my Country is......................
That it is comprised largely of ignoramusses, doofusses, neer-do-wells, etc.
Folks who CAN'T DO! ---- Much of ANYTHING!
Can't think, can't add, Can't change a flat tire, Can't discern reality from fantasy, Can't DO!

I have been convinced that MOST don't even understand why this Country was special.........So sad!
They've found their piper. A big mouth whiner, who complains that "OTHERS" are the problem.
WRONG! WE are the problem.
We've become stupid, lazy, and totally worthless.
Happy 4th.............
7/4/2018 10:13 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/4/2018 8:46:00 AM (view original):
I understand that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists want a peaceful world, everyone to enjoy a comfortable life. No one gets singled out.

But you have to have public policies that are well thought out, and that can be implemented and governed at least somewhat efficiently. They can't break the bank. California's proposed Single Payer would have tripled their annual budget.

America's population in 2060 is estimated to be 400-440 million, a 20-25 percent jump over the current 330 million. We must have an economy and the infrastructure to support it. Open borders, high unemployment, escalating national debt, overstressed federal assistance programs cannot provide adequately.

We have to get our ducks in a row.

There are not enough rich uncles to redistribute wealth to sustain a socialist society. Someone teach Bernie how to do math. Alinsky's ideas will not work here.
Open borders?
High unemployment?
National Debt?
Redistribution of wealth?

I don't think you understand what social democracy is. It isn't socialism.
7/4/2018 10:44 AM
The number of homeless will skyrocket without border enforcement. So will wait times in emergency rooms.

The people fleeing desperate conditions is understandable. But the message must be that they wait their turn to come here, they sign the guest book, they contribute and then become citizens. This isn't a flop house...ask Merkle if she would have done things differently. She created a mess. They are overrun...

What good does it do anyone to just let them in, if they have no access to opportunity, no skills? They will immediately become a burden, and that is not what they seek. It may appeal to a liberal to feel they've done something nice for someone, but it only makes it worse.
7/4/2018 1:02 PM
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/4/2018 1:02:00 PM (view original):
The number of homeless will skyrocket without border enforcement. So will wait times in emergency rooms.

The people fleeing desperate conditions is understandable. But the message must be that they wait their turn to come here, they sign the guest book, they contribute and then become citizens. This isn't a flop house...ask Merkle if she would have done things differently. She created a mess. They are overrun...

What good does it do anyone to just let them in, if they have no access to opportunity, no skills? They will immediately become a burden, and that is not what they seek. It may appeal to a liberal to feel they've done something nice for someone, but it only makes it worse.
1. I don't support completely open borders. I want vetting, and I discourage and want to limit illegal immigration.
2. In social democracy, immigrants would have acess to things like free healthcare and education.
7/4/2018 1:34 PM
Free health care isn't free. Hospitals and doctors don't operate without adequate funding. There is a price tag, and it would be staggering. Claims of lower prices and better care were BS out of Obama's mouth. He couldn't deliver as advertised.

The proof is in the pudding...

Don't forget, politicians are in it for the vote, not for why many voted in a businessman.
7/4/2018 1:48 PM
What Socialists propose would place a huge burden on taxpayers.

Most Americans want choices in Healthcare. They don't want to be waiting months for surgeries, or to be told that Grandma is too old or not a worthy candidate for care. They don't want the government making those decisions. Rationed Healthcare sucks.

Free education? Once again, there is a price. Do the math.
7/4/2018 1:56 PM
The DNC's Tom Perez calls it socialism. Bernie says he is a Socialist that caucuses with Democrats. Call it what it is...

When Bernie says some on the left are too extreme, they are planning on going way off the cliff. It ain't gonna go over well at the ballot box. Especially in Flyover America...
7/4/2018 2:02 PM (edited)
Posted by cccp1014 on 7/3/2018 8:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 7/2/2018 7:46:00 PM (view original):
Here are some more: (You can click on them)

Daily Beast: Jill Abramson, Ex-New York Times Editor: The ‘Narcissistic’ NYT Is Making ‘Horrible Mistakes,’ Needs a ‘Course Correction’

Daily Caller: Liberal Meltdown Over Justice Kennedy Retirement
NRO: Of Course Anthony Kennedy Is Comfortable Letting Trump Pick His Replacement
Townhall: CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin: ‘Abortion Will Be Illegal in Twenty States in 18 Months’
Newsweek: Trey Gowdy Explodes at Rod Rosenstein: ‘Finish It the Hell Up Becasue This Country Is Being Torn Apart”
CBS News: Trump-Putin summit set for Helsinki, Finland on July 16
CNN: Toobin Says Roe v. Wade Is Doomed Because Trump Won
The Daily Caller: Comedy Central Writer Wishes Anthony Kennedy Was Shot
Deadline: Hollywood & Media React To Justice Anthony Kennedy Retiring: “Absorb The Shock, But Respond With Determination”
‘Will & Grace’ Star Debra Messing After Justice Kennedy Retirement: ‘Get Ready! The Fight Is On!’
Socialist Darling Caught Celebrating, Campaigning with Known Anti-Semite and Racist
Taunton Daily Gazette: It’s time to take back Harvard — Shiva Ayyadurai
CNBC: Trump heads to Wisconsin to tout a new Foxconn plant
The Hill: Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities

How do you do that? Paste so that you can click?
You know Doug is passing on malware? Good luck dufus
7/4/2018 1:59 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/4/2018 10:44:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/4/2018 8:46:00 AM (view original):
I understand that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists want a peaceful world, everyone to enjoy a comfortable life. No one gets singled out.

But you have to have public policies that are well thought out, and that can be implemented and governed at least somewhat efficiently. They can't break the bank. California's proposed Single Payer would have tripled their annual budget.

America's population in 2060 is estimated to be 400-440 million, a 20-25 percent jump over the current 330 million. We must have an economy and the infrastructure to support it. Open borders, high unemployment, escalating national debt, overstressed federal assistance programs cannot provide adequately.

We have to get our ducks in a row.

There are not enough rich uncles to redistribute wealth to sustain a socialist society. Someone teach Bernie how to do math. Alinsky's ideas will not work here.
Open borders?
High unemployment?
National Debt?
Redistribution of wealth?

I don't think you understand what social democracy is. It isn't socialism.

I don't know what social democracy is.

I know the difference between social liberals and social conservatives.

I know the difference between fiscal liberals and fiscal conservatives.

I know that socialism embraces tenets of communism and fascism.

I know conservatism doesn't tolerate open borders, high unemployment, national debt or redistribution of wealth.

I don't know what social democracy is. Never heard of it before. Must be new.

Can you explain it to us?

Thank You.
7/4/2018 2:06 PM
Posted by tangplay on 7/4/2018 1:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 7/4/2018 1:02:00 PM (view original):
The number of homeless will skyrocket without border enforcement. So will wait times in emergency rooms.

The people fleeing desperate conditions is understandable. But the message must be that they wait their turn to come here, they sign the guest book, they contribute and then become citizens. This isn't a flop house...ask Merkle if she would have done things differently. She created a mess. They are overrun...

What good does it do anyone to just let them in, if they have no access to opportunity, no skills? They will immediately become a burden, and that is not what they seek. It may appeal to a liberal to feel they've done something nice for someone, but it only makes it worse.
1. I don't support completely open borders. I want vetting, and I discourage and want to limit illegal immigration.
2. In social democracy, immigrants would have acess to things like free healthcare and education.
Point #2. What kind of immigrants? Legal or illegal.

Thank You.

P.S. Don't click on my links. They are riddled with malware.
7/4/2018 2:11 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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