Site Update/SportsHub Integration Topic

need an FAQ on how integration will work, beyond the first post

I now play under a name that was my brother in laws in addition to my name - he bailed on the game

The email for his account isnt active.

If I change the email to mine, it will be a duplicate - will I lose the teams I have played for 100 seasons?

7/4/2018 9:45 AM
Posted by d_rock97 on 7/4/2018 3:19:00 AM (view original):
Posted by frymaster99 on 7/3/2018 6:07:00 PM (view original):
I reached out to the hiring manager for SportsHub awhile back and sent along my resumé etc, conversed for a few days. Told him I was passionate about HBD and wanted to help any way I could. He never followed up.
Sad. Guess I shouldn’t try either then
Yeah I was petty disappointed. Offering free help just to not get a response on 3 different occasions? Isn't a good look in my opinion when it's still just one damn guy running ****.
7/4/2018 10:39 AM
I wonder if I could buy WiS outright. And throw some real money behind this.
7/4/2018 10:48 AM
I'm amused by the tone of many of the posts in this thread. Where to begin . . . ?

First, I'm assuming that the decision to integrate WIS into the overall SportsHub site is not a decision that Seble came up with on his own, on a whim. It's logical to assume that this is a mandate to Seble coming from SportsHub (the entity that gives him his pay check) itself. I would guess that SportsHub purchased WIS from Fox for (a) its games, as a potential additional revenue stream, and (b) its user base, as a potential additional revenue stream. The way to achieve that is via integration . . . the current SportsHub user base becomes aware of the WIS products, and the current WIS user base becomes aware of the SH products. That's called a business plan.

Lots of people ******* and moaned because they felt that Fox did not do enough to integrate WIS into the rest of its fantasy sports portfolio. Now that SportsHub is attempting to do just that, people are likewise ******** and moaning. The bottom line is . . . people apparently just don't like change. But guess what . . . the world does not stand still, especially just for you. Change is a constant, and those who are unwilling or unable to adapt will fall behind. Deal with it. Or STFU. But ******** and moaning about it is not going to make a difference, because change cannot and will not be stopped.

Lots of people are also ******** and moaning about access from work. That is not Seble's problem to solve. It's also not WIS/SportsHub's problem to solve. They don't have any responsibility to design and implement ways for YOU to circumvent your employers internet usage policies from the office. They're just not. So it's up to YOU to find a way to adapt your usage of this website to your work and non-work environments. Figure it out. Or STFU.

I used to have unfettered access to this site from my previous job. I switched jobs last year, went to work as a consultant for a State agency for seven months, and many non-business related websites (including WIS) were blocked from the State's internal computer network. I adapted. Two and a half months ago, I started another new job back in the corporate world. I don't even know if I can access this site from the new employer's internal network because I haven't even tried. The office is for work, and WIS is not listed anywhere in my job description. If I need to check in to here during the day, I do it from my phone, or I do it in the evening when I get home. It's not rocket science. And as somebody else previously mentioned in this thread, doing non-work related stuff from the office is a privilege, not a right. And privileges often have limits.

Carry on. Enjoy your holiday today if you're living in the U.S. If you're elsewhere, Happy Wednesday to you.
7/4/2018 11:02 AM
Seble: What if our current WIS name is already our FanBall username?
7/4/2018 11:09 AM
seble, is this migration going to render the Gridiron yatzr tool unusable? Or will we all find out together after the migration?
7/4/2018 12:35 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/3/2018 3:44:00 PM (view original):
I have 3 accounts. One (Blue blade Ace) is kind of idle. If I cannot log into them, I will quit WIS. Translated, that means, don't hassle me with e-mail addys and verification notices..

That said, thank you for the update information. Hope you find the help you need. Looking forward to the NHL 18 stat's.

Your hands are full, and kind of tied.. most of us get that part.

Outside of the duplicate emails that I cleaned up yesterday, you shouldn't have to re-verify or change your password.
7/4/2018 1:12 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/3/2018 7:30:00 PM (view original):

If we do have login issues during the transition period (July 17,) how do we notify you about them? If we can't login, is there going to be a way to let you know we are having issues? Kind of a catch-22. I understand there will be a verification process prior to the 17th but unexpected stuff happens when moving from one platform to another.

Thanks in advance.
You can always email [email protected].
7/4/2018 1:16 PM
Posted by coachgreat1 on 7/3/2018 8:25:00 PM (view original):
Two questions Seble:

1) My log-in for WIS and SportsHub (Fanball) are the same. What kind of problem will that create when the integration happens? I play MFL's as well as I wish I could just use the same account for both.

2) While remaining professional, can you explain why this transition from Fox to SportsHub has been so glacial, and why only one guy is allowed to do it? I've been here since 2002, although I only started paying for teams in 2008. Even that, I've spent a decade playing SIM baseball and buying teams and I love this site, obviously. But I don't understand why WIS is such a low priority to the company that purchased it last year...and if you'd explain that to us in the best way you can...I think it would go a long way to get some of the naysayers to believe in the change that we haven't really seen yet after it was promised.

BTW...I am not naysaying...and I'm glad you're around here to help the thing still go. But this place cannot, will not, remain viable w/ only one or even two guys running the day to day operations.
1) As long as the emails match, your WIS account will merge into your existing SportsHub account and will be shared. At that point, you should be able to log in with either your WIS password or your SportsHub one.

