Posted by cccp1014 on 6/27/2018 9:19:00 AM (view original):
I take back what I said. I read some articles last night and watched some interviews.
These parents are at best A HOLES. They send their kids with the Plan B pill. These are 11 and 12 year old girls, knowing they will be assaulted. Many kids die of heat exhaustion, many are sent shirtless and alone with the parents phone # written on their chests. The border patrol guards give these kids water and toys.
ARREST the parents, take the kids away and apply due process. If parents are abusive, send them back and then find foster homes for the kids. But build that freaking wall ASAP. I swear Mexico is just an awful neighbor. A country run by corruption and cartels.
Oh and bad luck is a Leftist who didn't know any of this. Because he only watches CNN and accuses Ben Shapiro of being a white supremacist.
People ask, why do you care? bad luck is obviously a buffoon. But I care because there are unfortunately many people like him in this country poisoning our kids mind with their evil rhetoric.
It’s two different issues.
Kids who cross alone and are caught have to be housed by the government. There isn’t another option until a guardian can be located.
Starting this spring, when a family has been caught, instead of citing the family and releasing it pending trial like every other administration has done, Trump decided to detain everyone, separating parents from kids.