TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 5:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/7/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
What I've learned about this issue (mostly from Boris) is that the Islamic "code" when taken too literally (or seriously) is/has some seriously stupid tenements. Of course, IF you take it literally there's some pretty questionably stupid "rules" in the Bible too, most of them in the Old testament.

Of course I imagine that both "codes" were conceived of and written by MEN to control their women. Most figured they had to after that incident with Eve and the apple. All the sudden Eve learned her power..........such a pity...........
Except in the Bible if you cheat on your spouse you go to the priest and repent. In Islam if you feel your wife is unfaithful you can beat and or kill her without any proof, evidence, etc. Just hearsay.

Also Christians don't have mini camps where they dress like ninjas and train for battle. Islamist groups have a whole minor league system. Lastly, you can mock Christianity all day with minimal to zero repercussions. You draw a cartoon about Islam and well...Je Suis Charlie.

Leftists dismiss this as propaganda. How is that working out in London? Is not at least worth a conversation?

Again, I have two responses to this.

Firstly, if you think that there are no Christian religious extremists, then you are kidding yourself. Plenty of people who call themselves Christians cheat their wives, are warmongers, and get extremely upset when Christianity is tarnished. Hell, Fox News promotes people who do all three of those things.

Secondly, as I stated before, if Muslims abuse their wives, do a terrorist act, or kill for religious reasons THEY GO TO JAIL. Simple as that.
Tough to put suicide bombers in jail.
Also Christians don’t have terror training camps. And if that person kills or butchers my daughter because he feels his religion entitled him to do so how does putting him in jail help me? Or if he chooses to shoot up a work place where she works because of a cartoon.

You like most Liberals want to be reactive but I want to be proactive. You are a hypocrite.

That's a good point. That's also what vetting is for. So what's the solution? Do we ban all Muslims? Wouldn't that make more people angrier?

BTW, it's kinda funny that that proactive vs reactive argument is the same one that the left makes vs the right on the gun control and institutional racism debates.
6/7/2018 9:40 PM
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
6/7/2018 10:37 PM
You are a nasty piece of work Boris.
6/7/2018 11:06 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
Billions is fairly easy to raise. How many billions we talking? We already agreed that black people face a disadvantage but whatever.

I agree that the value system in the ME is different. As I have said many times, Muslims are like Republicans to me.

How am I a hypocrite? lol.

Also I thought I was Captain Christian? How can I captain multiple things? Where do my allegiances lie?
6/7/2018 11:15 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 5:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/7/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
What I've learned about this issue (mostly from Boris) is that the Islamic "code" when taken too literally (or seriously) is/has some seriously stupid tenements. Of course, IF you take it literally there's some pretty questionably stupid "rules" in the Bible too, most of them in the Old testament.

Of course I imagine that both "codes" were conceived of and written by MEN to control their women. Most figured they had to after that incident with Eve and the apple. All the sudden Eve learned her power..........such a pity...........
Except in the Bible if you cheat on your spouse you go to the priest and repent. In Islam if you feel your wife is unfaithful you can beat and or kill her without any proof, evidence, etc. Just hearsay.

Also Christians don't have mini camps where they dress like ninjas and train for battle. Islamist groups have a whole minor league system. Lastly, you can mock Christianity all day with minimal to zero repercussions. You draw a cartoon about Islam and well...Je Suis Charlie.

Leftists dismiss this as propaganda. How is that working out in London? Is not at least worth a conversation?

Again, I have two responses to this.

Firstly, if you think that there are no Christian religious extremists, then you are kidding yourself. Plenty of people who call themselves Christians cheat their wives, are warmongers, and get extremely upset when Christianity is tarnished. Hell, Fox News promotes people who do all three of those things.

Secondly, as I stated before, if Muslims abuse their wives, do a terrorist act, or kill for religious reasons THEY GO TO JAIL. Simple as that.
Tough to put suicide bombers in jail.
Also Christians don’t have terror training camps. And if that person kills or butchers my daughter because he feels his religion entitled him to do so how does putting him in jail help me? Or if he chooses to shoot up a work place where she works because of a cartoon.

You like most Liberals want to be reactive but I want to be proactive. You are a hypocrite.

Are you sure about that? Christians don't have terror training camps? You might want to do some more research.

Any idea who Louis Beam is?

Ruby Ridge? Waco? Aryan Nations World Congress?

Hell, the Oklahoma bombing...Malheur Wildlife Refuge takeover...Hayden Lake, Idaho?
6/7/2018 11:49 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
Hogwash there's no institutional racism.
6/7/2018 11:51 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 6/7/2018 11:06:00 PM (view original):
You are a nasty piece of work Boris.
He's just ignant.
6/7/2018 11:52 PM

Once again, it's Springtime For Hitler in the Trump administration.

