TRUMP: Best President ever Topic


70,000 Kids Will Show Up Alone at Our Border This Year.

6/30/2018 10:37 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 6/30/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Your Heritage Foundation report is (by far) the most extensive and (likely) professional. Ignoring any bias that may exist on the part of your source, the report calls for a "more comprehensive and robust strategy for combating human smuggling, violence, and the huge numbers of illegal aliens. Such a strategy should include the following elements:"
  • Continued partnerships with nations to combat human smuggling and to dismantle trafficking networks throughout the region;
  • Concerted efforts to promote justice and law enforcement reform, as well as free-market reform throughout Latin America to foster healthier economies, and thus weaken the incentive to migrate;
  • Rejection of proposals for amnesty which give incentives to illegal immigrants;
  • An organized strategy for integrating border manpower, technology, and other resources into an enterprise capable of responding to threats and decreasing the flow of illegal aliens across the border;
  • Increased interior enforcement in the U.S. and reforms in legal immigration aimed at discouraging illegal entry; and
  • Creation of an active public diplomacy program to educate potential illegal immigrants on the risks of such a journey and the consequences of illegal entry into the U.S.
THAT is word for word from the report.
Most of the report is (IMO) sound and I agree with MOST of the conclusions...........
NOWHERE is there ANY suggestion, recommendation, call, or mention of the extraordinarily STUPID idea of a desert Border WALL!!

Can you, as a citizen (?) find the strength to stand up to the Bully in the WH and oppose this massive waste of my tax dollars???
Or stay a lackey............
Bullet point #4 would include the building of a wall.

6/30/2018 10:39 AM
There's just TOO MUCH news and material here.

I'll have to try and cut it down or I'll be here FOREVER!

Maybe I should try to limit my access to news resources solely thru the RUSH LIMBAUGH site.
6/30/2018 10:42 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/30/2018 10:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/30/2018 10:35:00 AM (view original):
Your Heritage Foundation report is (by far) the most extensive and (likely) professional. Ignoring any bias that may exist on the part of your source, the report calls for a "more comprehensive and robust strategy for combating human smuggling, violence, and the huge numbers of illegal aliens. Such a strategy should include the following elements:"
  • Continued partnerships with nations to combat human smuggling and to dismantle trafficking networks throughout the region;
  • Concerted efforts to promote justice and law enforcement reform, as well as free-market reform throughout Latin America to foster healthier economies, and thus weaken the incentive to migrate;
  • Rejection of proposals for amnesty which give incentives to illegal immigrants;
  • An organized strategy for integrating border manpower, technology, and other resources into an enterprise capable of responding to threats and decreasing the flow of illegal aliens across the border;
  • Increased interior enforcement in the U.S. and reforms in legal immigration aimed at discouraging illegal entry; and
  • Creation of an active public diplomacy program to educate potential illegal immigrants on the risks of such a journey and the consequences of illegal entry into the U.S.
THAT is word for word from the report.
Most of the report is (IMO) sound and I agree with MOST of the conclusions...........
NOWHERE is there ANY suggestion, recommendation, call, or mention of the extraordinarily STUPID idea of a desert Border WALL!!

Can you, as a citizen (?) find the strength to stand up to the Bully in the WH and oppose this massive waste of my tax dollars???
Or stay a lackey............
Bullet point #4 would include the building of a wall.

NO, it doesn't!! it calls for:

"An organized strategy for integrating border manpower, technology, and other resources into an enterprise capable of responding to threats and decreasing the flow of illegal aliens across the border;"

Just can't get your nose out of the crack, eh?..............

6/30/2018 10:51 AM

I'm not going to waste my time posting the obvious and well known truth UNLESS you libs want me to.

P.S. ?Anytime you libs have questions or wants sources, feel free to ask. I'll be more than happy to help you.

6/30/2018 10:53 AM
Trump to give Alaska back to Russia next month.
6/30/2018 4:43 PM

I can see Canada from my back door.
6/30/2018 4:47 PM
Block party around here
7/2/2018 12:25 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/30/2018 10:42:00 AM (view original):
There's just TOO MUCH news and material here.

I'll have to try and cut it down or I'll be here FOREVER!

Maybe I should try to limit my access to news resources solely thru the RUSH LIMBAUGH site.
i got news for ya

Rush Limbaugh is not a news source
7/2/2018 12:57 PM
Why yes I would
7/2/2018 6:51 PM
Here are a few: (You can click on them)

7/2/2018 7:45 PM (edited)

RUSH: I just got an email from a friend who thinks there’s a better way of delineating between the factions in the Democrat Party. Now, off the top of my head in the middle of improvising and — as I always do — ad-libbing each monologue I do, I just referred to them as the socialist, Marxist, communist wing versus the standard, ordinary liberal Democrat. My friend says, “That’s not the way to do it. The way to do it is call it the radical wing versus the progressive wing. I think that would be better.”

The radical wing of the Democrat Party versus the progressive wing? I maintain to you that this term “progressive” is one of the biggest lies in all of politics, and the reason I don’t call ’em “progressives” is because they’re not. They are regressives! They want to take us back to poorer economic times, larger and bigger government. They want to roll back freedom. There is nothing progressive about these people and I’m not gonna call ’em that. They’re socialist/Marxist.

I don’t believe there’s any difference. When you get right down to it, between the radical Democrat Party, the radical leftists and the so-called progressives, the difference is that the Pelosi and Schumer types wish they’d shut up about it and mask who they are rather than be open about it. But I don’t think there’s much difference. I think the radicals have taken over this party and people like Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and the rest of them have been forced to go along with it.

If these people… I’ve been thinking about this. When Bill Clinton’s out there saying Donald Trump threw poison down the throat of America, something like that, if these people — these so-called moderated liberal Democrats like Hillary (so-called) and Bill. If they disagreed with the way these radicals and Marxists are taking their party, they would do something about it.

They would leave it or they would try to marginalize them. They haven’t done that! They have gotten more radical right along with them! That’s been one of the most amazing things to me to observe is all these old warhorse Democrats that nobody really thought of as radicals, they’re signing on with it! And it’s all because they can’t stand Trump.

So they’re all singing from the same refrain.

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7/2/2018 7:40 PM
7/2/2018 10:46 PM
7/2/2018 10:47 PM
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