2) There have been a lot of factors in play during the past 10+ months. The initial transition took longer than expected due to some technical challenges and my own underestimation of how much time customer support would require on a daily basis. WIS is not a low priority at all for SportsHub, but you have to understand that SportsHub is essentially a startup company, so resources aren't unlimited and have to be prioritized. With that said, I still have approval to add at least one person. I had a great person lined up, but it fell through, so now I have to start over that process, which takes time. It sounds easy to just hire someone and have them start chipping in, but it's not quite that simple. It takes quite a bit of my time to interview and get a new person up to speed.

7/4/2018 1:22 PM
Posted by ashamael on 7/3/2018 9:27:00 PM (view original):
I can appreciate the need to integrate whatever you have to do for the new business, yet neglecting your customers to do so is not the way to do it. This isn't a new problem; this is an old problem. Players of both the NBA & NFL sims know this well. It has just been exacerbated by the move to SportsHub. About the only thing I play anymore are progressives (4 currently) in the NBA Sim, but I do like to always have at least one OL team running and occasionally play a theme and/or draft league. The lack of new players hurts my interest in all types of leagues.

I'm not the only one. Many long-time owners have said they aren't buying another team until the players are released. The playoffs are long over. The hype was at its highest 2 months ago, when people were salivating over using the new Greek Freak, the partial season Steph Curry, Lebron's amazing season, and many, many other fantastic specimens. Now... not so much. Not so much in fact that I'm having trouble remembering what else I wanted to use. That's bad. Real bad.

If the 17-18 players aren't out by the time college football kicks off, well, I'm one less customer you'll have. One customer is ordinarily not a big deal, but I'm absolutely not the only one, and I run a progressive on top of that, and in the past have ran multiple theme leagues.

There will be plenty of sympathizers here that might poopoo my post. Hell, I sympathize with being overworked, but this is not a new problem.

It's simply the same problem with a new excuse.

Prove me wrong. I'd love to continue my business here.
I completely understand where you're coming from. Long-time users have been through a lot of ups and downs over the years. I don't want to get too much into the history, but I hope that everyone knows that the guys who built WIS truly love the site and have put in countless hours (including nights/weekends/holidays) in order to make it what it is. When promises were broken and the neglect set in, that wasn't under our control.

While resources are still tight at SportsHub, I can honestly say that WIS is no longer an afterthought. It will take time to recover from the past, but I'm putting all my energy into making it happen.
7/4/2018 1:33 PM
Posted by shoe3 on 7/3/2018 11:30:00 PM (view original):
If two accounts have separate emails, things are good, right? Will there be a need to access the email for anything? This account is linked to an email that belongs to my son, who is currently in Saigon dodging my calls.
You should not have to, but we can always sort things out if you need to change the email address on an account.
7/4/2018 1:34 PM
Posted by arachnid on 7/3/2018 11:48:00 PM (view original):
still waiting for word one on live baseball.....???
Nothing has changed with the status of Live. I'd love to rebuild it at some point, but it would be a significant effort, so it has to be prioritized with everything else that needs to be done.
7/4/2018 1:35 PM
Posted by BullMoose on 7/4/2018 12:18:00 AM (view original):
First I am concerned about the game.....I want to enjoy my progressive baseball and hope there will be no negative effects. Second, always a concern with new corporate sponsorship, will the costs change? Third, I do need an answer to an earlier question, what happens if we can't log on? How do we let you know. Is there going to be an email that will give us a link? Fourth, how we access and where we access is really no one else's business except in the case that it prevents current owners access and they are forced to leave the site if they can't find a suitable alternative. This could negatively impact progressives, Dynasties, championships, etc., tremendously. Lastly, in December 2012 we were advised we were going to have game advances. Hasn't yet happened but they could with new blood. But, the last time they did adjust, we lost some functions most owners weren't happy about. Perhaps we can advance but take in to consideration the desires/suggestions of our current supporters....that is what we are as customers. I've played a long time and enjoy thoroughly. I am hoping this remains true, unlike the CBS Franchise Baseball that made an update that was so different many, including myself, called it quits. Lets look forward with an eye to past successes not frustrations.
There's no plan to change costs at this time. As mentioned earlier, [email protected] is a good way to communicate if you have issues logging in.
7/4/2018 1:37 PM
Posted by abelemons on 7/4/2018 3:53:00 AM (view original):
with various teams that I play hoops dynasty, I have each coach associated with a unique e-mail. I have not used all of the email addresses in quite a while and I sure hope that I do not have to verify each and every one to continue playing my teams later in the week. If so, I will not be able to access the coaches and teams....and that would be a shame. I do not remember the passwords associated with them and have tried to get them without success.
Everyone will have to log in when the switch happens, so if you don't know your password or have access to the email account on it, it's best to get that sorted out now.

If you're logged in:
You can change your password here:
You can change your email address here:

If you can't log in and have access to the email address on the account, you can reset your password here:

If you don't know the password and don't have access to the email account, please email [email protected] and provide a recent address from a purchase made on the site.
7/4/2018 1:44 PM
Posted by WarLeagle on 7/4/2018 11:09:00 AM (view original):
Seble: What if our current WIS name is already our FanBall username?
As long as the emails are the same on both accounts, they will merge fine.
7/4/2018 1:45 PM
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