During a State Dept. briefing this week, former Fox News bobblehead Heather Nauert cited the D-Day invasion as an example of our "very strong" relationship with the government of Germany.

"Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany," she said.

Does she really not know which side we were on? She worked for Fox, so it's possible.

But the briefing goes downhill from there.

Ambassador Richard Grenell was recently condemned by German officials when he told Breitbart he was "excited" by the rising wave of conservatism in Europe, and said he saw his task as "empowering" Europe's far-right governments and leaders.

Andreas Nick, a German lawmaker, said Grenell's remarks were offensive.

"If you translate 'awakening' and 'empowering' in this context, very ugly German language comes up, which resonates with the 1920s and 1930s," he said, adding that Grenell would "be well advised" to learn more about German history "and the sensitivities that result from that."

Then a reporter brought up Nauert's recent remarks that ambassadors have "freedom of speech."

"Don't we all?" she retorted. "Don't we all, as Americans, have the right to freedom of speech?"

The reporter pointed out that an ambassador occupies a position where his words affect the country he represents, and the country in which he is based. "When he says he will intervene in elections to see that certain ultra-conservative groups are elected..."

Nauert denied that Grenell said it.

The reporter said it was a "direct quote." Nauert denied it again, and said it was out of context.

So here's the exact quote:

“I absolutely want to empower other conservatives throughout Europe, other leaders. I think there is a groundswell of conservative policies that are taking hold because of the failed policies of the left.”

He also said, “Look, I think Sebastian Kurz is a rockstar. I’m a big fan.” (Austrian Chancellor Kurz is a big fan of Vladimir Putin -- and a major opponent of immigrants. At least for now, Israel boycotts Kurz's Freedom Party due to its neo-Nazi past and xenophobic rhetoric.)

If you don't read the European right-wing press, you may not understand that they serve the same function as Fox News with a constant barrage of (frequently fabricated) stories about white women raped by immigrants, etc. Those hysterical stories are then fed into the right-wing movement here, and used to drum up support for Trump.

And so it goes. We send a neo-Nazi to Germany as ambassador, and we use a former Fox bobblehead to lie and obfuscate about it.

6/8/2018 12:00 AM
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 11:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
Billions is fairly easy to raise. How many billions we talking? We already agreed that black people face a disadvantage but whatever.

I agree that the value system in the ME is different. As I have said many times, Muslims are like Republicans to me.

How am I a hypocrite? lol.

Also I thought I was Captain Christian? How can I captain multiple things? Where do my allegiances lie?
Wait....did you just equate Republicans to Muslims?

WOW. Thank you for clarifying. You're not a hypocrite you're just a dope. You said you'd vote for Kasich. So you equate Kasich to someone with Muslim beliefs?

6/8/2018 8:38 AM
Posted by The Taint on 6/7/2018 11:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
Hogwash there's no institutional racism.
Says the man who never saw anti - semitism. Did you not watch the Charlotesville video? "Jews will not replace us" was the chant.

But in your world anti semitism doesn't exist. Forgive me if I ignore your opinions on racism. Let's stick to football.
6/8/2018 8:39 AM
Posted by RCBracco on 6/7/2018 11:06:00 PM (view original):
You are a nasty piece of work Boris.
Bracco!!!! Could be worse. I could be you.
6/8/2018 8:40 AM
Posted by The Taint on 6/7/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 5:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/7/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
What I've learned about this issue (mostly from Boris) is that the Islamic "code" when taken too literally (or seriously) is/has some seriously stupid tenements. Of course, IF you take it literally there's some pretty questionably stupid "rules" in the Bible too, most of them in the Old testament.

Of course I imagine that both "codes" were conceived of and written by MEN to control their women. Most figured they had to after that incident with Eve and the apple. All the sudden Eve learned her power..........such a pity...........
Except in the Bible if you cheat on your spouse you go to the priest and repent. In Islam if you feel your wife is unfaithful you can beat and or kill her without any proof, evidence, etc. Just hearsay.

Also Christians don't have mini camps where they dress like ninjas and train for battle. Islamist groups have a whole minor league system. Lastly, you can mock Christianity all day with minimal to zero repercussions. You draw a cartoon about Islam and well...Je Suis Charlie.

Leftists dismiss this as propaganda. How is that working out in London? Is not at least worth a conversation?

Again, I have two responses to this.

Firstly, if you think that there are no Christian religious extremists, then you are kidding yourself. Plenty of people who call themselves Christians cheat their wives, are warmongers, and get extremely upset when Christianity is tarnished. Hell, Fox News promotes people who do all three of those things.

Secondly, as I stated before, if Muslims abuse their wives, do a terrorist act, or kill for religious reasons THEY GO TO JAIL. Simple as that.
Tough to put suicide bombers in jail.
Also Christians don’t have terror training camps. And if that person kills or butchers my daughter because he feels his religion entitled him to do so how does putting him in jail help me? Or if he chooses to shoot up a work place where she works because of a cartoon.

You like most Liberals want to be reactive but I want to be proactive. You are a hypocrite.

Are you sure about that? Christians don't have terror training camps? You might want to do some more research.

Any idea who Louis Beam is?

Ruby Ridge? Waco? Aryan Nations World Congress?

Hell, the Oklahoma bombing...Malheur Wildlife Refuge takeover...Hayden Lake, Idaho?
Are you comparing those numbers to ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Hamas and Hezbollah?

Thats like saying are you sure Modesto doesn't have a baseball team?

You and tangy live in a fantasy world.
6/8/2018 8:41 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/8/2018 8:38:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 11:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 10:37:00 PM (view original):
We d need to spend billions on vetting. I d rather spend it on infrastructure. There is no institutional racism just wealthism.

What you don’t get is that the value system in the ME sans Israel is vastly different from that of most of the West. Until you can comprehend that it is impossible to debate this logically.

Capt Hypocrite
Billions is fairly easy to raise. How many billions we talking? We already agreed that black people face a disadvantage but whatever.

I agree that the value system in the ME is different. As I have said many times, Muslims are like Republicans to me.

How am I a hypocrite? lol.

Also I thought I was Captain Christian? How can I captain multiple things? Where do my allegiances lie?
Wait....did you just equate Republicans to Muslims?

WOW. Thank you for clarifying. You're not a hypocrite you're just a dope. You said you'd vote for Kasich. So you equate Kasich to someone with Muslim beliefs?

Rich from someone who equated Muslims to Nazis.

I would, actually. Kasich isn't a great example though. Thinking more like Christie or McConnell.
6/8/2018 10:08 AM
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/8/2018 8:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 6/7/2018 11:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 8:39:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/7/2018 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 6/7/2018 5:09:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/7/2018 4:50:00 PM (view original):
What I've learned about this issue (mostly from Boris) is that the Islamic "code" when taken too literally (or seriously) is/has some seriously stupid tenements. Of course, IF you take it literally there's some pretty questionably stupid "rules" in the Bible too, most of them in the Old testament.

Of course I imagine that both "codes" were conceived of and written by MEN to control their women. Most figured they had to after that incident with Eve and the apple. All the sudden Eve learned her power..........such a pity...........
Except in the Bible if you cheat on your spouse you go to the priest and repent. In Islam if you feel your wife is unfaithful you can beat and or kill her without any proof, evidence, etc. Just hearsay.

Also Christians don't have mini camps where they dress like ninjas and train for battle. Islamist groups have a whole minor league system. Lastly, you can mock Christianity all day with minimal to zero repercussions. You draw a cartoon about Islam and well...Je Suis Charlie.

Leftists dismiss this as propaganda. How is that working out in London? Is not at least worth a conversation?

Again, I have two responses to this.

Firstly, if you think that there are no Christian religious extremists, then you are kidding yourself. Plenty of people who call themselves Christians cheat their wives, are warmongers, and get extremely upset when Christianity is tarnished. Hell, Fox News promotes people who do all three of those things.

Secondly, as I stated before, if Muslims abuse their wives, do a terrorist act, or kill for religious reasons THEY GO TO JAIL. Simple as that.
Tough to put suicide bombers in jail.
Also Christians don’t have terror training camps. And if that person kills or butchers my daughter because he feels his religion entitled him to do so how does putting him in jail help me? Or if he chooses to shoot up a work place where she works because of a cartoon.

You like most Liberals want to be reactive but I want to be proactive. You are a hypocrite.

Are you sure about that? Christians don't have terror training camps? You might want to do some more research.

Any idea who Louis Beam is?

Ruby Ridge? Waco? Aryan Nations World Congress?

Hell, the Oklahoma bombing...Malheur Wildlife Refuge takeover...Hayden Lake, Idaho?
Are you comparing those numbers to ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, Hamas and Hezbollah?

Thats like saying are you sure Modesto doesn't have a baseball team?

You and tangy live in a fantasy world.
Also Christians don’t have terror training camps.

Also Christians don’t have terror training camps.

Also Christians don’t have terror training camps.

Also Christians don’t have terror training camps.
6/8/2018 10:10 AM
Christianity is a peaceful religion in doctrine as is Hinduism, Buddhism, and many more. If a "Christian" organization has a violent training camp, it is not truly Christian. The Muslim religion is violent in doctrine.
6/8/2018 10:18 AM
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